Chapter eighteen

Wil sat in stunned silence. He had expected to hear a number of reasons for why Spike was against him and Alex having a relationship, but this was not one of them. The demon considered Alex his property. Wil was well aware of the possessive nature of vampires and Spike in particular and he knew that no matter what he said, the demon would not relinquish its claim.

"Then what pray tell do you think we should do about this? I will not give him up any more than you will. The fact that he wants me, even knowing what I am and having to put up with you is more than enough reason for me to hold onto him. I am the rightful owner of this body, and I have a stronger will than you. If I have to, I will suppress you in order to keep him. I don't want to, I've missed you all these years but I think I'm falling in love with him. Don't make me do this."

Wil stood up and walked back into the bedroom. He climbed back into bed and lay staring at the ceiling. He knew he wasn't going to sleep that night. He could feel the demons frustration and need for violence and he was tempted to give in to it and go out and find something to vent on. Of course if he did that than he would undoubtedly get injured in some way and he would be sore the next day. On the other hand, it would calm the demon and perhaps he might get some sleep after all.

It didn't take long to find a demon to slay, it was Sunnydale after all. The thing had been strong, but it wasn't very fast. Wil had taken his time before killing it. Now that it was dead and Spikes thirst for violence had been quenched he was going home. To sleep. Of course as soon as he was comfortable, Spike wanted to talk.

"I won't just hand him over."

"Not this again. I'm tired, I have to open the shop in the morning. Can't we just sleep?"

"No. Not until we decide what to do about Xander."

"It's Alex. And I told you, I won't give him up. Not even to you."

"Then I guess we share."

"Share? Alex? He's a person Spike. You don't 'share' people."

"Sure you do. Vampires do it all the time. And you are a vampire."

"Fine. You explain to Alex about how he belongs to you and then tell him that you are willing to share him with me. If he agrees to it, then fine. We'll share him."

"Like that's gonna happen. He'll likely stake me."

"No he won't. He likes me. Now shut up so I can sleep."

Alex was having no luck sleeping either. He was frustrated, horny, and confused. He wanted Wil, that much was clear to him. He was certain that he was falling for the man. The problem was that he was attracted to Spike as well.

When he knew the vampire before, when he was still Xander Harris do-nut boy, Spike was just an annoying, chipped pain in the ass who sometimes lived with him. He tolerated the vamp at best, was unnecessarily cruel to him at worst, and most of the time just couldn't be bothered one way or the other. So why was he finding himself having naughty thoughts about him now?

He tried to rationalize it, it was Wils body after all, that was why he was having the lusties for Spike. That worked for about a day. The night he dreamt about being fucked by a bleached blonde leather duster wearing Spike he had to accept that it was Spike, not the fact that he was in Wils body, that was attracting him.

If only Spike weren't so against this. He knew eventually that Wil and he would be together, Spike could only stall them for so long before Wil simply overpowered Spike and took Alex to bed. He hoped it was soon. Right now, he didn't care which one of them he bedded. He just wanted to touch that sexy body, kiss those soft lips and relieve the burning ache that was slowly driving him insane.

Alex punched his pillow into shape and tried once again to sleep. He had to work in the morning and he was tired. It was going to be a very long night.
