Part 8

Spike saw the 'Welcome to Sunnydale' sign up ahead. Once again he thought of his De Soto. "Can't bloody well run over the damn thing in my new car. Well, I could but I think Red might get a bit pissed." He settled for turning the music up louder and lighting a smoke. He couldn't wait to see what kind of games his witch wanted to play. He sped the entire way back from LA, not that he ever paid attention to the speed limit anyway but tonight he was beyond reckless. The fact that he Angel had sensed her claim on him excited the hell out of him. He now had proof that he was wanted for more than just a shag. He had already chosen her as his mate, even bitten her hard enough to show his claim. Unfortunately for him, she was more powerful than him there fore rendering his claim a bit futile unless she accepted it. He now had hope that she would.

After hanging up with Spike Willow called Angel on his cell phone. They spoke briefly about the gang, all lies of course, and then Angel informed her of his childe's newly unchipped status and that he was in LA. Willow promised to inform Buffy and Giles as soon as she saw them. She then asked if he knew anything about a law firm named Wolfram & Hart. When he asked why she wanted to know she had claimed that Tara had received a message from some woman at the firm inquiring about a position there. Angel told her that they were bad news and to stay away from them. Then he asked if the woman's name was Lilah Morgan. Willow told him that she wasn't sure who the woman was but that she would tell Tara to avoid them. Angel seemed satisfied that all was good with the Sunnydale gang and they said their goodbyes. Willow now had a name to start her contact with Wolfram & Hart. Maybe she wouldn't need to offer anything in return for the book. If Angel was an enemy of theirs they would surely approve of her plan and help out by donating the book.

By the time Spike parked the car and took the elevator up to the apartment he was practically bursting out of his jeans. He rushed into the apartment only to be shoved back up against the front door. Before him stood his witch. She was gorgeous, as always, but there was something different about her. She radiated power as always, but there was an almost euphoric feeling coming from her. She pressed her body against him and ravaged his mouth with her own. He pulled her closer until they seemed to be one entity, limbs entangled and hands caressing each other. "What's this all about pet?" Spike asked when he managed to pull slightly away. "You seem overly happy about something, torture an old friend today?" "Yep, but that's not why. Lets just say that things are coming together just the way I want them to. Now, I think their are a couple of other 'things' that still need to come together before everything is perfect." Willow pulled him towards the bedroom. "Oh, I think I can help you out with that luv." Spike replied with a sexy grin.

Upon entering the bedroom the candles were lit instantly, soft slow music began to play and the lid on the 'toy box' popped open. "You choose lover, what game shall we start with?" Willow watched as Spike ran various scenarios through his head before settling on one. "My choice right? You do whatever I want?" "Mmmhmm. Anything you want." She purred. "Right then, out of them clothes and on the bed with you." As Willow did as instructed Spike went to retrieve a few items from the 'toy box'. He returned to the bed with a blindfold, restraints and a feather. After securing and blindfolding her he hurriedly removed his own clothing. He straddled her prone form and trailed the feather lightly over her skin. He kissed her neck sucking and nipping at her flesh. He traced the feather around each of her erect nipples. He followed the motion with his tongue before eagerly sucking one of them into his mouth. She bucked up and moaned at the feel of his cool mouth on her hot skin.

Willow was on fire. As much as she enjoyed being in control of things, this was the one thing she gladly surrendered to. She loved when Spike took control in the bedroom. The way he made her feel, the response her body had to him. He was an unbelievable lover, soft and gentle at times yet rough and demanding at others. He was everything you wanted and everything you never knew you wanted until he showed you. Creative and playful as well as possessive and needy. She would never tire of being with him. The feel of his mouth as he kissed and nipped his way down her body. His hands as they caressed her hot skin. his tongue as he licked at her inner folds.

Spike would be happy to spend hours with his face buried between her thighs. He loved the noises she made as he licked and sucked at her. The breathy moans, the whimpers and the panting. But his favorite part was when she screamed out his name as she came. He loved that part. To know that it was only him she was thinking about. Never once had she called him someone else during the throes of passion. It was nice for a change. Both his princess and the slayer had called out Angel or Angelus on more than one occasion. But here, with Red, it was only him. He stopped thinking about the past and continued to please his witch until she came, screaming his name.

He spent hours touching and tasting her. When he finally entered her she was beyond intelligent thought. He drove into her forcefully but not painfully. She trashed her head back and forth on the pillow as he sped up his thrusts. As his climax approached he wrenched her head to the side and drove his fangs deep into her neck. She screamed out in pleasure as her body trembled in release. Exhausted and deeply content Spike rolled on to his side and pulled the blindfold off of her. Willow whispered something under her breath and the restraints snapped free. Spike pulled her into his arms and they curled around each other and drifted off to sleep.

Willow woke with an ache in her neck and between her legs. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling. She could always do a healing spell if needed but she rather liked the feeling of being well fucked. Spike had really bitten hard that time, she assumed it was his way of accepting her claim on him and establishing his own. That was fine with her, she understood how possessive Vampires were. Besides it was only fair, she hadn't asked his permission before claiming him so why should he? She lied in bed watching her lover sleep for a while, he was absolutely perfect. He was the most handsome man she'd ever seen, sure she used to think Angel was attractive and even Xander. But Spike was beyond gorgeous, he was everything she could wish for in a mate. Beauty and grace, killer body and so much passion it could consume you. With thoughts of her lover still in her head she climbed out of bed and went to her study. She still had to find a number for Lilah Morgan.
