Title:Watching Spike

Couple: S/D

Rating: NC17

Distribution: Like it? Take it!

Feed back: Yes please!

Disclaimer: Sadly Joss owns all.

Summary: Dawn goes to see Spike and she sees more than she should.


It was still light out when she burst into his crypt. She was supposed to be in class but she didn't much feel like being in school these days. After lunch she had left to come here. She enjoyed hanging out with Spike, he treated her like a person. Not like some little kid that had to be lied to all the time. The fact that she had a huge crush on him didn't hurt.

Spike wasn't there, or at least not on the main floor of the crypt so she lifted the trap door and descended the ladder. Spike was still in bed sleeping. That wasn't a big shock, he was asleep a lot of the times she came here. Usually she would wake him up, but not today. Today was different. Spike was lying on his back spread out on the bed, the sheets had been kicked off at some point during his slumber and he was naked.

Dawn stood frozen looking at the naked vampire that she had a crush on. It was the first time she had ever seen a naked man in person. Sure she had seen pictures and stuff in sex ed class but this was real, this was Spike! She found herself moving closer to the bed without even realizing what she was doing. She had a much better view from this close up. She studied him in great detail.

His arms were flung out at his sides as if he were tied down. His hands clenched into the sheet beneath him. His face was strangely impassive, not a trace of the playfulness she usually saw there. He looked beautiful and almost innocent. Nothing like the bad boy she fantasized about. Her eyes traveled lower to his chest, she could see his well defined muscles and his hard little nipples. She almost reached out to touch them. She kept looking down firm, hard abdominal muscles over his bellybutton. She longed to trail her fingertips over the hollows of his hipbones, across the feathering of dark hair trailing towards his very erect cock.

She was so intent on studying the look of his erection she hadn't noticed the vampire watching her through slitted eyes. He wasn't hard when she first came down, in fact he was asleep. He woke up when he sensed her there and he realized he was uncovered and naked. He wanted to know why she wasn't screaming at him to cover himself and closing her eyes. This was Dawn after all, she wasn't interested in him that way, they were friends.

What he found instead was a very intent study of his naked form. He could feel her eyes on him as if she were touching him. He couldn't help but become aroused, he was a demon after all and a man as well. Dawn once again reached out as if to touch him and then stopped. She knew he would wake up if she did. Then he would be mad at her for staring at him and she would feel stupid for wanting him, because they were friends and he didn't think about her that way.

She wanted to study the rest of him, she had never seen his legs before. Spike did not wear shorts, kinda goes against the 'big bad' image. She wanted to look away from his cock but she couldn't. It seemed to grow as she looked at it. She wondered if it was as hard as it looked. Was the skin as smooth as it seemed? There was liquid pooled at the tip. Was that there a minute ago?

Spike thought he was going to explode if she didn't leave soon. He needed to relieve himself something fierce. He could smell how turned on she was and his body was reacting to it. He was already leaking, if she didn't go soon he just might cum without any help from his hand.

Dawn couldn't restrain herself from swiping one fingertip across the bead of liquid on the end of his cock, she didn't know why she did it nor did she understand why she sucked that finger into her mouth. But she did. Then she turned around and went back up the ladder and left Spike's crypt. She knew as soon as she tasted it that she had to leave. If she didn't get out of there right away she would have wanted to taste him again. Somehow she knew that Spike would wake up if she touched him again. She was surprised when he didn't wake up the first time.

Spike nearly chewed his own tongue off trying not to groan when she tasted him and as soon as he heard the door to the crypt close he wrapped his hand around his aching cock and brought himself off. It didn't take long. After watching Dawn swipe the precum from the head of his cock and sucking it into her mouth it took all his control not to either finish himself off right there and then, or grab her and pin her to the mattress. He didn't want to do that to her, she was his friend. Up until that point he thought that was all she was. Funny how things change. He couldn't believe he'd never noticed that she fancied him. Well he knew now.

Dawn sat in the park thinking about Spike. She couldn't get the image of his nude body out of her mind. But worse than that was the taste of him. She wanted to taste him again. Was there something wrong with her for liking it? She knew that people tasted each other intimately, hell two of her sister’s friends were lesbians. Besides, she read Buffy's diary so she knew that her sister had done that sort of thing with Riley. Maybe she just expected it to be gross. The only thing she did know was that things would never be the same between her and Spike. She'd had a taste and she wanted more.

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