Chapter nineteen

By the time Alex stopped by the bookstore the next day he had come to a decision. He needed to make Spike understand that he wasn't going anywhere, that he wanted to have a relationship with Wil and that Spike was just going to have to accept that.

Of course the shop was still open when he got there and Wil was just finishing up with the last few customers. Alex browsed the shelves as he waited for the people to leave and for Wil to lock the door.

Wil had decided that he would just push Spike to the fore and make him explain his "brilliant" plan on sharing to Alex as soon the store was closed. So once the last patron had left and the door was locked he did just that. So it came as a shock to him when Alex spun him around and kissed Spike.

Spike for his part wasn't complaining about the kiss, it was quite nice actually. He did wonder how long he could continue with it before either Wil took over the controls again or Alex realized he was kissing the wrong personality.

It only took a moment for Alex to realize that it wasn't Wil he was kissing. Kissing Wil was always good, it was soft and sweet and sometimes a touch hesitant, other times almost desperate. This was none of those things. It was passionate, possessive, hard and needy. It was Spike in all his glory. And Alex didn't want to come up for air. He wanted to kiss Spike until he passed out from lack of oxygen.

Eventually, breathing became necessary and he drew back, panting and flushed. He looked into the vampire’s eyes and saw a mixture of lust and hunger that made his knees weaken and his throat dry up. He managed to squeak out a single word.


"Expecting someone else were ya?"

"Uh... "

"What's a matter pet? Cat got yer tongue? No that's not it, I know it was there a minute ago."

The vampire leered and it looked so wrong coming from Wils face that Alex couldn't stop the laugh that erupted from him.

"Oi! What's so bleedin' funny?"

Alex managed to calm himself and plucked the glasses from the vampires face before answering.

"That look so does not work in these. I mean the hair in itself makes it all kinds of wrong, but throw in the glasses and it's like watching Giles do an impersonation of you. No offence to Wil, I don't think he looks anything like Giles."

Spike snatched the glasses back from Alex and stuffed them into his shirt pocket. He huffed and stuck out his bottom lip in an exaggerated pout. Alex couldn't help but think about that lip, how he wanted to suck it into his mouth and nibble on it. He shook his head and tried to remember what it was he wanted to say to Spike in the first place. Something about him and Wil, and why couldn't he remember it now that he was here?

He leaned in towards the vampire and sucked his bottom lip into his mouth with out thinking about the fact that this was Spike and not Wil he was kissing. Spike quickly took the lead and devoured Alex’s' mouth in hungry kisses.

The next thing Alex was aware of was Spike shredding his shirt to pieces in his quest to get closer to him, for some reason this really turned him on. He pulled at the vampire’s clothes as well. He wasn't thinking about anything except the cool white flesh under his fingers, the throaty growls in his ear.

Wil for his part was content to let this play out. If Alex and Spike had sex then there was no reason for Spike to stand in the way of their relationship. Besides, he could feel everything that Spike felt. He would be a fool to put a stop to it.

As the clothing came off and more and more flesh was revealed Alex started to come to his senses.


"Mmmm, Xander."

"Uh, What are we doing? Wil...."

"Knows exactly what's going on luv. Don't think. Just feel."

With that said Spike pulled Alex closer and removed the last barrier of their clothing. Now naked they began to really explore each other’s bodies and their kisses became more urgent and consuming.

Spike lay Alex down on the floor and blanketed him with his own body. They both moaned at the sensation of hot and cold flesh meeting. The vampire rolled his hips slowly, grinding their erections together and Alex gasped and arched his back off the floor.

"I need you, now."

"Yes, God yes."

"Open up for me Xander, I'll make you feel so good."

Alex obeyed and Spike lowered himself to explore Alex’s' hidden entrance. He blew cold air across the little pucker and felt the man shudder in anticipation. He tentatively stroked his tongue across it and chuckled at the expletives the other man uttered. It would be fun to draw this out but seeing as he hadn't been laid in three decades, Spike wanted to get on with things.

Alex shouted as he felt the cool wet tongue stab into his entrance. It felt like nothing he'd ever experienced. It was good, very, very good. He thought he might cum before Spike even touched him with his cock. The vampire seemed to sense this and gripped his cock firmly at the base.

"Uh uh luv, you wait for me eh?"


"Still eloquent as always."

Spike chuckled and then went back to his task of stretching Alex. At least with out the chip he wouldn't have to be too careful, a little bit of pain was fun after all.

"Are you ready Xan? Want me to fuck you now?"

Always had to be the Big Bad, Spike couldn't admit that he was likely far more desperate than Alex was. So he tried to play it cool.

"Yes! Now damn it! Stop teasing you asshole!"

"You had me at 'yes' luv."

Spike pulled Alex’s' legs over his shoulders and spat in his hand before spreading it over his cock. He lined himself up and slowly pushed forward until he was fully encased in Alex’s' hot flesh. He couldn't stop the purr that erupted from him. The heat was unbelievable.

Alex couldn't stand the stillness so he lifted his hips to get the vampire to move. Spike seemed to come out of his daze and began a slow steady pace of thrusts. Alex began to push back into the vampire faster, he was so close, he needed to cum so badly.

Spike knew Alex was close, he was as well. He wrapped one hand around the other mans cock and began stroking as he pounded faster, harder, into the warm channel. He leaned in and kissed Alex possessively as he increased the pressure to the mans cock. He felt Alex seize up as his orgasm over took him. As the muscles began to clench around him, Spike pulled away from the kiss and growled 'MINE' before sinking his fangs into the side of Alex’s' throat.

Spike pulled his fangs out of Alex’s' flesh seconds before howling his completion. He licked over the mark and nuzzled at Alex’s' neck. Alex kissed the side of his head and held him. He knew what had just happened. He wasn't stupid, he had actually paid attention during research sessions. Spike had just claimed him. He now belonged to the vampire. The question was, did he want to?
