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The Original Character Sketches for 'Fully Qualified': Zane, Thayer, Lola, and Sophie


Posted by gidgetgirl on September 3, 2004 12:29 am

some character sketches:

Zane: an eight year old with a form of OCD. Zane doesn't like being touched, has touches of paranoia, and, being the son of a watcher, concocts grand theories about slayers, vampires, and the like. Zane is also incredibly intelligent and has learned that if he plays up his differences more, people (including his watcher parents) leave him alone more... Willow suspects that many of his eccentricities are mindfully created and embraced for this very reason.

Lola: a four year old who pretends to be happy all of the time, who calls every woman she meets mommy, but who cannot stand the thought of being alone and who both lies and steals compulsively.

Thayer: an ironically named young slayer with anger management issues.

Sophie: an elective mute who hasn't spoken a word in the two years since the gang saved her from the demons who killed her parents. Sophie witnessed the murder.


My Character Sketches of Taylor and Carly Hill:

Taylor Hill: Six years old, mild-mannered (usually), intelligent, outgoing. Attends kindergarten and enjoys it. A very innocent and naive character.

Side note: You might be interested to know (though I doubt it) that this character is named after a good friend of mine that I've known all my life. In fact, the 'real' Taylor's summer house is the one the description of Tara and Mommy's house in 'Nonsense' was based on.

Carly Hill: Single unmarried mom. Hard-working, lively, about Willow's age, maybe slightly older. Carly cares deeply for Taylor and is willing to do whatever it takes to make things right for her little girl. She is level-headed normally, but is prone to panic if something threatens Taylor's safety (or sanity, as the case my be).
Side note: Carly was originally going to be Taylor's name, and the character of Carly was going to have a different name altogether. I toyed with the idea of naming her Sam, but I didn't like the first name and last name together (because of the expression "What in Sam Hill..?" or something to that effect. The general gist of the saying is "What the heck...?").

Character Sketches: Erin and Aimee

Erin: Younger than Willow, mid-twenties, maybe. Easy-going receptionist. Attractive. She's good at her job, and she enjoys it. Obviously enjoys being around kids. Confident and skilled.

Aimee: A bit younger than Erin, probably early twenties. Where Erin is confident and skilled, Aimee is insecure and slightly klutzy. She's probably working as a secretary part-time to either pay for school or pay the rent--she's not 'well off' in the finance department. Flighty and slightly absent-minded, but eager to please.