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As Sunnydale's high school computer genius-turned-coed lesbian witch, Willow has had quite an interesting life. For someone who was such an introvert when she first met Buffy and joined the Scooby gang, Willow seems to be putting a spell on everyone lately. The daughter of Ira and Shelia Rosenberg, Willow has always been quite detached from her parents. So detached, in fact, that her mother tried to set her on fire, paying homage to those brave souls in Salem, Massachusetts circa 1692. Willow was the shy, quiet type whose intelligence and expertise at hacking made her an important part of Buffy's Vamp-staking in Sunnydale. Early in her friendship with the Slayer, Willow was content to play sidekick. She harbored a secret attraction to her lifelong pal Xander, and they enjoyed a brief liaison, but the intensity of their pairing burned out quickly. Then, Willow fell madly in love with one of the coolest guys in town, werewolf Oz. They were blissful for a while, until Oz left town after realizing he was unable to control his primal instincts, possibly putting Willow in danger. The witch slowly became friends with fellow Wiccan Tara, and their spell-casting encounters soon developed into love. When Oz returned to reclaim his lost love, Willow realized the depth of her love for Tara, and remained devoted even after Tara's brain was temporarily scrambled by Hellgod Glory. Things were looking good for Willow until she began to develop signs of an addiction to magic. Her relationship with Tara fell apart when she cast a forgetting spell on her lover to mask her unhealthy dependence, and the breakup sent Willow even further into exploring dark forces. It wasn't until Willow took Buffy's sister Dawn with her to get high (literally) and ended up in a car wreck that Willow realized the damage she was doing to both herself and friends. She quit cold turkey, and eventually patched things up with Tara. Their tender reunion was cut violently short when Tara was murdered by Warren, head honcho of the Evil Trio. Enraged, Willow returned to magic and went on a vicious hunt for revenge. After murdering Warren in cold blood, Willow fought Buffy and set out to destroy the world, but Xander's friendship and love brought her to her senses just in time.