Buffy Stuff

Stuff For You
Fun Stuff

Site Stuff

Here it is, the nesseccary but *boring* disclaimer. In case you're interested. Or in case you wanna sue me. (Please don't!)

I. Site Content

a. General Content
All site content, unless stated otherwise, is copyrighted to me. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and all related entities, along with their subsets, parent companies, or divisions, are property of Joss Whedon [creator, co-executive producer: Buffy, creator: Angel], David Greenwalt [creator: Angel], Marti Noxon [co-executive producer: Buffy] Mutant Enemy, Twentieth Century Fox, THe Warner Brother Network, the UPN Network, and countless other companies and organizations.

    1. The original content on this site cannot be reproduced without my knowledge or permission in any way. I don't mind at all if you use some content from my site, but I'd like to know where it's going. Credit is nessaccary and a link back is a must, as well.

    2. For use in forums--you may paraphrase anything (EXcluding fanfic) from this site in a forum discussion. If you quote directly from this site, please acknowledge your source (Which is here. Buffy Stuff.). And a link would be nice.

b. Content From Other Sources
In some cases, I will take content from other sources and either quote it directly or paraphrase it. This usually happens in the case of news stories.

    1. In news stories, I usually visit many sources before compiling all the information I learned into one article, written by me. If I have taken an article directly from a source, I will always state that source and there will always be a link back.
    2. However, if any article posted here was from a site you operate and you want the article in question removed from my site, all you have to do is ask. Email me about the problem and include your name, the name and URL of the site you operate, own, co-operate, co-own, manage, etc. and I'll take steps to fix the situation, whether it be more credit to you or removal of the article in question from my site. (Side note: the subject bar of your email should read "News Article Ownership".)
    3. Quotes were [obviously] not written by me; they were written by the lovely folks on the writers' team at Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Ido not claim ownership of these quotes or any script reproduction, partial or whole, fan-transcribed or official.

c. Images
All images in the galleries were taken from sites that allow their pictures to be used on other sites. I did not request explicit permission to display these images.

    1. If you are listed as a photo source and have a problem with my usage of your images, simply email me, subject line "Image Use", and tell me what images you're referring to, as well as what you want done about their use on the site. (Removal, more prominent credit, etc.)
    2. Image use in forums is fine by me, as long as there is NO DIRECT LINKING. Direct linking is when you display an image on your site by typing in the URL of the image hosted on my site. An example would be is you used the following code to display an image on your site:

    <*img src="https://www.angelfire.com/vamp/buffy_stuff/not_your_image.jpg"*>

    It might also be nice to state where you got the image (here) and my source (another site).
    3. Images not in the galleries are from various sources that can be found on the "Credits" page. These images are used without permission. (Most of them were picked up on Google Image Search.) If there are any problems with images displayed, email me about it.

II. Fanfiction

a. General
While this looks like it could fit under the topic of content, I wanted to have a seperate disclaimer for it since I have multiple contributing authors.

    1. All the works of fanfiction archived on this site are archived by permission of the author.
    2. Any stolen or "borrowed" plots archived here are not in any way enodrsed or supported. In fact, I have no knowledge of any plot theft for any fanfic on this site. I trust that my contributors would not steal, intentionally or not. I only archive fics with original plots.
    3. While you may contact me if a problem arises with rights to who "owns" a fic, its plot, characters, or other aspects, you'd really benefit more from talking to the author of the fic. Each contributor has their contact information displayed clearly, but if there is any difficulty with contacts:
    Website/webpage (if applicable)
    Mere Moments
    ff.net user profile

III. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

a. General
I do not own the franchise of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as was stated in the general disclaimer at the top of the page, nor am I associated or affiliated with the show or anyone related to it in any way. This is a fan site. I make no money whatsoever off this site. I don't even get money from the store--so, nada. Zip. Zilch.
In fact, when you think about it, I probably lose money, because time is money and God knows I spend a lot of time working on the site.
In short, it's all in good fun, so don't sue me! =)

Layout by Alana of Silver Oracle, along with mistymidnight and Kitty. Header Image by mistymidnight