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Season Four Basic Overview

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The season opens with Buffy trying her best to deal with this new period in her life--life without high school, life without Angel, living away from home, and college itself. She begins having trouble right away--she embarrasses herself on her first day at school, her roomate is freakishly cheery, her mom seems to have gotten over her "empty nest syndrome" awfully quickly, and she still has her slaying responsibilites to top it all off.

Things begin looking up when she starts doing better in class and begins dating her psychology TA, Riley. But elsewhere, things are not of the good. Willow has been left by Oz, Xander is doing odd jobs and living in his parents' basement, Giles is having a midlife crisis, and some secret commando guys are capturing vampires and demons. Oh yeah, and Spike is back (with Harmony, no less), and he's looknig to kill the Slayer.

The Spike problem is quickly solved--he is captured by aforementioned commando guys and has a chip planted in his head, preventing him from harming any human being. Then new problems begin--Buffy discovers that Riley is a secret agent man, her psychology professor is running the whole project (called "The Initiative"), and people (and non-people) keep making references to something called 314.

And 314 turns out to be the Big Bad of the season. Adam, the demon/human/machine hybrid that was built in lab 314 of the Initiative, is dead set on making more creatures like himself--which means killing humans and demons alike. Buffy finds herself and the Scoobies wrapped up in a government funded catastrophe as Adam plans a war to generate demon and human casualties to create more [super freaky] machine-demon-people things. In the midst of this, we find out that Riley is jealous of Angel, Willow has discovered that she's a lesbian and is in love with fellow witch Tara, Giles is midlife crisis-y as ever, and Spike is plotting their downfall with Adam in return for the removal of his chip.

But the Scoobies are around for three more seasons; they beat Adam and indirectly (or directly, depending on your point of view) cause the complete shut down of the Initiative. The season closes on a mysterious note, as the Scoobies all have seemingly prophetic dreams, Buffy's being the most telling (but also the most vague) of who she is and what is to come.

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4.01 The Freshman

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As Buffy struggles through her first days at college, she meets a potential love interest, her new roommate, and, oh yeah, a group of vampires that wants her dead.

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4.02 Living Conditions

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Buffy is getting more and more aggravated with her roommate Kathy, to the point where Kathy may be in grave danger from a seemingly-not-so-sane Buffy.

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4.03 The Harsh Light of Day

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Spike returns looking for a gem that makes its [vampire] wearer invincible. Buffy spends the night with Parker, but he brushes her off the next day. Xander and Anya sleep together (Anya's idea--she thinks it will help her get over Xander. It doesn't.) (Note: Crossover with Angel.

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4.04 Fear Itself

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A simple trip to a Halloween "haunted house" becomes more than the Scoobies bargained for when their worst fears begin to come alive. Also, Anya dresses as a bunny and Giles wears a sombrero. =)

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4.05 Beer Bad

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Bewitched beer turns Buffy and some frat guys into Neanderthal-like cavepeople. Also, Willow tells off Parker and Buffy whacks Parker with a big stick.

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4.06 Wild At Heart

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Oz feels guilty about his attraction to Veruca, the lead singer of a band. But he soon discovers that she is even more like him than he previously thought, leading to some serious soul-searching...that leads to the breakup of his relationship with Willow.

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4.07 The Initiative

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Spike is back [again] and he's out for blood, but things don't turn out as he thought. The audience learns a little more about the mysterious commando guys that have been spotted around town.

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4.08 Pangs

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The Scoobies attempt to celebrate a traditional Thanksgiving, but a few things--*cough* Angel, Native American vengeance spirits, frozen peas, political correctness, Spike...*cough*--get in the way. (Note: Crossover with Angel.

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4.09 Something Blue

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Willow's attempt at using a spell to ease her pain over her breakup with Oz has some entertaining--and disturbing--results.

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4.10 Hush

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Fairytale evils known as the Gentlemen arrive in Sunnydale, intent on stealing voices and harvesting hearts.

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4.11 Doomed

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Buffy tries to balance world save-age with explaining to Riley about her life as a Slayer. And Spike hits demons without causing himself pain.

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4.12 A New Man

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Giles begins to feel useless in the gang. His feelings are taken advantage of by none other than Ethan Rayne, who uses magic to make Giles's day a little more...interesting, to say the least.

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4.13 The I in Team

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Buffy's welcome into the Initiative quickly sours when Maggie Walsh makes an attempt on our favorite Slayer's life. And that pesky 314 mystery is finally solved...

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4.14 Goodbye Iowa

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Riley suffers from withdrawl as he spends time away from the Initiative--and the drugs they've been giving him. Suspicions rest on Buffy in the aftermath of Prof. Walsh's death--until her murderer makes his big--fatal--entrance.

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4.15 This Year's Girl

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Faith wakes up from her coma--and prepares for revenge.

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4.16 Who Are You?

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Faith's unique plan for revenge takes her to new emotional levels...and results in her helping to save the day before fleeing from Sunnydale.

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4.17 Superstar

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No one seems to question the fact that Jonathon is suddenly the coolest guy EVER...except Buffy.

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4.18 Where The Wild Things Are

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A frat party turns potentially deadly when spirits begin wreaking havoc on the guests.

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4.19 New Moon Rising

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Oz returns to Sunnydale to find Willow in love with Tara.

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4.20 The Yoko Factor

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Spike uses the Scoobies' insecurities to pull them apart, while Angel returns to talk to Buffy about her visit to L.A.

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4.21 Primeval

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The Scoobies reconcile and join together to defeat the Big Bad.

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4.22 Restless

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Crazy dreams turn deadly as the gang find themselves being stalked by a primal power.

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All episode summary blurbs, synopses, and comments therein are posted and written by me. If you want to post them on your site, you must get permission, or risk making me a very angry Misty. I do not, however, own these episodes, their plots, characters, or scripts, and these items are the sole property of Mutant Enemy, 20th Century Fox, and their writers. All WB Print Promos are from And You Thought YOU Were Obsessed With BtVS.