Buffy Stuff

Stuff For You
Fun Stuff

Site Stuff

((I decided to take a break from adjusting page layouts to do something funner. Not a word, I know, but part of my vocabulary nonetheless.))

Not too much information, mind you, I don't need any stalkers!

Likes: Pina coladas, long walks on the beach...just kidding. Obviously Buffy and Angel, also the normal stuff like writing, surfing the net, basketball, reading, smoothies, macaroni and cheese, sandals, drama, singing, Seinfeld, Friends, virgin strawberry daquiris, the sound of chalk on a chalkboard, Sugar Ray, Mussorgsky's Pictures At An Exhibition, S Club 7, The Spice Girls (yes, for real. I think I'm one of they few that still do. Or did ever...), photography, Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, Law and Order, Law and Order SVU, chick flicks, video-making, kayaking, soy, anything vegetarian, smell of food cooking, smell of fresh air and grass in summer, traveling, and art.

Dislikes: Meat, broken links, waiting, cleaning/housework, bugs, pantyhose, alarm clocks, people leaving the water running while they brush their teeth, the sound of the oven timer, telephones (for the most part) and rap "music". Also Spuffiness. (Ick.)

Nicknames: Giggles, Ren, Naynay, Tiger, Renoodle. (Weird, I know. I have about 14 others, too.)

Something Weird About Me: I have a fear of popping balloons. This spans way, way back to when I was about three years old...yeah...balloons aren't made to be kissed goodnight. Especially when you have a sensitive balloon, bad aim, and sharp teeth.

Occupation: Umm, slacker?
I'm a staff member of Buffy the Virtual Slayer. I'm also thisclose to writing for The Sunnydale Journal. I swear I will as soon as I think of an article to write...

Buffy Character I'm Most Like: I'd have to say a cross between Giles, high school Willow, and Dawn. Giles because I'm kinda brainy, Willow for the same reason, plus an extra dash of nerd, and Dawn because I can be annoying and get in the way but people love me anyway. (At least, I hope they do.) Also Anya, because of the sarcasm and often wrong-time, wrong-place comments.

My Words To Live By: "I am woman, see me multi-task!"

Favorite Buffy Pairings:
Yep, pretty much the conventional stuff.

Least-Favorite Buffy Pairings:
Actually, that's pretty much the only canon pairing I don't like. If I wanted to get into all the wild pairings people put in fanfic, the list would go on for a long time.

Email: misty2080@hotmail.com

AOL Instant Messenger: mistymidnight45

Other Websites: Vegetarians Unite, Smelly Cat: A Friends Fansite

Some of my photography:

This is just one of many photographs I've taken. It may not be the best, but I really like the light and the color. Alas, my award-winning photograph is not digital and I don't have a scanner. Sob. Sob.

Gender: Female
Age: Not telling!
Location: USA
Occupation: Student, writer (I guess--if you count fanfic, a virtual series, online articles, etc. But I'll mention I'm not paid for any of it.)

Layout by Alana of Silver Oracle, along with mistymidnight and Kitty. Header image by mistymidnight