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Fan Fiction

Well, here it is: my fanfic page.
My Fanfic

"Breakfast At Dawn" · "Staking My Sister" · "Monkey Brains" · "Date" · "Babysitting and the ASOS"
"Why Me?" · "Nonsense"

Other Fanfic

In the Friday Paper by Maddy
Take Me To The Hellmouth? by blackbeltchic

Note: I will take fanfic not yet published on the Internet. It's no problem, seeing as I'll be hosting it on my site anyway.

I started out publishing my fanfic on fanfiction.net and that is where you can read it all. Right now, I'm only posting my award-nominated fic on this site, but who knows? Maybe if I find the time, I'll post more.
My works that have been nominated are:
-Breakfast at Dawn
-Monkey Brains
-Staking My Sister
as a series and
-Monkey Brains
as Comedy/Fluff.

All the nominated fics focus on Buffy and Dawn's relationship as sisters, using their memories from their childhood.

To read my stories on fanfiction.net, click here.

Note: The following section has not been updated for a while, because of my supreme laziness. New nominations at the same contests are likely. To see all my nominations at said sites, click on over to visit them!

Nominated at

Shades of Grey

for Staking My Sister, Breakfast At Dawn, and Monkey Brains.

Nominated at

Barefoot Awards

Date was nominated for the Yesterday Award and Breakfast At Dawn was nominated for the Knock Knock Award, among others. Total nominations at BFA: 8

Nominated at:

Bedtime Story Awards
The We Hate Buffy Club is nominated for the Fuzzy Bunny Slipper Award (Best Comedy/Fluff Fiction).
I have yet to link TWHBC or add it to the site. I'm having problems with a slightly slow computer. =(

Nonsense is nominated at the Shadows and Dust Fanfiction Awards.

Eventually, I hope to put up most or all of my fanfic here, but it's unlikely that will happen because:
a.) I currently have written 31 stories. These stories have all been written in the span of time between March 19, 2004, and June 13, 2004 (today), and some have multiple chapters.
b.) I am constantly adding new stories. You can see why I'd get lazy with the adding of the fic pages here.
c.) I don't think my account would hold every chapter of every story, plus every image, and then still have room for all the other stuff on this site.

Well, those are my reasons. Take your pick.

What the Critics Say...

Here's what people are saying about my fics!

-MBB, reviewing "Nonsense"
"I love everything you write, and i can't wait for an update!!"
-Freezyboncoolipants, reviewing "Nonsense"

"Lol. Comical. You're such a good writer! Do keep writing all this, please..."
-glitzydancingshoes, reviewing "Cordelia's Diary"
"This is brilliant. I love it."
Kat, reviewing "Becoming What?"

"...I have to say I like how things progressed. You are doing a really good job. I can't wait for the next update."
-pay-day1999, reviewing "Crush"

"I have read all but one of them but I like your work. Update soon. I have to read your last one."
-SlaveToFaith, reviewing "Crush"

"Lovely job writing young Dawn in this very cute story. You actually made me like her character, which is kind of a miracle!"
-flippinada, reviewing "Crush"

"I liked this story too, I really think that this has really good potentially to continue on if you want to, I think it would be great."
-pay-day1999, reviewing "Crush"

"I loved it. It was so sweet. Seriously, you have a true gift for writing these little Dawn stories..."
-gidgetgirl, reviewing "Crush"

"Wonderful! Fantastic! Great! Um.. [Insert Adjective Here]. I really enjoyed this ficlet -- great characterization, you completely captured the season 1 vibe."
-Dee12, reviewing "Hide and Seek"

"I love these stories! They rule, and so do you!"
-freezyboncoolipants, reviewing "Hide and Seek"
"great story. luv the way u write...great story!"
-Mel, reviewing "Dawn's Mall Adventure"

"...Some really great writing in the dream..."
-Strawberries'n'Sugar, reviewing "Why Do They Call It A Nightmare?"

"kooky fun. It was almost like a slayer dream. Except not...Except kinda. I liked the Bit with the merry go round. The whole thing seemed very real and like a dream I once had..."
-akissofdawn, reviewing "Why Do They Call It A Nightmare?"

"I LOVED the dream!! it seemed so "Buffy"! Especially the part with the spiders!"
-freezyboncoolipants, reviewing "Why Do They Call It A Nightmare?"

"...Once again I have to say I love all your dawn and buffy stories."
-pay-day1999, reviewing "Why Do They Call It A Nightmare?"

"That was great."
-CF, reviewing "Worth It"

"...I love the Illyria characterization. Its dead on...TO sum this up. I love it, the "end" was evily good, and my only const. critisism is KEEP GOING!"
-akissofdawn, reviewing "Worth It"

"Yet another good Buffy/Dawn fic."
-Gigi13, reviewing "Beauty and the Beastess"
"Yay! More Dawn goodness!"
-freezyboncoolipants, reviewing "Beauty and the Beastess"

"Yay you! Totally and utterly LOVED it! I love the B/D fun bits."
-Kat, reviewing "Beauty and the Beastess"

"Wow... for your first story, this was pretty amazing. Hmm... you characterised everyone really well, they sounded just like they do on the show. Really, it seemed kinda like an actual episode... you can't get much higher praise then that, huh?"
-Strawberries'n'Sugar, reviewing "Sands Of Time"

"The note was so moving! Great fic!"
-idolsgirl, reviewing "Sands Of Time"

To see more reviews, visit my user profile at ff.net

Winner at:

Spike Threw The Heart Awards

Story: Why Me?
Award: Jester Award
For: Best Funny Story
Round: Five
Date: Sunday, June 20, 2004

Winner At:

The Bedtime Stories Awards

Award: Fuzzy Bunny Slipper Award
For: Best Comedy/Fluff
Round: Three
Date: Unknown as of now (will be posted soon)