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Buffy: Animated

Buffy fans rejoice! Plans for Buffy: Animated have been picked up once again, and the show is being shopped around to various networks.

According to Nicholas Brendon: "Alyson [Hannigan, "Willow"], Tony [Head, "Giles"], and I just voiced our characters for Buffy: Animated. They are doing test episodes for a new presentation so they can shop it around to new networks. It's going to happen."

The cartoon will not be a continuation of the series, but rather, a look at life in high school---with Dawn in the mix.

Artist Eric Wight is drawing the characters. I've posted a couple of my favorites here for you to see. His other designs can be found on his site, www.ericwight.com.

A five-minute test peice for the animated series is being prepared, but no networks have committed to the show yet.

Characters include Buffy, Giles, Willow (pictured on right), Xander, Cordelia, Snyder, Joyce, and Dawn.

Images © Eric Wight. Source: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Magazine.