Buffy Stuff

Stuff For You
Fun Stuff

Site Stuff

Interested in being an affiliate? Email me!


Sister site

Cousin site

Next-door neighbor site

Crazy neighbor!

Other Affiliates

Well, here you go, links for your web surfing enjoyment!


Buffaholics Anonymous

Buffy/Angel Links


trinityofiniquity.com--Angel episode guide, fanfic, and more.
buffyweekends.com--random Buffy things
See when Buffy's on in your area!
watcherscouncil.com-Buffy links, etc.
chosentwo.com--buffy sites!
imdb.com--Memorable Buffy Quotes
Buffaholics Anonymous--games, episode guides, links, bios, and more!
The Sunnydale Journal...big fun!
The Slayer's Handbook
Phase Five--Some stuff from the beginning of season 7.
A Very Suave, Very Not Pathetic Slayerette Site
TV Tome Buffy episode guide


fanfiction.net--Buffy fanfic
fanfiction.net--Angel fanfic
thewatcherscouncil.net--a virtual Buffy spinoff
Buffy the Virtual Slayer: A Virtual Continuation of Buffy (that I happen to be on the staff of)

Awards Sites

Shades of Grey--fanfic, awards, and more
Barefoot Awards
Never Over Awards
Looking to enter your site, art, or fic somewhere? The one-stop award database!


Forever Friends: Willow and Buffy

Links/Resource Sites

Buffy-Slayer.org--Major Buffy resource
More Buffy and Angel screencaps than you can ever hope to find elsewhere
Looking to enter your site, art, or fic somewhere? The one-stop award database!
New! Screencaps from Buffy, Bring It On, Babylon 5, and more!

Angelfire Services
Homepages by Angelfire
Best Homepage of the Month
A Free Angelfire Email Account
Web Building Help

Other Links

This Time, It's Personal

Vegetarians Unite--the site I co-operate with my friend Kitty
Link to my ff.net user profile
Spa site operated by my sister (she thinks it's stupid, but I'm linking it anyway.)
FLCL (animé) Site operated by Kitty
New! Kitty's personal site


html help by Cheenie Chococat
soupfaerie.com--html help, among other things
Silver Oracle--where I got my site layout
The JavaScript Source
Dynamic Drive--Javascript resource
Andy's Introductory Javascript Tutorials

google.com--the best search engine on the web!

Layout by Alana of Silver Oracle, along with mistymidnight and Kitty. Header image by mistymidnight