Chapter fifteen

Alex let himself into his apartment quietly. He wasn't sure if the vampire would be awake or not, Wil had adopted human hours with running a shop and all but Spike would probably have crashed by now.

Alex emptied the bag from the butchers shop into the fridge and then took the rest of the bags into the living room. After setting everything on the sofa he went and looked in his bedroom to see if the vampire was in there.

Alex stood in the doorway and watched the sleeping form on the bed. He didn't know who was curled up in a little ball in the center of his bed, Wil or Spike? If it were Wil, he wouldn't hesitate on laying down beside him and wrapping his arms around him. He looked so miserable. But if it were Spike, he would likely get bitten for his trouble. But.... he did seem lonely, maybe it didn't matter so much who it was, everyone needed comfort didn't they?

Alex gave a resigned sigh and stripped off his jeans, he pulled on a pair of sweat pants and crawled into bed with the vampire. He figured if nothing else, Spike would be grateful for the heat he provided. And if it were Wil, then maybe they could cuddle when he woke up, possibly even make out a bit?

Alex knew he shouldn't be thinking about kissing Wil, touching Wil, being kissed and touched by Wil. He just couldn't help it, they had come so close to.... before Anya showed up and he was still so very frustrated by that. He wanted to talk to Wil more than anything though, he needed to know that he was alright, that he was still there.

Alex pulled the vampire into his arms and stroked his back soothingly. He sighed contentedly when he felt the other man relax into the embrace. At least he could do this much, in some small way he hoped his presence would be enough to draw Wil back to him. He missed him more than he thought possible. He was sure he was falling for the shy sweet man.... vampire, something he hadn't allowed himself the luxury of doing in longer than he cared to think about.

For Alex, relationships were always a double edged sword. If he allowed himself to fall in love, to feel more than affection for his partner, it would only hurt that much more when he left, or they left him, either because they'd figure out he wasn't quite normal or they would grow old and die. Alex felt himself drifting off, content to just have Wil near him.

When Alex awoke he was somewhat surprised to find that he wasn't alone. He wasn't used to waking up to another person in his bed. Then he remembered that he had fallen asleep curled up with Wil, or Spike, whichever the case may be. He lay there enjoying the feel of Wils' body pressed against him, he played with the soft curls of the vampires' hair. Hopefully the vampire would wake soon and they could begin to figure things out.

Alex was brought out of his internal musings when the body in his arms began to stir. Instinctively he pulled the other man closer and squeezed. The light rumble from the chest of the vampire made Alex smile. This had to be Wil, there was no way that Spike, big bad Spike, purred.

Alex ran his hand up and down the vampires back, the purring increased. Emboldened, he lowered his head and placed a gentle kiss on the vampires temple. He smiled when he felt the other man wriggle closer to him and press into him. He sighed as he felt cold lips brush against his neck as Wil burrowed his face into the crook of Alexs' neck. A cool tongue flicked out and tasted his skin and Alex moved his head aside to give him more access. He felt the man freeze as the tongue encountered the two small puncture wounds.

"Alex?" The voice was muffled against his skin.

"Yes?" Alex wasn't entirely sure that it was Wil after all. He couldn't make out the accent either as the vampires voice was quiet and the word was uttered against his skin.

"Sorry." The vampire pulled away and rolled out of bed. Alex sat up in astonishment and watched as he just walked away without a backward glance.

"Okay, so.....who was that?" Alex asked himself as he got up and followed in the vampires direction.
