Title: Inner World

Couple: W/S

Rating: NC17

Distribution: Like it? Take it!

Feed back: Yes please!

Disclaimer: The scoobies are not my creations. Sadly Joss owns all.

She didn't hear him as he entered her room, so caught up in her meditation she was unaware of his very presence until he touched her. But by then it was too late. She had just completed the final stage and when she opened her eyes she was in her 'inner world' however she was not alone. He was there. She wasn't sure how he was brought across with her but she had to get him out of here before he found out what this place was. If only he would cooperate.

Spike looked around at his unfamiliar surroundings. He seemed to be in a large empty room. The walls were lined with doors of all different designs and colours. The last thing he remembered was going into the witch's room to ask her for a favor. Then he was here. But so was she. Maybe she could tell him what happened.

Willow looked at the vampire as he strode toward her. He didn't look very happy. Then again he usually didn't. A happy Spike was almost always a dangerous Spike anyways. She was about to speak when he beat her to it.

"Red, where are we?" Willow weighed her options before answering him. She decided to tell him the truth in as little detail as possible. "This is my place."

He looked at her quizzically. "Your place? What do you mean?"

She took a deep breath and spoke. "This is my 'inner world', it's where I go when I meditate. I was in the final stage when you touched me, I assume that's why you're here."

Spike thought this over, she seemed to be telling the truth but he was sure there was more to it. "What's with all the bloody doors? Does one of them get us out of here?"

"No. There's no door out of here. It's a time thing. I'll come to in about 24 minutes real time, that's 24 hours here."

Spike was a bit confused. "24 hours here? How’s that work?"

"It lets me recharge, didn't you ever wonder how I survived on so little sleep? I sit for 24 minutes in the real world but my body responds to what I do in here. I can sleep for 8-10 hours, I can take a long walk by myself and I can work out whatever happens to be troubling me."

She was starting to feel a little more comfortable about having company than she was a few minutes ago. "How long you been doing this pet?"

"Uh, since high school. It was one of the first things I learned to do after I got into magic."

Spike seemed to consider his next question. "I thought you gave up on magic luv?"

"This isn't exactly magic Spike. It's meditation, you know a relaxation technique?"

"Okay, so where do the doors go?"

Willow didn't answer his last question so Spike started looking around a bit on his own. He recognized some of the doors. There was one to the library, the Watchers place, the Slayers, the morons, the Bronze, the dorm and even one to the Crawford street mansion. There were a lot of others that he wasn't familiar with. He was about to open the one to the mansion when she stopped him. "No! Spike, don't go in there. Please."

He turned to look at her. She was practically begging him not to do it. "Why not red? What's in there you don't want me to see?"

Willow walked to him and gently led him away from the door. "You have to remember that this is my place, the things here aren't real. Well practically not real. It's also very private, I don't share this place with anyone. You're the first person to ever see it."

Spike's curiosity was peaked. He wanted to know what exactly she did here. "Well, I certainly hope you don't plan on keeping me in this room full of doors for 24 hours. Isn't there some place we could go?"

Willow considered this a minute and then led him to a plain wooden door. "We can go in there. It leads to the park." Spike followed her through the door, they walked into a utility shed on the edge of the park. Willow went to open the door to the outside when Spike caught her arm and stopped her.

"What time is it here? I don't fancy catching fire luv."

"Oh, I never thought about it. But you probably won't seeing as this place isn't real, want to try?" Spike shrugged his shoulders and walked closer to the door. After she pulled it open he stuck his arm out into the sunlight. He waited for the pain, it never came.

"Bloody hell! I can walk in the sun!" He stepped out into the light of day for the first time in over a hundred years. Willow followed behind him with a smile on her face. Maybe having him there wasn't so bad after all.

They walked for hours, finally sitting on a bench near the pond. Something from their earlier conversation was nagging at him so he decided to ask her. "Hey red? Before when you said this place wasn't real and then you said 'well practically' what did you mean?"

Willow had hoped that he'd forgotten that. "Well, sometimes it seems that what I do here has some effects in the real world. I came here after Buffy left that summer, after she sent Angel to hell. I was really pissed because she abandoned us that way. I yelled at her, a lot, and I told her all the nasty things that I would never say to her in real life. I did it a lot that summer, every time I came home from patrolling with a bruise or a bump. When Buffy came back she told me that she'd had these dreams about me all summer, ones where I would yell at her and tell her how selfish she was. I never told her about this. I let her believe it was her conscience."

Spike let this sink in. "Did anyone else have dreams as a result of what you did here?"

Willow visibly blushed and nodded her head. "Promise you won't tell or laugh?"

"I promise I'll try. Can't say I won't laugh but I won't tell."

Willow stood and walked a few feet away from him before speaking. "Xander had dreams about the two of us doing, well....things. That's how our whole little fling in high school started. And I think Angel might have too. He would look at me funny sometimes or avoid looking at me altogether."

Willow was so embarrassed by having admitted to these things that she could practically hear the blood pounding beneath the surface of her skin as she blushed. Which was probably why she missed the growl that erupted from Spike when she mentioned the other vampire.

Spike couldn't believe what he'd just heard. The shy little hacker/witch was doing things here with an imaginary version of his bloody grandsire! What was it about Angel that he got all the girls anyways? He wanted to know what exactly the witch was doing with him but he didn't want to scare her either. Taking a deep unnecessary breath he calmed himself before speaking.

"So, what exactly do you do with the great poof when you're here?" Willow turned around and looked at him. She noticed that while his face showed the picture of serenity his eyes held pure hatred and anger. She wondered what his question really meant.

"Well, I haven't actually seen him in here for a long time, but when I used to it would vary. If I was mad at him I would yell at him or hit him and....stuff. Sometimes I would just talk to him about how much he was hurting Buffy by staying here. I think that's why he left for LA. You know those two would never work. Vampires and Slayers aren't meant to date, soul or not."

She watched as some of the anger visibly drained from his eyes. She was sure that she had missed something. "So why'd you ask?"

"No reason, just curious."

Willow knew there was something more but she decided not to push him. "Oh! There was the time when Angel lost his soul and Angelus killed my fish, I did something really nasty to him that time. I loved those fish!"

Spike was very curious about what her definition of 'nasty' was so he asked. "Nasty pet? What sort of nasty thing did you do?"

Willow blushed again. "Well, I sort of....hadhimtiedupandletthejudgehavehim." It took Spike a minute to figure out what she said, when he did he laughed so hard he cried. Once he finally calmed himself he pulled her into his arms and swung her around.

"Bloody hell red! That's fucking priceless! You know, I think he remembered that. He went around for a week grumbling about 'big blue perverts' and snapping the necks of anyone who even said the word 'judge'."

Willow laughed as he set her down. "Yeah well, he deserved it! I didn't like Angelus at all!" Willow grabbed Spikes hand and led him away from the park.

"Where are we going luv?" They had been walking in silence for the last ten minutes.

"Oh, I thought I would try something while you were here. I figured if the sun didn't burn you here that maybe the chip wouldn't work here either. So, I'm taking you to see my high school principal. I figured that I wouldn't mind if he got nightmares of being eating by a vampire."

Spike stopped walking and just looked at her. He hadn't even considered that this might be possible. To be a real Vampire again, even if it was only in Willow's 'inner world' was a dream come true. "You think it could work?"

"Yeah, and if it does then I get to witness one of my high school fantasies come true!"

Spike chuckled at her. "You're a strange one luv. Most girls fantasize about the captain of the football team, or in your case the head cheerleader I guess. But not my red, she wants to see the principal get the life sucked out of him."

Willow scrunched her face up at him. "Eeew! I'll have you know that Cordelia Chase was the head cheerleader and I NEVER fantasized about her! I didn't even know I liked girls when I was in high school. And as for the principal, if you ever met him you'd understand why!"

They walked to the school in no time. Willow lead him to Snyder's office and opened the door. Spike looked at the occupant of the room and then back to Willow. "Him? You want me to eat him? Yeesh! He hardly looks appetizing. The moron looks better tasting than this little troll!"

Willow smiled at him and batted her lashes. "Please Spike? For me?" She batted her lashes at him again.

"Fine! But if he leaves a bad taste in my mouth I'm blaming you!" Before Principal Snyder had a chance to react Spike morphed into game face and had him crushed against the wall. He bit slowly into his neck and when the chip failed to activate to bit deeper. Spike was reeling. It had been so long since he'd fed from a human he almost passed out from the sheer bliss. He dropped the now lifeless body to the floor and kept his back to Willow as his demon receded. Willow watched in utter fascination as he drained the man who had caused them so much grief in high school. She watched as Spike let the body fall from his grasp. She expected him to turn and face her, or laugh or something. She did not expect him to do what he did next.


Spike's shoulder started to shake. Willow heard a strange sound come from the Vampire. It sounded almost like a strangled sobbing noise. She rushed towards him and pulled him into her arms. She held him stroking his back and whispering small comforts while he cried.

Spike held on to her tightly. He didn't know how to convey his feelings to her. He was completely overcome by her selfless acts toward him. She had given him the best gifts he'd ever had. A day in the sunlight talking with a pretty girl and the restoration of his demonhood, if not his very manhood. He realized that he was sitting a few feet away from a drained corpse crying all over his witch and she didn't even understand why. He got himself under control and reluctantly pulled himself out of her embrace.

"Sorry 'bout that luv." Spike stood and pulled Willow to her feet.

"S'okay Spike, I understand."

He looked at her incredulously. "You do, don't you?"

Willow wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest. "Yeah, I do. It was very intense for you just then. Being able to bite again, even if it's not real it feels real here. I can guess how good that must have felt for you. I'm glad I could give you that."

Spike smiled and kissed the top of her head. "Lets get out of here while the sun's still up. I like the way you look in the sunshine, brings out the fire in your hair."

Hand in hand they left the high shool and walked towards the Bronze. Willow figured they still had about 19 hours left and she was getting a bit hungry.

The Bronze was filled with random people but no one that Willow really knew. She ate and they had a few drinks and talked. Finally Spike asked her something that had been on his mind since she mentioned Angelus earlier. "Pet? Did you ever exact revenge on me in here? I mean I don't remember any horrible dream images or anything."

Willow dropped her gaze and nodded her head. "I don't want to talk about it. Okay?" Spike wondered what she could do that would be so bad but decided to let it go. For now.

"Alright ducks, for now."

Relieved that he wasn't going to push her for any answers she lifted her head and surveyed the room. "Oh, hey! I know what we can do!" Willow downed her drink and led Spike out of the Bronze.

Once they were outside he pulled her to a stop. "How about letting a bloke in on the itinerary. I don't mind traipsing all over Sunnyhell with you but you could at least let me know where we're headed."

Willow gave him a wicked smile and told him. "I'm taking you to the Initiative."

Spike got an evil gleam in is eye. "Lead on red, lead on."

They walked to the university and headed to Riley's old frat house. Willow lead him down the elevator to the underground agency. "Now, you do realize that nothing they do to you can hurt you. Right?"

Spike smiled at her. "Right."

"Okay then, let's have some fun."

Spike watched as her eyes turned black. He figured that she did this before. He shrugged his shoulders and followed her down the corridor. Willow opened the doors to the main facility, dozens of armed soldiers, doctors and lab techs were milling about. Vampire's and demons were strapped to gurneys and locked in cages. Spike looked to Willow. She nodded her head and smiled. The two split up and started tearing the place apart. Spike was in his glory! He had dreamed of this event since he'd found out who put the chip in his head.

Of course those dreams always caused him to wake up in severe pain. But now, he was ripping the throats out of the doctors and lab techs, he was gorging himself with blood and death. He spotted a familiar face up ahead and made his way toward it.

"Farm boy. Fancy meeting you here."

Willow was on the other side of the room. She had turned a bunch of the soldiers into rats. She found professor Walsh and cornered her into one of the unoccupied cages. She had done this before, but every time it was still sweet.

"Well well, look what we have here. I suppose you'd like to get your hands on me as well wouldn't you? Ever have a witch in custody before? No?"

The professor never said anything. It didn't matter how many times Willow played this game, Maggie Walsh never spoke. "Time to say goodbye."

Willow turned the woman into a cockroach and then ground her under her shoe. "No matter how many times I do that it still feels great!"

Willow decided she'd had enough fun and went in search of Spike. It didn't take her long to find him. He had Riley Finn pegged to a wall with various medical implements. Willow turned to Spike and arched an eyebrow at him in question. "Didn't see any spikes laying about, had to improvise."

He turned back to Riley and punched him in the face. The commandos face looked like a two year olds finger painting. His skin was purple and blue and there was blood smeared all over it. "Spike? Are you almost done playing? I have a few other things I'd like to do while we're here."

Spike smiled at her. "Sure thing luv. Just let me give potato boy here something to remember." He grabbed Willow and pulled her into a passionate kiss. When breathing became necessary Willow pulled away from Spike and smiled at him. Spike returned the smile and then broke Riley's neck.

"Well pet, I must say you sure know how to show a guy a good time!" The witch and the vampire left the underground complex and walked off into the night.


"So pet, is this the kind of thing you do here on a regular basis?" Willow shook her head and looked at her feet.

"No, only sometimes. You seemed to need it though so I figured why not. Usually I just come here to unwind."

Spike seemed to consider this for a moment. "Well, we've done the violence and bloodshed, the drinking, the walk in the park. What next?"

"Well, I don't know about you but I could use a little rest. I'm going to lie down for a while."

Willow started walking in the direction of her parents house. Spike figured he'd better follow her, the last thing he needed was to get lost in here.

"Why here and not the Slayers? I mean you live with Buffy now so why come here?"

Willow knew he was trying to get information from her. "I come here to rest because like the real world, this place is always empty."

They went upstairs and Willow stretched out on the bed. "You can lie down if you want, the bed's big enough."

Spike kicked off his boots and took off his duster. He lied down beside Willow on the bed. He thought over the last few hours he'd spent with his witch and realized that not even once had she looked at him with fear or disgust. Even after she'd seen him kill and feed. Especially after he'd cried all over her. Amazingly he didn't even feel like a nancy-boy for showing such weakness in front of her. She seemed to accept him completely. He was about to comment on that to her when he noticed that she was asleep. He closed his eyes and drifted off as well.

When Spike woke up he felt a warm body pressed against him. He knew Willow was still sleeping and he had no intention of waking her. He was enjoying being this close to her. She had her arm draped across his stomach. Her leg was bent and resting on his thigh, her head pillowed on his chest. She started to move her hand across him. He tensed up as her hand drifted lower toward his jeans. He wasn't sure if he wanted her to stop or go lower. He decided that he'd just stay still and see what she did. He could always fake sleep if she woke up and freaked out.

He felt her hand skim across the waist of his pants moving over his belt and finally landing on the front of his jeans. His cock jumped to life as she lightly stroked him through the denim. It was all he could do to keep from thrusting against her palm. She moved her head from his chest and started kissing his neck. He thought he would die again if she didn't stop soon. He knew that he needed to wake her if he wanted to keep from shooting off in his pants.

Willow had been awake for a few minutes now. She knew that Spike was awake as well. She was testing him to see how far he'd let this go before he 'woke' her. She knew he was close to cumming when she felt him go rigid. That's when he rolled over and pretended to wake up. He didn't see the smile on her face. "Mmm, morning Spike."

"Morning luv, sleep well?"

She grinned. "Yeah, I was having the best dream before I woke up."

Spike still had his back to her and was trying in vain to will his erection away. "What was it about?"

Willow sat up and got out of bed. "Wouldn't you like to know." She walked out of the room and went downstairs.

Spike followed her into the kitchen where she was making coffee. "Why do you go to all the bother if none of this is real? I mean can't you just imagine the coffee already made?"

Willow stopped what she was doing and looked at him. "I never really thought about it, I just sort of do what I normally would do. It helps me keep things more realistic I guess. So, we still have a few hours here what do you want to do? More murder and mayhem?"

Spike thought about it. He was having a bloody great time with all the killing but he wanted answers more than violence right now. "How about I grab a quick bite and then we talk for a while?"

"Okay. Who do you want for breakfast?" Willow smiled at him and Spike laughed.

"Hmm, good question. Any suggestions luv?" A wicked smile spread across Willow's face. "How about a little Slayer for breakfast?"

Spike was dumbfounded. "You want me to snack on Buffy?"

Willow giggled. "Not her! Faith, the other Slayer. She'll even put up a struggle for you."

Spike was suddenly very eager to get his breakfast. "Hurry up and get your coffee luv, I'm suddenly feeling a bit peckish for Slayer this morning."

After breakfast, which Spike found most satisfying, they returned to the park where they were the day before. Spike decided that it was now or never so he asked her what had been on his mind since they got here. "Willow? Can I ask you something that's been nagging at me since we got here?"

Willow was pretty sure what he wanted to know, she just wasn't sure what she would tell him. "Could I stop you?" She smiled at him.

"No, but I was trying to be polite." She made a 'continue' gesture toward him. "Who or what is at the mansion? Is it Angel? Angelus? Me?"

She nodded her head. "Yes." Spike wasn't sure if he understood.

"All of us?"

"It's where I keep my Vampires. It seemed appropriate."

Spike wondered if she knew how that sounded. 'My Vampires', did she mean it or did it just come out that way. "How many of us you got tucked away in there luv?"

This was the part she didn't want to explain. "Well, there's you, Angel, Angelus, Dru, Harmony, and me." She spoke the word 'me' so softly that he almost didn't hear it.

"I'd like to see it, would you show me?" She nodded her head and stood up.

"Let's go then."


They walked to the mansion in silence. Spike could tell she apprehensive about bringing him here. He wished he could comfort her in some way but he wasn't sure how.

"We don't have to do this Red. If you don't want to show me this we can do something else." He really wanted to see what she did here but not at the expense of her friendship.

Willow heard him but she was so deep in thought that she didn't reply. She just shook her head and continued. She was enjoying this time with Spike. She'd always been attracted to him and having him to herself for 24 hours was turning out to be fun. Waking up in his arms didn't hurt either. But she was afraid of what he'd think about her after she showed him the mansion. She decided that she needed to lay a few ground rules.

"Um, Spike? There are a few things that you'll see in there that are not open for discussion. Okay?"

Spike was a little taken aback. What could be so bad that she wouldn't talk about it? "Okay, just tell me what I can't talk about and I won't. But you do realize that I'll be forced to draw my own conclusions?"

"Fair enough. We're here."

Willow led him through the mansion. The first room she showed him was that of Angelus and the Judge. As much as Spike appreciated seeing his grandsire being buggered by the big blue demon there were other things he was curious about so they moved on.

The next place they visited was Drusilla’s room. Willow explained that she only came here the one time. That was after Giles was tortured. Spike understood and they left. When they got to the next room she paused before opening the door. "Okay, this is one of those things that we won't be talking about. I'll give you a brief explanation up front but that's it okay?"

Spike nodded and she continued. "You've heard Xander and Buffy make reference to Vamp Willow right? Well, she and Angel had a 'special' relationship. He was her 'puppy', what you are about to see is pretty self explanatory." She opened the door and they stepped inside.

"Fuzzy! You're here! Did you come to play with my puppy?" Vamp Willow stroked her hand over Willows face. "Or did you want to be bad with me?"

Noticing Spike for the first time she walked around him slowly. "Ooh, did you bring me a new playmate? Is he yours? Can we share?"

Spike was silent. He watched the Vampire version of his Willow walk towards a table full of weapons. She selected a whip and approached him with it. That's when Willow spoke up.

"He's not for you. You have your playmate, leave this one be."

Vamp Willow pouted but backed off. "Did you want to play? Or just watch?" She got an evil gleam in her eye and approached the cage where Angel was chained up.

Willow looked at Spike expecting to see disgust on his face but instead he seemed intrigued. He nodded to her. "We'll watch." They stayed a few minutes while Vamp Willow 'played' with Angel then turned and left.

Willow closed the door behind her. She walked to the door at the farthest end of the hallway and stopped. She looked at Spike and then lowered her head. "I can't go in here with you. I'm going to wait out front for you. You can go in there or not. Either way I don't want to know. This is the other thing that is not open for discussion. You can guess who's behind this door. I'll leave you alone now." Willow turned her back and walked away.

Spike stood outside the door for a long time. He knew that he was what he would fine in that room. He didn't know if he really wanted to see what she did to him here. He had treated her horribly in the past, tried to kill her a few times. Hell he tried to sire her once! Did she hate him? Why did that thought bother him so much? After this morning he knew he had some feelings for her but surely whatever she had hiding behind that door couldn't be that bad could it? He paced up and down the hall trying to come to a decision. If he left now, he'd never know what she really thought about him. Did she see him as a the monster who tried to kill her? Or as the man she had befriended?

Finally, Spike's curiosity won out. He approached the door and twisted the knob. He flung the door open and entered the room. What he saw there froze him in shock. His eyes grew wide and what little colour he had drained from his face. He whispered. "Bloody hell!"


Willow sat outside the mansion for a long time waiting for Spike. She couldn’t decide whether or not she wanted him to open that door. On one hand if he didn't go in then she would be saved a potentially embarrassing situation but on the other hand if he did go in he would know how she felt about him. Part of her really wished he'd never recognized that door to begin with.

She knew that they wouldn't have a lot of time left here, a couple hours at best and she really didn't want to spend them in awkward silence so she determined that when Spike came out she would act as though nothing were different between them. Having made that decision she felt as though the wait of the world had lifted from her shoulders.

Spike stood silently inside the room, he looked at the scene before him in utter disbelief. There was soft music playing, Mozart possibly, candles scattered throughout the room and in the center was the biggest bed he had ever seen. It was a monstrous four poster with black satin sheets. There were leather restraints attached to each of the four posts and an array of erotic toys on a table beside the bed. The thing that shocked him the most however was the image of himself lying in the center of that massive bed with a sheet barely covering to his waist.

Spike approached the bed slowly. He hadn't actually seen himself in over a hundred years, and never as a blonde. Sure Angelus used to draw him, but it wasn't the same. He reached out to touch his face but pulled back when blue eyes snapped open and looked at him.

Spike stared into his doubles eyes and was completely enthralled. Feeling a bit braver he traced his finger across the face of his double. He wondered if he could get it to vamp out. He'd certainly never seen himself as a demon. As if reading his thoughts the doppelganger shifted to gameface.

Spike jumped back, slightly startled at the new visage in front of him. He traced the ridges on its forehead while watching with curiosity as they melted back into his human mask.

Spike didn't know what to do with this new found information. He had half expected to walk in on his own torturous death scene. Maybe a little 'broken bottle in face' or 'Slayer saves red in the dorm room'. He never expected to find this....scene of seduction was the best phrase he could come up with. Of course now he wondered who the restraints were for, his double wasn't tied down, actually he looked quite comfy. He had a million questions his wanted to ask, but knew that he couldn't.

"Why the hell did I agree to not talk about this? Well, other than the fact that she wouldn't show me otherwise." Spike had seen enough, he knew now that Willow fancied him, he only hoped that he could convince her to give him a chance. Spike left the mansion in search of his witch.

Willow heard him approaching and almost lost her resolve to ignore what had happened. Spike walked up behind her and took her hand. "How much longer you figure we have here?"

Willow avoided looking at him as she answered. "A little under 2 hours maybe, what do you want to do now?"

Spike tried to come up with something other than 'kick my double out of that bloody big bed and shag you rotten!' but his mind was stuck there. "Anything you want pet. This is your place after all."

"Okay, lets go to Giles place." Spike had no idea why she wanted to go to the watchers place but he followed .


When they arrived at Giles apartment Spike finally had to know why. "Luv, why are we here at the bleedin watchers place for?"

Willow just smiled and went inside. "You'll see." She called over her shoulder to him. She led him to the bathroom where the chains and shackles that he was bound with were still lying in the tub.

Spike looked at the chains and then at Willow. "You're not planning on chaining me in the tub again are you pet? Cause I gotta say I didn't care much for it the last bloody time."

Willow pulled him out of the bathroom and in to the master bedroom where Giles lay sleeping in his bed. "Actually, I was thinking it might be therapeutic for you to exact a little payback."

She grinned wickedly at him and he returned the smile. Spike grabbed the watcher from his bed and had him chained up in the tub faster than Willow thought possible. Seeing as how he didn't wake the whole time Spike decided to turn a cold shower on him.

"AAAAH! What the bloody hell?" The watchers voice rang out from the tub. He tried to stand up but realized he was chained up.

"Oh, pet! This is fucking fantastic. Thanks luv."

"Wait, it gets better. I had something special in mind when I thought of this." Willow turned off the shower and looked at the soaking wet English man lying in the tub.

"It was all Spikes idea. He made me help him."

Giles glared at the blonde Vampire. "When I get out of these chains I'm going to tie you down on the front lawn and drive stakes dipped in holy water into your...AHHHHH! Bloody hell! My head!" Giles grabbed his head and pitched forward in the tub.

Spike roared in laughter, he couldn't remember when he'd had such a bloody good laugh. Revenge was definitely sweet. He made a mental note to never piss off the witch again. Now that he knew how her mind worked he was more afraid of her than the Slayer. At least with Buffy it would be a quick death.

"Can we leave him here and go and watch the telly? Maybe eat something and forget to feed him?"

"Sure Spike, it's your revenge. Anything you want." The two headed down to the kitchen for snacks and then plopped in front of the TV. Every time Spike heard a muttered curse from the bathroom followed by a yelp of pain he squeezed Willow’s hand and smiled at her. He pulled her closer to him and they drifted off in front of the TV.


The next thing Spike knew he was standing in Willow’s room with his hand on her shoulder. He looked down to find brilliant green eyes watching him in confusion. "Was it real? Were you really there...with me...there?"

Spike smiled and pulled her to her feet. He hugged her to himself and whispered in her ear. "Oh yeah pet, I was there."

Willow pulled back from him and studied his face. He looked like he had something to say but didn't know how. "Just say it Spike, I know you want to. But remember the rules."

Instead of speaking he leaned down and captured her mouth in a passionate kiss. He never wanted to stop kissing her but seeing as she had to breath he reluctantly pulled away. "I just wanted you to know how I feel about you. I always knew there was more to you that you let on. You can always be yourself with me Willow."

Willow looked into his eyes and saw the acceptance and desire in them. He meant what he said. She didn't have to pretend with him, she could be the Willow that she always wanted to be. So with knew found confidence she leapt at him knocking the Vampire onto her bed and straddling his waist. She kissed him with wild abandon pulling his shirt from his pants and slipping her hands under the fabric. He wrapped his arms around her crushing her to him. She pulled away and he sat up following her. She lifted his arms and pulled his shirt up over his head. She ran her fingers across his smooth chest. She leaned in and kissed his neck, trailing kisses and soft bites across his collar bone. She licked her way down to his nipple and bit it hard.

Spike was in heaven, her warm hands and hot mouth on his skin were driving him crazy with desire. When she bit his nipple he roared in ecstasy. "Red, I can’t take much more of this." He growled.

She lifted off him and stood at the end if the bed. He reached out for her but she stepped back. "Stay!" She commanded. He waited to see what she would do. She hurriedly stripped out of her clothing and then motioned for him to do the same. When they were both finally naked she pounced on him again.

This time Spike was ready for her, he quickly flipped them so that she was underneath him. "My turn pet."

Spike kissed her slowly but thoroughly. He kissed his way across her jaw to her ear. He sucked the lobe into his mouth, then trailed soft kisses down the smooth column of her throat. He worked his way to her breasts taking one of her pebbled nipples in his mouth and then the other. Willow moaned her approval of his technique. He skimmed down her flat tummy and placed a kiss on the inside of each thigh. He chuckled as she growled. Her frustration was evident. He blew across her soft curls before taking her clit in his mouth and sucking on it lightly. It was enough to peak her arousal but not enough to bring her release. He lowered his mouth and thrust his tongue into her. She writhed desperately, he moved up quickly taking her mouth with his as he thrust himself inside her.

She broke free of the kiss and yelled out. "Spike! Oh Goddess, yes! Oh Spike! Faster!"

He complied with her wishes picking up the pace. He only hoped he could hold out long enough for her to cum. He felt her tighten around his cock. "Spike! Fuck! Spike!" She yelled as she came.

"Willow!" He growled against her neck. She turned her head silently giving permission. He sunk his fangs into her neck as he emptied himself inside her. They lay in each others arms. Him purring and licking his mark on her neck and her smiling and stroking the soft hair on his head.

"So, Spike? What did you come into my room for?"

Spike lifted his head and looked at her with a sheepish grin on his face. "Well actually, I was gonna ask you if I could stay with you for a couple of days. Got tired of living in a crypt so I rented a flat but It's being painted right now. I got no where else to go."

Willow smiled at him. "I might be persuaded to let you stay, but you'll have to work at it." Spike gave her a devilish grin, and then got to work persuading his witch.

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