Chapter eleven

Alex rocked the distraught vampire until he was limp in his arms. He lifted him gently and carried him out to the car. After laying him on the back seat he retrieved the duster and the box of Diaries and photo albums. Alex stopped by the office and told the manager that he was leaving, that he was taking the box and the coat and would call if he wanted to come by for anything else.

Wil was still asleep in the back when Alex got in the car. He drove to his new place as he didn't feel right going into Wils' apartment uninvited.

Alex took Wil up to his apartment and set him down gently on the sofa before retrieving the box and the duster from his car. He hung the jacket in his hall closet, just in case leaving it out wasn't a good thing, and put the bow down in the corner of the living room. He picked up one of the diaries and looked at it, he decided to leave them for the time being, he wasn't ready to read them yet.

Alex picked up one of the other photo albums and sat in the recliner. He glanced over at Wil to see if there was any change in the vampire, there was none. He began thumbing through the book, the pictures were bringing everything back, thirty years seemed to melt away as he lost himself in memories. Pictures of Willow, when she was still his best friend in the whole world, Tara, the quiet shy girl who loved Wills more than anything else. Buffy and Dawn, were they always that beautiful? And Joyce. The most lovely woman he had ever known, it was no wonder her daughters were so special.

A lone tear made it's way down Alexs' cheek as he looked back on his past. He saw pictures of himself, ones of him and Anya, and ones of him and the girls. He looked happy, truely happy. He couldn't remember if he had ever been truely happy since then. He had been truely miserable, a wretched thing for a while there, just drifting about on the edges of humanity. He was glad to have these pictures, to have a reminder of a time when he was truely happy.

Wil was asleep, or rather in a state of unconciousness, he wasn't aware of where he was or what was going on around him. The last thing he remembered was seeing Spikes' coat, and then the images, the screaming and Alex holding holding him. He wished he could wake up, or something, he had no idea what was happening to him, where he was or what he was doing. Had Spike taken possesion of the body? Was he at this very moment doing horrid things to Alex? It was maddening not knowing.

Wil seemed to be trapped in his own mind, he was aware that he was thinking, that he was asking questions of himself, but when he tried to open his eyes, to see, he couldn't. His world was darkness. He hoped Alex was okay, that he was safe and that if the demon was loose, that it hadn't hurt anyone.

Spike woke up confused, he was in a strange place, with a strange looking man in the room and he couldn't remember how he got there. He stayed perfectly still, not wanting to draw attention to himself just yet. The man didn't seem to notice he was awake so he had a little time to think, to plan an escape. He was hungry though, he wished he could bite him, drain him and then he'd have no trouble at all.

As Spike thought about killing the man, he braced himself for the expected pain he always recieved. When it didn't come he grinned a truely evil grin and licked his lips. 'Oh yeah' he thought, 'the Big Bad is back!'.

Alex didn't even see the vampire move until it was too late. He found himself yanked to his feet and held tight as two razor sharp teeth embedded themselves in his throat. He knew this was a possibility, that Spike would try to kill him, probably succeed at it as well, but he didn't think it would actually happen.

As he began to lose conciousness Alex whispered to his executioner.

"Damn it Spike. You could have asked if you were hungry."

Spike let the body fall to the floor. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve and looked down at the man. He thought about what he had said. He could have asked? What the hell did that mean? Did they know each other?

Spike crouched down and examined the body closely, he leaned in and sniffed at the neck. His head shot up and he he backed away quickly. 'No, it can't be.' He thought. 'That can't be Xander Harris.' He tried to picture the man with out the beard, with shorter hair and brighter clothes.

"Aw, bugger. It is Xander. I just ate Xander Harris, yuck!"
