Title: The Super Hero Party Theme

Pairing: S/X

Summary: Fluff baby! Nothing but fluff!

Rating: R (for use of strong and sexually suggestive language)

Disclaimer: Sadly, still not mine. No money being made.

Distribution: Want it? Take it. Eventually at

A/N: A response to Veronica's B-day challenge. Hope you enjoy it.

"Xaaaannndddeeerrrrr!" Spike was now whining and making puppy eyes. "Why do I have to be the bint? You have much nicer legs." Xander shook his head and smiled fondly at his lover.

"Because, Spike. The costume is for a woman and my shoulders are too broad. Live with it."

It was Dawn’s birthday and Buffy had said she could have anything she wanted - within reason - for her party. She decided to have a costume party. But not just a costume party, she wanted a "Super Hero" costume party.

The scoobies and the LA contingent were all invited. Gunn, Fred and Wesley had declined to attend since they had never met the girl but Cordelia insisted that Angel accompany her. They were going to dress as Batman and Batgirl but Angel refused to wear the outfit because he knew Spike would be there and would tease him mercilessly all night. Cordelia gave in and told him he could choose his own costume. She was still going as Batgirl.

Spike was not a happy vampire. He was wearing the tightest black spandex outfit he had ever seen. He had boots on with six inch heels and his balls were cramped. Willow had helped to hide his "equipment" by putting a light glamour spell on him and Xander had taken great delight in presenting him with a set of fake boobs and a blonde wig.

"So, who the bloody hell am I supposed to be then? Angel’s wet dream of the slayer?"

Both Willow and Xander cracked up at that remark. Truth was, they thought Angel would find Spike much more attractive in that outfit than Buffy. Xander sure did.

"No, Spike. You are Felicia Harding, also known as The Black Cat. Don't you ever watch Spiderman?" Xander gaped at his lover, they had been together for months now surely Spike knew who his favorite cartoon super heroes were.

"Course I do love. But I'm so busy fantasizing about you in a Spidey suit I never pay much attention to the show." Spike thought that was a pretty good cover story. Truth was, now that he'd been told, he could see who he was supposed to be.

"So who are you dressing up as? Never did tell me." Xander grinned and pulled out his costume. "Just call me your friendly neighborhood Spiderman."

While Xander was Changing, Willow was trying to put Spikes make-up on. "Hold still or I'm going to poke you in the eye." This was the third time she had come near him with an eyeliner. He flinched away from her every time. "Spike. What is wrong with you?"

"Sorry luv, have a thing about my eyes. I don't like anything near them." He grinned apologetically at her and she smiled. "Okay, but we need to do this. I promise I won't poke you if you just hold still, okay?" Spike nodded and did his best to stay still while Willow applied his make up.

"There. All finished." Willow was putting her cosmetics away when Xander entered the room. He looked at his vampire and whistled. "Wow, Spike you look great." He strode across the room intent on kissing him but was thwarted by Willow.

"Oh no you don't! I just got done putting all that make-up on him, you are NOT smudging it by kissing him!"

Xander ducked his head and smiled at his oldest and dearest friend. "Okay, I won't kiss him. Yet."

Willow shook her head and smiled back. "That's all I ask. Now, can I trust you two alone while I get ready?" She glared at the two them. "Yes Mom" they both answered.

Willow went to check on Buffy and see if she had her costume on yet. They were dressing as Xena and Gabrielle, and she needed to do a glamour on Buffy's hair. "Buffy? Are you dressed yet?" Buffy came out of the bathroom in her leather outfit holding the brass chest plate in her hand.

"Yep, just need to put on my armor and fix my hair. Do you think Angel will like this?"

Willow shook her head sadly and tried to smile at her friend. "I'm sure he will, lets get you finished. Okay?" Buffy still thought that Angel was her one true love, it was kinda sad when you thought about it. She sent him to hell, how could he ever forget that?

Dawn was delighted by the work everyone had done on their costumes. She had dressed as Wonder Woman - complete with golden lasso - and was greeting each person as they came into the house. Of course she had to greet Spike, Xander, Willow and Buffy at the bottom of the stairs instead of the front door, but that was okay too.

The first thing she had asked Spike was how he managed to hide his package. This led to a lot of laughter from Spike and Xander, a firm lecture from Buffy and a simple "magic" from Willow. She nodded in understanding, she didn't figure there was any other way to hide something like that in the outfit Spike was wearing. And she was a bit jealous that he was prettier than her.

About a half hour into the party, the door bell rang. Dawn went to answer it with Buffy close behind her. Cordelia stood on the porch looking extremely cute in the Batgirl costume she had rented.

"Cordy! Come in, you look great!" Dawn smiled and pulled her into the house. "Wow, so do you. So Wonder Woman huh? Maybe we should have switched costumes." They both laughed and then turned to see Angel standing in the doorway.

Angel was wearing black leather pants, a white billowy shirt - open halfway down his chest, a black cape, a mask and a wide brimmed hat. In short, he was Zorro. Not exactly a super hero, but at least a hero. Of course Xander never got past the pants before screaming "Leather! Angel's in leather! Evil, he's evil!"

Buffy instinctively pulled a stake from God knows wear in her tiny little costume, and looked at him menacingly. Angel sighed. "I'm not evil, I'm Zorro." Spike snickered, and then Willow did.

Soon Dawn had joined them followed by Cordelia. Buffy just looked at her former lover and batted her lashes. "So I don't have to stake you?"

The party was in full swing, some of Dawn friends came by, there were Power Puff Girls, Power Rangers, some ninja type things that none of the adults could name except for Xander. Dawn was spendng a lot of time talking to a guy in a Wolverine costume so Spike and Xander made a point to keep close tabs on them.

Eventually, Buffy brought out the cake, it was a chocolate lovers dream. Moist, rich, chocolate cake with a chocolate pudding center, covered with milk chocolate icing. Xander had to be forcibly held back. "Mmmm, chocolate." If Xander wasn't drooling yet Spike knew he soon would be and set out to make sure his pet got a good size piece of cake. A happy Xander was a horny Xander after all.

After cake and presents, they put on some music and people started dancing. Cordy dragged Angel to dance with her and they were having a pretty good time until Xander interrupted them. He wasn't convinced that Angel could wear leather pants and not be evil, and the dancing wasn't helping.

"I told you, Xander. I'm not evil. Spike, tell him. You can see that I still have the soul."

Xander still looked skeptical but relented after Angel finally told him that if he were Angelus, and saw Spike looking like that he would have bent him over the nearest surface and fucked him by now. Spike smiled at his Sire and thanked him for the compliment, Xander just clenched his jaw and dragged Spike off to the nearest dark corner to smudge his make up.

By midnight, the kids had all gone home and Dawn had gone to bed. Buffy broke out a few bottles of wine and the grown ups sat around relaxing in the living room. The music was still playing only at a much lower volume. When "Hey Jude" came on, Spike tried to convince everyone he had met John Lennon. Of course no one believed him.

Five bottles of wine later, Angel was feeling tipsy and telling everyone about the musical genius of Barry Manilow. When he started to sing "Mandy" Cordelia decided to call it a night. She pulled Angel to his feet and started walking him to the door.

"Maeu gilmasta shrewinda" Angel smiled at his seer and took her hand. "E huilas de mourre dea timert e dremis buiet." He followed her to the door and helped her into her cape. Cordelia just looked at the others and shrugged her shoulders. "He does this sometimes. I have no idea what language it is, but he seems to speak it whenever he's had a few drinks. It's pretty don't you think?"

Everyone but Spike nodded their agreement. Of course they had no idea what Angel had said, Spike did. Xander noticed the shocked look on his lovers face and leaned in to whisper in his ear.

"Did you understand that?" Spike nodded and then put his finger over Xander’s lips. "I'll tell a later luv."

After Angel and Cordelia left for their hotel rooms, Xander and Spike said goodnight and headed home as well. They were both still in costume as neither one wanted the other to change yet.

Once in the car Xander couldn't take the secrecy any longer. "So, what did "not evil even though I'm wearing leather pants" Angel say to Cordy?" Spike smiled and shook his head.

"The poof told her she was his moon and stars. Then he said, were it not for his curse he would take her to bed." Spike snorted and Xander laughed. "Good thing Buffy doesn't speak ... what the hell was that anyway?"

"Thorlakian. It's one of the more difficult demonic languages. Angelus always was a bit of a show off. Made sure his Childer knew all the difficult languages, made him look like he was some great Sire or something."

Xander had no great desire to discuss Angel any longer, he wanted be alone with his extremely sexy vampire. He pulled the car into a spot in front of their apartment building and turned off the motor.

"Spike?" Xander looked at his lover with lust in his eyes. "Can we forget about Angel, and concentrate on us?"

Spike looked over to see Xander watching him with a look of extreme lust. "Course we can, pet. Angel who?" Xander got out of the car and walked around to Spikes side and opened the door for him.

"Oi! Just cause I'm dressed like a bint, you don't have to treat me like one. Although I like the heels. It's nice being taller than you for a change."

Xander just leered at him "You can leave them on while I'm fucking you then." Spike gaped at his lover and then ran for the door. "Come on then! I wanna shag!"

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