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Season Three Basic Overview

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Buffy's trying to make it in the big city...and trying to forget the events of the previous year. But she discovers, *sigh* yet again, that her destiny won't be put on hold.

Upon her return to Sunnydale, Buffy tries hard to resume her life. Things would be ever so much easier if Principal Snyder would readmit her after her expulsion the previous year.

All is not quiet in the 'Dale, however. For starters, Kendra's replacement, Faith, is just a bit on the wild side. (A bit?!) And complicating matters (but pleasing fans) is Angel's return from Hell. Too bad he had to do it right after Buffy got into a new romantic relationship with Scott Hope, another senior at her school. Ouch. Bad timing, man.

Buffy tries to keep Angel's return a secret as Willow and Xander struggle against their attraction to one another. Ahh, poor Scoobies. You have no idea what's coming.

Xander catches Buffy with Angel, thus exposing their secret. Shortly after, Cordy and Oz discover Xander and Willow kissing, thus ending two relationships. Though Ox and Willow eventually get back together, Xander and Cordy never do, (*tear*) though they do begin to build a shaky friendship by the season's end.

Meanwhile, Faith is getting more in tune with her bad side, Giles is fired by the Watchers' Council, and a new Watcher, Wesley Wyndham-Pryce, is sent as Giles's replacement.

Things go to far when Faith kills an innocent man and blames it on Buffy, who was invloved but didn't actually do the killing. Faith's downward spiral (and her season arch, consequently) begins.

Turns out, Mayor Richard Wilkens III is evil. Duh, politician. But I mean really evil. Like "I-wanna-wipe-out-my-town-so-I-can-ascend-to-be-a-big-honkin'-demon" evil. And who should join forces with him but Faith, who's now double-timing the Scoobs.

As things progress, the Scoobs realize what's going on and set up a trap for Faith. After she unwittingly clues them in on all the Mayor's plans, the Scoobies are sure she's a lost cause for the most part. Faith sinks even furthur downward.

The Mayor hatches a plot to Ascend during the Sunnydale High graduation ceremony. In the meantime, he sends Faith to poison Angel to distract Buffy from her duty. It works.

The only cure for Angel is to drain the blood of a Slayer. Buffy sets out to find Faith.

In an awesome fight sequence, Buffy and Faith duke it out, which results in Faith being thrown into a coma. Buffy makes her way to Angel's mansion and forces him to drink her blood, after which he immediatly brings her to the hospital, where a dream gives Buffy a plan to stop the Mayor, though whether it will work or not remains to be seen.

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3.01 Anne

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Buffy, living in the city under her middle name, Anne, encounters a demon that forces homeless people to work in Hell until their deaths.

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3.02 Dead Man's Party

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As Buffy's friends and mother deal with Buffy's return home, an evil force is raising zombies all over Sunnydale. And just why are al lthe corpses drawn to Buffy's house?

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3.03 Faith, Hope, and Trick

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A new Slayer, Faith, comes to town, bringing with her two vampires--a legendary "Kakistos" and his minion, Mr. Trick. Buffy tries to resume her 'normal' life by beginning to date again. Angel returns from Hell.

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3.04 Beauty and the Beasts

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Buffy worries that a string of brutal murders may be Angel's doing, while Willow and Oz worry that it may be Oz in werewolf form. But when they're both proven wrong, the answer is something none of them could have anticipated.

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3.05 Homecoming

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Buffy sets out to prove she can compete with the best of them as she and Cordy vie for Homecoming Queen. Scott breaks up with Buffy, just after Buffy severed ties with Angel. Mr. Trick puts together a group of assassins to take down Buffy and Faith.

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3.06 Band Candy

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The adults in Sunnydale are suddenly acting like irresponsible teenagers...could they possibly be getting a little more than a sugar high off the chocolate the band is selling?

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3.07 Revelations

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As the title suggests, this ep is full of revelations, including the discovery of Angel's return. A new Watcher for Faith arrives, but her ambitions don't exactly mesh with the Scoobies'...

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3.08 Lover's Walk

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Uhh...it's about lovers. Lovers that walk. Just kidding. An old enemy returns to make trouble for the Scoobies, and, coincidentally, their significant others.

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3.09 The Wish

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Cordelia makes an ill thought-out wish to the new girl at school, Anya, and finds herself in a Sunnydale that's everyone's worst nightmare.

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3.10 Amends

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Oz and Willow attempt to resume their relationship. Angel is taunted by visions of his past victims, encouraging him to kill Buffy. [Oh, and it's Christmas. (and Hannukah, for Willow.) Which is relevant to the storyline, actually.] A mysterious force of good intervenes in the Scoobies lives, especially for one Slayer and vampire...

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3.11 Gingerbread

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Buffy's mother gets into the slaying game...only problem is, it's her daughter she's after.

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3.12 Helpless

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Buffy finds that, as her eighteenth birthday approaches, she just can't slay like she used to...and something sinister is behind it.

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3.13 The Zeppo

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Xander feels like he doesn't contribute enough to the group...until he saves them all on his own.

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3.14 Bad Girls

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Buffy and Faith get slay-happy...resulting in the death of an innocent.

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3.15 Consequences

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Faith refuses to believe what she and Buffy have done, and Buffy's got enough guilt for both of them.

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3.16 Doppelgangland

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Willow begins to feel too dull, boring, predictable, and taken-advantage-of...until she gets a glimpse of her opposite half.

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3.17 Enemies

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Things are set into motion when the gang attempts to see what Faith's been doing behind their backs.

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3.18 Earshot

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Buffy gains a new skill...and it's gonna come in handy, big time.

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3.19 Choices

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Buffy is faced with all sorts of important decisions: slaying, school, Faith, college. But all these problems pale in comparison when Faith and the Mayor hold Willow hostage.

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3.20 The Prom

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As the gang prepares for one of their defining high-school moments, Buffy is faced with a double whammy--Angel announces he is going to leave her and she's got slay-duty during the prom. But her slaying more appreciated then she believes...

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3.21 Graduation Day, Part One

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More double-whammys for Buffy, except this time it's more of a triple-whammy--graduation itself, the Mayor's Ascension (which will take place DURING graduation, by the way), and Angel, who has been poisoned by Faith to keep Buffy distracted. Well, it's working...until Oz finds the cure. But is Buffy prepared to deal with the consequences?

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3.22 Graduation Day, Part Two

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After putting Faith in a coma, Buffy talks with her in a dream and realizes how to beat the Mayor. But she's got one problem--she sacrificed her blood to save Angel, and things aren't looking too good for her. Looks like she could use a little help...

[Full guide coming soon!]

All episode summary blurbs, synopses, and comments therein are posted and written by me. If you want to post them on your site, you must get permission, or risk making me a very angry Misty. I do not, however, own these episodes, their plots, characters, or scripts, and these items are the sole property of Mutant Enemy, 20th Century Fox, and their writers. All WB Print Promos are from And You Thought YOU Were Obsessed With BtVS.