Welcome to the Magic Box Online!

Welcome to the Magic Box Online, your online source for all your magical needs! Just remember to pay in full as quickly as possible.
I am Anya Jenkins. You may know me as the cheerful face behind the counter at your friendly neighborhood magic shop. Well, now you'll know me as your friendly online face as well!
So browse around. Order whatever you like. Make sure you give me a valid credit card number. Thank you.


Gellar Gems

Browse Store Online
© Anya Jenkins and mistymidnight. Don't steal, because that undermines the capitalistic system.

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a real website for a real business. This site is for entertainment purposes only, and its premise, merchandise, etc. are fictional. This site is in no way affiliated with Joss Whedon, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Mutant Enemy, Inc.