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Season Two Basic Overview

For images from this season, go here.

When we last left our heroine, she was off to the Spring Fling for a night of dancing and fun. Yay! Okay, getting past that...

Buffy returns from visiting her dad in LA with a major "Joan Collins 'tude" (to quote Cordelia). Even after this 'minor' problem has been resolved, Buffy's junior year proves to be one of her hardest. One of the few bright spots in her life: her growing romantic relationship with Angel.

Unfortunately for Buffy, things are never quiet in Sunnydale. Right off the bat, she has trouble: the Sid and [insane] Nancy of the vampire world, Spike and Drusilla, show up in Sunnydale, bent on destroying the world. As usual. What else do vamps do nowadays? (Besides gamble for kittens...but that's not 'til season six. Ignore my babbling.)

In the midst of this problem, Buffy is having somewhat of an identity crisis: another Slayer, Kendra, shows up in town. Reason: Buffy technically died at the hands of the Master last season, therefore activating the "one Slayer dies, the next one is called" clause. Who woulda thunk?

Meanwhile, Willow and Xander start romantic relations...just not with each other. Willow finds herself attracted to the tacitern "Oz", while Xander finds himself falling for...egads...Cordelia, of all people. Eee!

But back to Buffy, seeing as it's her show and all. Anyhow, Buffy and Angel finally consummate their relationship on Buffy's seventeenth birthday, activating a loophole in his whole soul curse: A moment of true happiness, and Angel will revert back to Angelus, the cold-hearted, cruel monster. And, in the plot twist of all plot twists, Jenny Calendar, Giles's love interest and Sunnydale High's computer teacher, had a hand in all of it. An unwilling hand, yeah, but a hand nonetheless.

Jenny sets out to redeem herself by re-ensouling/cursing Angel, Buffy tries her hardest to move on and deal with her now serial-killer ex boyfriend, Xander and Cordy try to keep their relationship quiet, even after being found out, and, oh yeah! Oz discovers he's a werewolf.

Jenny comes thisclose to re-cursing Angelus, but is murdered by him at the last minute. Giles joins Buffy in the "angsting after lost lovers" category of the show.

But things turn more sinister, yet again. Drusilla, Spike, and Angel come up with a plot to destroy the world. A plot so crazy, in fact, that the Scoobies may need some reinforcements...enter Kendra! The Scoobies begin to warm up to her, but she is sadly killed by Drusilla, who has plans of her own...

Buffy and Spike form a shaky alliance to take down Angelus and Dru, and Buffy's mother finds out about her daughter's destiny.

As Willow races to re-ensoul Angel, Buffy fights for her life and for the world, though her ultimate decision comes at the end of the season: her lover, or the world?

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2.01 When She Was Bad

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Buffy comes back from her summer trip to visit her dad in L.A. with more than just new shoes--she's got a major attitude. Between belittling her friends, insulting Cordelia, giving Angel the brush-off, and being distant with everybody else, she's campigning for in Cordelia's (rather blunt) words, "B**ch of the year". Could Buffy's emotional issues have to do with her death at the end of the school year? And if so, what will help her move on?

[Full guide coming soon!]

2.02 Some Assembly Required

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Sometihng strange is happening in Sunnydale...again. This time, it's in the form of grave robberies. Is it zombies? Or is it something different? Something a little closer to home...or school? And what do they want with Cordelia?

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2.03 School Hard

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Buffy gets stuck heading the planning for parent-teacher night just as some new vamps--with a connection to Angel--come to town, determined to kill the Slayer.

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2.04 Inca Mummy Girl

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Just like in the fourth episode of last season, Xander is falling prey to the charms of a sinister woman...er...exchange student? Ampata is staying with Buffy, but she's got a secret: she's over one thousand years old...and has a deadly agenda for staying young and beautiful. (Why, oh, why couldn't she just borrow some cremes and stuff from Cordelia?)

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2.05 Reptile Boy

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Buffy is finding Slayer-dom to be a big pressure, so she skips out on Giles and goes to a frat party with Cordelia. What she and Cordy don't know is that it's more than just a party; the frat guys are going to use the girls' lives for their own gain.

[Full guide coming soon!]

2.06 Halloween

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Buffy, Xander, and Willow each turn into the costumes they dressed up as...and so does everybody else. But how come Cordelia didn't change? Does where she got her costume have to do with her lack of costume weirdness? And how does GIles fit in with the whole thing?

[Full guide coming soon!]

2.07 Lie To Me

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Due to a misinterpretation of a situation, Buffy suspects Angel is unfaithful, while Angel puzzles over what he could have done to push Buffy away. Add in Buffy's fifth grade crush, Billy "Ford" Fordham, and you've got a recipe for major badness. Especially since Ford is planning to get Buffy killed. That puts a damper on any relationship...
Also, Buffy first admits in this episode that she loves Angel.

[Full guide coming soon!]

2.08 The Dark Age

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A.K.A Giles's past, abriged. Giles's dark past finally catches up with him, endangering all those he loves--especially Jenny. Can the Scoobies find a way to stop the madness?

[Full guide coming soon!]

2.09 What's My Line? Part I

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Career Week at school forces Buffy to realize that being the Slayer is a full-time, in-it-for-life job. But Angel is there to make her feel a little better by asking her out on their first real date. Meanwhile, Spike sends assassions after Buffy to get her out of the way while he and Dru perform a ritual to bring Dru to full strength. Things wouldn't be so bad if the ritual didn't call for Angel to die...

[Full guide coming soon!]

2.10 What's My Line? Part II

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Buffy comes face-to-face with her assassins...and her "sister" Slayer, Kendra. As everbody races to save Angel and stop the ritual, Xander and Cordy make a startling discovery--they might actually be falling in love! (*gasp!*) The gang saves Angel, but Dru is back up to strength anyway. And let's face it, a weak crazy vamp is waaay better than a strong crazy vamp.

[Full guide coming soon!]

2.11 Ted

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John Ritter guest stars as Buffy's mom's new boyfriend, Ted, who seems to have won everybody but Buffy over. Is it a bad case of third-wheel-itis for Buffy, or is something more sinister going on? C'mon, no one natural really bakes cookies that good. Meanwhile, Cordy and Xander keep their "relationship" confined to broom closet makeout sessions.

[Full guide coming soon!]

2.12 Bad Eggs

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The egg "babies" for the gang's sex ed class turn out to be body-controlling freaky blue scorpion-like demons--Bezoars. Buffy discovers this and kills hers, but not before everyone else--save for Xander woh escaped by accidentally killing his by hardboiling it--has been taken unver control by the Bezoar.

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2.13 Surprise

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Buffy and Angel fight evil as usual, but their love causes something less-than-usual to occur...

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2.14 Innocence

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The Scoobies deal with Angelus's return. And blow up the mall with a rocket launcher! (Well, part of the mall.)

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2.15 Phases

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A werewolf has been on a rampage in Sunnydale. Who's the culprit? Is it someone close to home, possibly?

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2.16 Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered

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When Cordelia dumps him on Valentine's Day, Xander turns to Amy for help with a love spell to bring Cordy back to him...so he can break up with her and let her experience the heartbreak. However, the spell goes awry and Xander finds himself in the midst of what should be his greatest dream...but turns out to be his worst nightmare.

[Full guide coming soon!]

2.17 Passion

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Ha, we knew the lightheartedness of the previous episode wouldn't last!
Angelus is sticking to his vow to kill Buffy's friends, and in this episode, he begins...with Jenny Calendar, who was trying to restore his soul.

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2.18 Killed By Death

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Is Buffy's fear of the hospital simply the remnants of a childhood phobia, or is it something more dangerous?

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2.19 I Only Have Eyes For You

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The Sadie Hawkins dance brings feelings of rejection to the extreme as the spirits of a teacher and a student begin possessing people to relive their murder and suicide, respectively.

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2.20 Go Fish

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Has nothing to do with the rest of the season, but that's okay.
Members of the swim team are being killed off one by one, so Xander goes undercover to find out what's going on. But in time, the gang discovers that the team members aren't
dying so much as changing.

[Full guide coming soon!]

2.21 Becoming, Part One

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Angelus, Spike and Dru begin their plan to end the world by sucking it into Hell just as Kendra returns to help stop them--a decision that will cost her her life.

[Full guide coming soon!]

2.22 Becoming, Part Two

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Buffy finds herself on complete overload after dealing with Angelus's plans and being framed for Kendra's murder. But that's not all--as if things weren't complicated enough, Spike decides to enter an uneasy alliance with the Slayer to bring down Dru and Angelus.
Giles, meanwhile, is being tortured into telling the secret to perform the ritual that will suck the world into Hell, as Willow lies in a coma from Dru's raid on the library.
Buffy's mother finally discovers Buffy's calling and reacts worse than hoped, to put it lightly. She tells Buffy that "if you walk out that door, don't expect to come back". But our Buffster knows her duty and sets off to stop the apocalypse.
Buffy rushes to stop Angelus, even as a newly awaken Willow rushes to restore his soul. However, her spell arrives just a second too late, as Angelus has already opened the portal to Hell. The only way to reseal it is with his blood. After a final goodbye kiss, Buffy pierces her newly re-ensouled lovers chest with a sword and watches as he is swept away--forever.
As Buffy's friends wait anxiously for her return to school, Mrs. Summers finds a farewell ntoe from her daughter. Buffy has left Sunnydale, and it is uncertain that she will ever return.

[Full guide coming soon!]

All episode summary blurbs, synopses, and comments therein are posted and written by me. If you want to post them on your site, you must get permission, or risk making me a very angry Misty. I do not, however, own these episodes, their plots, characters, or scripts, and these items are the sole property of Mutant Enemy, 20th Century Fox, and their writers. All WB print promos are from And You Thought YOU Were Obsessed With BtVS