Buffy Stuff



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Layout © mistymidnight
[with Namo Web Editor Six]
Header image © mistymidnight
Images courtesy of the
Freeze Frame Network

These are the awards I've won from fansites, that is, sites that don't have rounds and don't declare a winner, etc. They just give whatever award they see fitting to any site that applies. So...

Comments: Congratulations! I think you have a great site, and it is very beautiful and with a lot of content, and I really think you are a big deal compared with other BTVS sites! so be proud of your amazing website :o)

Please, I'm blushing!


May 30, 2004

Yay! Another one! Go me!


June 21, 2004

No image available

Comments: Congratulations! You just won the BV Silver Award. Thanks for applying for the award. Keep up the great work. I totally loved your site.


Site no longer available - try the domain.

June 25, 2004

Comments: You've won The Key Award! Congrats! ... Sorry I took forever to get the award to you, I've been really busy lately but I like your site, keep up the awesome work!

Yay for me!

Site no longer available - try the domain.

June 27, 2004

Comments: Hey there, thanks for visiting my site, Untouched Prophecy. I see that you applied for the content award, and after checking out your site, I have to say that you have won it.

Yeah! Two in one day! *smirks and scrolls up to admire the "Key Award"*


June 27, 2004

Comments:Well done!! You have won the Potential Award from See Ya Sunnydale.

*does a happy dance*


June 29, 2004

Comments: Congratulations, your site was made SOTM at Dream Universe...Your site didn't have all the much content and therefor you didn't win the duty-award, as for the character bios, I really loved your take on Anya's bio, it felt like I was there when she typed it up and Dawns essay on the post-it board was really great, the other ones I didn't really enjoy as they were hard to read and frankly not *that* original... Willows website could have been made more "website-like", maybe put it in a small inline frame and such...
Also a big tip, DON'T use bmp-images... they take up waaaaay too much bandwidth than nessessary, convert them to jpg or gif and you will save a lot of bandwidth...
Also I would like to suggest to put the website in frames, people won't have to reload the layout for every page...

About the bitmaps...I try, but it's hard! JPEGs and GIFS can get all screwed up! =)


July 2, 2004

Comments: Thank you for applying for the Brilliance Award at Sweet Dreamers. I took a look around your site and I have to say your content fits the requirements completely for this award, however your graphics don't. Please don't take this as an insult but your graphics are a little less of what is expected for this award, however because I like your content so much, and you do seem like you enjoy working on Buffy Stuff... I'm awarding you with the Gorgeous Award. I hope you take this as constructive criticism and not offensive. Please in the future come back to Sweet Dreamers and apply for more challenging awards. Thanks so much for applying... your award is attached.

I'm not offended at all. I know I'm graphic-impaired. =) I'm working on it, though.


July 4, 2004

Comments: Congratulations on winning the Magical Award from The Sunnydale Slayer! I had a chance to visit your site and you are doing a wonderful job!

Thank you!


August 30, 2004

Comments: Attached is your Watcher Award, great info on your site!! I always look for content over layout. I'm sorry this took so long, I have been so caught up in things. Anyway, thank you for visiting A Slayer is Born.

Thank God for content over layout, or else I'd really be screwed.


August 31, 2004

Comments: Congratulations! Your site has won an award from SOBAZ. I apologize for the lateness in getting the award to you. You have a wonderful site. ... Congratulations again and keep up the fantastic work!

Late or not, I LOVE awards.


March 27, 2006