Title: Evil Abounds

Couple: X/S

Rating: NC17

Distribution: Like it? Take it!

Feed back: Yes please! james_chick2002@yahoo.ca

Disclaimer: Sadly Joss owns all.

Summary: Sequel to "Have I mentioned that I'm evil?"

Buffy's POV

Thank God Willow will be home soon! I swear I've left a thousand messages for her, has she returned any of them? NOOOO! I mean seriously, if I have to see them making out again I'm going to scream! Why would Xander want to kiss Spike? I've kissed Spike, I remember Spike lips! Nothing special there, no reason to keep kissing them at all. Fine! So he's a good kisser. Doesn't mean that Xander should be kissing him, or anything else for that matter.

Speaking of anything else. I walked in on them in Giles bathroom! God! All I wanted to do was use was the toilet, now I'll never be able to walk into that room with out seeing them, all naked, and....writhing. It was very disturbing. I've never seen men do.....that....before, and I was in NO way turned on by it! When I find out who cast this spell they will pay, all the cookies in the world won't make up for this! I wonder if they listen to Wind beneath my wings?

Anya's POV

It's not fair! If I had known that Xander would have sex with Spike I would have suggested a threesome while we were still dating. I only broke up with him because I wanted to try sex with other people. I was a demon for 1100 years, and since becoming human I've only had sex with one person. If I had known Xander was bisexual we could have invited Spike to join us, and Willow as well. I am curious about lesbian sex, although I think I like penises too much to convert.

I tried to suggest that the three of could do something together, hinting that I wanted to sleep with them both. They either didn't understand what I was getting at or didn't want me to interfere. I'm not sure which, but by the way Spike keeps glaring at me at flashing his fangs when Xander isn't looking, I'm guessing that he got it, and definitely doesn't plan on sharing Xander. Damn possessive vampires! He was mine first!

Giles’ POV

This really would be quite a fascinating tale to send the council. That's not what I'm keeping notes for however. I was at first keeping track of their behavior to try to pinpoint the spell used on them. But when the spell wore off and they continued to pretend it hadn't, I kept the notebook to track their progress. It's quite entertaining.

The first night that we found out they were in an almost mindless lust. I threatened to chain them in the tub, my mistake. I honestly never thought Xander was the bondage type, Spike yes, but he's a vampire after all. By the time we saw them next, the spell had been lifted yet they were still carrying on as though it was affecting them. I kept silent wanting to see where this was going.

Their behavior has changed dramatically this past week, I wonder that I'm the only one to notice. Although Anya is too busy being jealous, Buffy is trying to convince herself that they disgust her, and Dawn either looks Guilty as hell (which she should!) or aroused at the sight of them. One of these days I must ask her what her original intentions were, I certainly hope she hadn't planned on this or her and I are going to have a serious talk.

I figure once it comes out in the open that there is no longer a spell, which honestly I don't know why they're still hiding behind that, I can show them both this notebook. It should prove, by keeping track of the way they act toward each other, that there is more to their relationship than sex. And if not, I'm sure it will make useful blackmail material. Perhaps I'll threaten the boy to distribute copies to his workmates if he doesn't stop calling me "G-man". And I'm sure Angel would love to have a copy as well. Okay, so Ripper is a little closer to the surface these days. Being around Xander and Spike just reminds me of my youth, and Ethan.

Willow will be back tonight so hopefully this nonsense will stop soon.

Willow’s POV

Well, I got home last night to find almost fifty messages on my answering machine. Apparently someone ~Dawn~ cast a spell on Xander and Spike. So for the last week and a half they've been all over each other. No one seems to be able to figure out how to break it. Of course there's no spell to break but that's not my story to tell. Oh there was one to begin with, but the magic signature is old, plus the reversal was a success.

I talked to Spike first, he tried to bluff me. The Willow resolve face wins again! It's nice to know that I can stare down the Big Bad. He caved and admitted to me that yeah, the spell had worn off but seeing as Xander was still affected he played along. I threatened to turn him into a newt if he was using my best friend for sex. He admitted that although he never would have thought about Xander that way before the spell, he really did like him and hoped to be able to continue seeing him after the spell wore off. I gave him the shovel talk, then I wished him luck.

Xander was my next target. I slapped him upside the head and asked him how long he planned on lying to everyone. He had the decency to blush and not insult my intelligence by lying to me. He said he was having fun and wasn't quite ready to stop playing with Spike yet. That kind of pissed me off, Spike is a friend, sort of, and if Xander was using him I was going to put a stop to it. He assured me that wasn't the way he meant it. He does really like Spike. He wanted me to keep quiet for a day or two just so I could see the reaction of the gang. I decided to humor him. OH MY GOD! I wish I could have seen them the first time, they were so funny.

Dawn keeps watching them and blushing, she doesn't look away though. Anya is positively seething! I don't know whether she is jealous of Spike being with Xander or Xander being with Spike, one thing is obvious though. She wants in on it. Sooo not gonna happen. Buffy, now this is the best, she keeps wrinkling her nose like something smells bad every time they touch, but when they start kissing and groping she starts muttering under her breath about 'Spike lips' and 'Wind beneath my wings' and 'all the cookies in the world not making up for this spell' and she won't use Giles's bathroom, it's quite funny actually.

Giles has been carrying around a notepad. The others have told me he's been writing in it since this whole thing started. Dawn and Xander are both a little squicked about that. As if Giles would be taking notes on their sex lives! I snuck a look at it when he was in the bathroom. It seems that Giles knows there's no spell either, he has been writing everything down, Buffy's reactions, Anya's jealousy, Dawn's guilty behavior and the boys growing affection for each other. I'm not sure what he plans on doing with it. I'm just glad that Xander and Dawn were wrong, cause eewww!

Spike's POV

The witch came to see me today, said she needed to see me and Xander separately to determine the effects of the spell or some such rot. I tried to bullshit her, didn't work though. So she knows that I've been shagging Xander of my own free will for the past week. I didn't tell her but I suspect the boy's been faking it as well. After about three days of waiting for the spell to wear off I realized that he was probably playing the same game as I was. Not complaining, means he wants me, not just because of some spell. I do wonder why he's keeping up the act though.

Red gave me the infamous shovel talk. Bossy little bint! I believe she'd do it too. I wonder if she ever gave the demon bint the "talk"? Speaking of which, if that bitch thinks she's getting her hands on my Xander again she's off her nut! Even went so far as to suggest a threesome! As if I'd want anything to do with that bossy, self-centered little bitch! I think she finally understands that he's mine, all the growling I've been doing at her and showing her my fangs should have sunk in by now!

I don't remember a time I've enjoyed sex this much in my whole bloody life! Xander is one hell of a shag! I almost prefer to bottom! The lad is very inventive, and flexible! I never shagged on a swing before, that was a new experience. Too bad the bloody fledges had to come by and break it short. I was enjoying myself. Course I never fought off three fledges with my jeans around me ankles and my tackle hanging out before either. And where was my Xanpet while this was going on? Sitting on the bloody swing still, stroking himself and cheering me on. I threw him to the ground and fucked the hell out of him once the vamps were dust.

My unlife is looking up, I stay at Xander's place all the time now, We patrol together at night, we go to bed together, shag each other senseless, he goes to work in the morning, I hate that part, and then when he comes home I climb into the shower with him. I'll have to thank who ever put that bloody hex on us. I wonder how much longer Xander's going to keep up the act? I'm ready to come out of the spell closet, now.

Xander’s POV

Well, Wills came home last night. I talked to her today and as I figured she knew right away. I told her I was having too much fun to stop playing, she thought I was using Spike. That's good actually, at least I know Wills won't freak that I want to keep him. He must know by now that I'm not under a spell. He's plays a nice idiot but he's far more intelligent than we give him credit for. I wonder why he hasn't called me on it? It's a good sign though right? If he knows and he isn't making fun, or running away. Must mean that he wants me too, right? God, could I be any more needy?

I told Wills to give it a couple of days, I want her to see the way the gang act around us. We've been especially touchy tonight, I want to give her a good show. Buffy and Anya are still clueless but I think G-man has figured it out. I'm surprised he hasn't said anything. He must be enjoying watching the girls squirm as much as I am.

I've had a complete blast the past week. Spike is unbelievable in bed. Or on any surface for that matter. I don't think there's anywhere we haven't had sex. Buffy caught us in Giles bathroom, Spike was nailing me to the floor when she walked in. I would have laughed at the look on her face but I was a bit preoccupied at the time. I told Spike about it afterwards and we had a good laugh.

Actually I've had a lot of good times this past week. Spike and I were making out in the park on patrol one night when inspiration hit. Let's just skip to the part where he's straddling me on the swing with my cock up his ass shall we? Things were going along quite nicely when we were interrupted by three minions out for a stroll. You know the saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"? Well, scorned women have got nothing on Spike when he's interrupted in the middle of a good shag. He dusted all three of those Vamps with his pants down and his cock hard. I watched and waited until he was done, then I was on the ground and being fucked into the earth itself. Ah, memories.

But it's not just the sex, I mean that's great and all but it's more. I like Spike, I mean really like. It's weird but I've gotten to know him, in more than the biblical sense. He's really smart, has a wicked sense of humor, can talk about just about anything, he watches Star Trek! He likes to cuddle, and kiss for the sake of kissing. He rubs my shoulders when I'm stiff and tense after a hard day at work and he lets me be myself. Not the errand boy or the entertainment. I want him in my life, permanently. I think it's time to talk to my vampire.

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