Buffy Stuff

Stuff For You
Fun Stuff

Site Stuff

How often do you get html lessons from Andrew, Buffy's resident techie/nerd? Not often, let me tell you! Well, here's your chance! Take lessons from Andrew himself!

So you want to know html, young grasshopper? Well I, Andrew Wells, reformed arch-nemesis of the Slayer, am here to teach you how!

First of all, you need to know the basics.

Most html documents begin with

and end with

This tells the computer where the information is.

Now, at some point or another, you're going to want a line break in your site. Simply hitting the "Enter" button won't do it in most site editors. You have to write

This "br" stands for "line break".

Now, another thing you may want to know is how to boldify, italicize, or underline. Well, I shall show you! To bold:

Result: Buffy Stuff

To italicize:

Result: Buffy Stuff

To underline

Result: Buffy Stuff

If you hadn't noticed by now. most codes begin and end with

This is handy to remember.

Now, suppose you want to change the size of your text. This is fairly simple. Just write

Result: Buffy Stuff

You can fiddle around with different font sizes by changing the number in the code. For example:

Result: Buffy Stuff

To make text smaller, simply make the number in the code negative.

But what if you want to make your text into a link? (That one is to soup-faerie.com, by the way. You can get more html help there.) This is how you can go about text-linking:

Result: Buffy Stuff

Now, changing text color. This one can be a bit tricky, because if you're even one number or letter off on the color code, it could come out a completely different color than what you wanted.

Result: Buffy Stuff

Basic Colors



html color table at soup-faerie.com

Now you want to change the text itself, you picky person!

Result: Buffy Stuff

Some Text Styles I Like

Cooper Black
Freestyle Script
French Script MT
Goudy Stout

Most web pages automatically align your text on the left, the way text in a book is set up. However, if you want centered text, you can use this code:

Buffy Stuff

To align your text on the right, copy this code:

Buffy Stuff

If for some reason, you page builder does not automatically align text to the left, use this code:

Buffy Stuff

Now, on to the fun stuff...


Before you do anything with images, I'd reccommend that you sign up for an image account, if you haven't already. A good site is www.freeimagesolutions.com. This site offers FREE image hosting and there is no limit to the amount of images you can load, only the space that the images take up. In other words, the smaller your images, the more you can fit.
If you want an image off the Internet, right click the picture and click "Save Picture As". Once you have saved it, go to your image hosing service and upload it. You will get a url for your picture. For example, the picture of me, Andrew, at the top of this page has a url of "http://www.freeimagesolutions.com/ims/pic.php?u=1756NsDLW&i=11840". Just keep your url in mind when posting pictures.

To post a picture, use this code:


Just replace the url with the url of your own picture.

Now, you may be saying, "This is all well and good, but I want to know how to make image links!" And others may be saying, "What do you need image links for when you have text links?"
Well, I've got a reason for image links: adoptables. Banners. Have you visited the Stuff For You page yet? You'll see that there are images and codes so that if you put one on your site, it will link straight to this one. TO make your own image link, use this code:


You'll notice the off-white border around this image link. The border surrounding yours will depend what you have your web builder "Active Link" color set to.

Well, I'm off to watch Star Trek. I'll add more to the page later. Hope this was helpful!

Here endeth the "Great" Andrew's html lesson.

Check the Links page for more html help sites.

Layout by Alana of Silver Oracle, along with mistymidnight and Kitty. Header Image by mistymidnight