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Online Database

Agent Riley Finn

Agent Riley Finn has enlisted with the Initiative in college and has been more or less faithful to the cause ever since. A top agent, he has been relocated rom the Hellmouth at Sunnydale to the rainforests of South America.

While in Sunnydale, Agent Finn had an alliance as well as a personal relationship with the Slayer, Buffy Summers. Believed to be a myth, the Slayer fights demons like the Initiative does. Buffy Summers, however, had an inflated sense of her place in the demon-hunting world and eventually caused the demise of the Initiative, along with her cohorts.

Agent Finn remained in Sunnydale for awhile after the Initiative's end, but his relationship with the Slayer, the only thing holding him in Sunnydale, was dissolving and he was offered an oppurtunity in South America. It was on this mission that he met his wife Samantha, a former member of the Peace Corps.

Agent Finn and his wife returned to Sunnydale once more to track down a breeder called "the Doctor" involved in the illegal dealing of demon eggs. Aligning themselves with the Slayer once again, Agents Finn and Finn set off for Nepal on a new mission. They are currently undercover in an undisclosed location.