Part 9

It had been relatively easy for Willow to track down Ms. Morgan and get an appointment to see her. Seems that Angel had been making some trouble for the law firm. All Willow had to do was mention that she knew of a way to rid them of their souled Vampire problem and the woman was falling all over herself to be accommodating. She would have to make the trip in to LA tomorrow but that wouldn't be a problem. A more powerful spell to mask her power and a glamour to change her appearance. Maybe she'd ask Spike to join her? Of course she would have to let him in on her plan first. She hoped he would be supportive but when it came to Angelus, Spike was unpredictable.

Spike woke up to an empty bed. That was the one thing he hated about living with a mortal. Okay not exactly mortal, but the fact that she kept semi daytime hours meant that he frequently woke up alone. Not that he was a sap or anything but he liked waking up with his Witch in his arms. That was the only nice thing about Drusilla, she always stayed in bed until he woke up. He had two choices, he could stay in bed and be miserable or he could get up and go find her. He opted for getting up.

Willow heard her mate enter the study but she didn't look up from the monitor in front of her. She was going through the police files of the latest 'animal attacks' and 'gang related fatalities'. She had to make sure that nothing was getting investigated. Also, it was her job as Master to keep the number of kills in check. Can't have the demons running around killing every thing that moves.

Spike was never one to be ignored for long so he just strolled over to her chair, spun her around and kissed her. "Mornin' luv." This earned him a smile. "Afternoon actually, late afternoon." "Eh, whatever. What you been up to today?"

Willow turned off the computer and motioned for him to sit down. Spike pulled up a chair and sat. "Well, you remember how I said that things are coming together just the way I want? Well, I have an appointment in LA tomorrow with a law firm. Wolfram & Hart, have you heard of them?" Spike shook his head. "Well anyway, they have this book that I've been looking for. I've been searching for it for a while now, since before you came back. I have a plan, to move operations to LA. I'm bored here, Sunnyhell is too small. I don't want to give up my claim to the Hellmouth, it strengthens my powers, but I want bigger and better things, so I thought why not LA?" "What about peaches? He'll get in the way." Willow smiled a truly evil smile. "Ah but that's where the fun comes in. You know when Angels soul was restored? Well it seems that it was made permanent. Willow never told him or Buffy. She didn't tell anyone. Seems she was a bit of a bitch after all. Anyways, this spell will separate the soul and the demon leaving Angel very much intact and human, but also leaving Angelus very much intact and still a Vampire."

Spike was floored. "You want to bring Angelus back? Why?" "Who better to look after my interests here while we're taking over LA? Besides lover, he won't be the crazy slayer obsessed Angelus we all knew and hated. He will be balanced again." Spike was torn, he missed his Angelus but had no desire to see the version that had been released several years ago ever again. Plus there was that whole 'helping the Slayer send him to Hell' bit. "So, Angel's human, Angelus is back and you take over LA? Where do I fit in all this?"

Willow got up and knelt in front of him. She knew he was feeling pretty insecure right about now. "You, will rule by my side. Spike I have claimed you as my own, just as I know I have been claimed by you. We are mated. Angelus is a means to an end nothing more. I never wanted more from him than a loyal servant to watch over my interests here. I broke his claim on you as well, he has no rights or privileges as your Sire anymore either." Spike knew she was telling him the truth, he could see it in her eyes. "So, you don't want to shag Angelus then?" Willow laughed. She laughed so hard she cried. "Fuck no! Spike, I never wanted to 'shag' Angelus. You are the only Vampire I have ever or will ever want in my bed. I love you."

All Spike could think was 'she loves me! she loves me! she loves me!' He smiled so wide he thought his face would split. He stood up and pulled her into his arms and kissed her. "I love you too Red." He kissed her again and then proceeded to show her just how much he loved her right there on the floor in her study.
