Buffy Stuff

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In The Friday Paper

By Maddy

See Reviews?

Summary: An article in the paper…

Ratings: PG.

Spoilers: Angel’s Shanshu. Nothing specific.

Timeline: May 2005.

Disclaimer: Own no one really.

Distribution: Take as you wish, just tell me first so I can go have a look.

Dedication: None.

Feedback: A must.

Author’s Notes: No more parts to this one. It doesn’t really need it.


She flicked through the paper. Murder. Death. Car accident. Cat stuck up tree. Let’s skip the depressing and ‘who can really give a rats ass’ bit and go to the part I love.

Wedding listings.

Every Friday, she looked through the listings and read the little paragraphs and looked at the pictures. Today would be no different.

Once at the page she started at the top and begun to read. She always got a swell of happiness and jealousy when she read the postings. These people have found love and happiness, and are ready to spend the rest of their lives with each other. Man, I wish I could say the same.

Though most marriages do end in divorce, she’s always hoped it would be the people who don’t list their engagements. That would be sad. The little words of love and devotion are really touching and the photos conveyed such peacefulness and contentment that she wished she were in the same position.

To have any of the weddings I’ve read about getting a divorce along the line would put a whole dampener on the whole wedding dream.

The couple to have the photo this week were:

“Buffy and Angel.”

Weird names.

Underneath the heading of their names was the photograph. A petite blonde was in the arms of her dark haired fiancé. Wow. What a honey. Brooding good looks and dark eyes. Lucky her. They looked so…happy. I mean really, really happy. The man had his arms wrapped around her in a possessive manner.

She didn’t seem to mind.

Who would?

A long the base of the photo, typed in scroll writing was:

“Forever…that’s the whole point.”

It meant absolutely nothing to her, but it must mean something to the couple. It was kinda beautiful.


Upon realizing what the time was, she quickly drank the rest of her coffee and went out the door, grabbing her bag and locking the door behind her.

The paper remained open on the kitchen table.

Underneath the photo read:

“We are finally to be wed in a summer ceremony on 27th May 2005. Thank you to all those who have helped us get to this point in our lives. I want to thank my Angel…for being the best boyfriend, fiancé and soon husband in the whole world. You are my light, my life, my heart and soul. I will love you with all I am, have ever been and will ever be until the end of time.

Always, Buffy.”

Layout by Alana of Silver Oracle, along with mistymidnight and Kitty. Header Image by mistymidnight