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You lucky, lucky person.
You have made your way to my default character biography page. This means one of three things:
1.) You couldn't read the writing for one of the bios.
2.) Your computer won't support my images.
3.) You are hopelessly lost. Pull over and ask for directions.

Well, anyhoo, here are the bios:

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

>>Scrapbook page
Willow here ,with the story of my life, which was pretty uneventful until I met Buffy in high school. After this, I dated Oz, a werewolf; began to practice witchcraft; met Tara, the love of my life (yes, corny, but true); went through Tara's death and went evil because of it; got my powers under control; and began dating Kennedy, a potential Slayer. How's that for exciting?

>>Bulletin board...Dawn's creative writing essay
Most people don't think my life is strange. Then again, most people don't have a sister who's a vampire slayer.

Most people don't find out that they're a Key, a living opener of portals to other dimensions.

Most people haven't had to deal with the death of their mother AND their sister, who died to save them, only to have her ressurected a few months later.

Most people haven't had to deal with death, doom, and misery on a daily basis.

Then again, most people aren't me. My life was uneventful until my parents' divorce in 1997. Then I moved with my mother and sister to Sunnydale, California, where both of them died, and where Buffy came back to life. I lived there for seven years, and became very close to all sorts of people...Willow, a powerful witch, Tara, her girlfriend that was also a witch, who was tragically killed by a bullet meant for my sister, Xander, the coolest guy around who often repaired out windows in addition to helping us fight evil, Anya his ex-demon girlfriend who was killed in the "final battle" that demolished Sunnydale, and countless others.

After a demon tried to use my Key-ness to open a portal to her home dimension (she would achieve this by bleeding me to death), I've had no issues with the whole "Key" thing. I'm just a normal girl with a not-so-normal life.

(From Willow's point of view, after Tara's death)
>>Scrapbook page

I have taken it upon myself to finish the page Tara and I started before she died.

Tara came into my life our freshman year in college. We remained together for two years, during which time we dealt with the loss of Joyce, the loss of Tara's mind, and the loss of Buffy. She left me to show she disapproved of my magic addiction. We eventually reunited, but she was shot and killed by Warren Meers.

Spike: Coming soon!
--This one could take awhile...I don't like Spike all that much.--

Coming Soon!

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

>>Anya's Memoirs


Hello, dear reader, and welcome to the autobiography of Anya Christina Emanuella Jenkins, twice former demon and successful shop keeper.
I was born about 980 AD. Yes, that's 980, you moron. I don't remember my exact birthday...it was so long ago. Plus with interdimensional travel, I'm not quite sure of time and age and...well, anyway, after my "boyfriend", Olaf, cheated on me, I turned him into a troll. A demon, D'Hoffryn, was so impressed with that little bit of magic that I was offered a job as a vengeance demon. Of course, I accepted. How else would I look this young after 1120 years?

Anyway, this was a good gig for me. Sure, there was no money involoved, but the immortality and power was pretty great.

After one of my 'clients', Cordelia, wished that Buffy Summers had never come to Sunnydale, Giles, my fellow shop-keeper, though not at the time, broke the amulet that held my power. I tried to get it back, but nothing would work.

That's how I got into shopkeeping. After a year or so of just sitting around and occasionally helping the Scoobies (that's what the Slayer's friends call themselves...no wait, did I mention Buffy was the Slayer? I'm getting ahead of myself. Well, she is. The Slayer. Willow's a witch and so was Tara, Spike's a vampire, Giles was Buffy's Watcher, and Xander's normal. If you don't know the whole Slayer mythology, I'm not going to explain it to you. This is my memoirs, not a Tribute To Buffy.) and averting a few apocalypses, I helped Giles run the magic shop he had bought, The Magic Box. He eventually hired me, which was EXTREMELY good judgement on his part, and when he went back to England after Buffy bit the dust, I got control of the shop. THen we resurrected Buffy and Giles came back. I was a lowly co-owner once again. Then he left. Yeah, I know, Indian giver, huh? (I don't really understand where that expression came from, I wasn't in North America during the whole age of the 'Native Americans'. I think I was in China...or possibly the Land Of Perpetual Wednesday...)

I was so happy. Xander and I were engaged to be married, I had complete control of the shop and all the money in it (three cheers for money!) and the biggest threat was a trio of some nerdy villain wannabes. Life was good.

Then Xander called off the wedding. On the actual day of. He just left me at the altar. I went on the rebound with Spike, which I actually regret, and deeply, too. But I took back the vengeance demon gig. I couldn't take revenge on Xander, though, because the job of a vengeance demon is to serve others, kind of like community service. And they say vengeance demons are evil!

Then Warren, leader of The Nerds, shot Buffy and Tara. Buffy survived, but Tara didn't. This took Willow to the dark side.

This was quite enough heartbreak and tragedy for me, thank you very much, but I forgot something very important. If there's one thing I've learned in all my years of dealing wit the supernatural, it this: Bad things come in threes. The Un-Wedding was one, Tara, Willow, and Buffy were two, so what was three? Well, I'll tell you:


Yeah, Miss High and Grieving Mighty came through and tore the place apart. Don't get me wrong, I was devastated over Tara, but I don't go around ruining people's hard-earned property over it! And it's not my fault Tara died! So why wreck my shop? Sure, Warren doesn't actually own a shop she could have destroyed instead, but she could have leveled Nerd Central (aka their "lair") instead of the Magic Box!

And then Xander saved her--and the world. I'll never admit it while I'm alive, but I'm proud of him.

Which is kinda why I'm writing this. It's May 4, 2003. The First is getting stronger and more scary every day. And in case I don't survive the battle, I want to be remembered. So I'm saving this onto a floppy disk and putting it in the outside pocket of Willow's magic bag, just so it isn't forgotten. Willow and I are on better terms now.

Well, this year was quite a year for me. I gave up my demon powers, but my friend Halfrek died as a sacrifice. That was devastating. I've used the word 'devastating' a lot, haven't I? That should give you a picture of what my life is like.

Then I robbed a bank, but it wasn't my fault, I swear! I was under a spell!

I've been hanging out with Andrew, the surviving Nerd, because it seems like he's the only one who appreciates me these days. Everyone else is just like, "Oh, it's Anya. Please move, Anya. We're doing something very important that in no way involves you."

I'll show them. I'll save them all single-handedly and they'll all say, "Oh, thank you, Great Anya!" We're sorry we ever doubted you.

That would be cool...

Coming soon!

>>The Initiative Online Database
(You should be able to read this one no matter what. But just in case...)

Agent Riley Finn

Agent Riley Finn has enlisted with the Initiative in college and has been more or less faithful to the cause ever since. A top agent, he has been relocated rom the Hellmouth at Sunnydale to the rainforests of South America.

While in Sunnydale, Agent Finn had an alliance as well as a personal relationship with the Slayer, Buffy Summers. Believed to be a myth, the Slayer fights demons like the Initiative does. Buffy Summers, however, had an inflated sense of her place in the demon-hunting world and eventually caused the demise of the Initiative, along with her cohorts.

Agent Finn remained in Sunnydale for awhile after the Initiative's end, but his relationship with the Slayer, the only thing holding him in Sunnydale, was dissolving and he was offered an oppurtunity in South America. It was on this mission that he met his wife Samantha, a former member of the Peace Corps. Agent Finn and his wife returned to Sunnydale once more to track down a breeder called "the Doctor" involved in the illegal dealing of demon eggs.

Aligning themselves with the Slayer once again, Agents Finn and Finn set off for Nepal on a new mission. They are currently undercover in an undisclosed location.

In case you hadn't noticed, they're all coming soon, except for Dawn, Tara, Willow, Anya, and Xander who are already here. (And Spike's not here, but only because I'm putting him off as long as possible...grr...Spuffy...)