How to find us...

We are located in Sunnydale's bustling Town Center, at 5124 Maple Court, just a stone's throw from the Sun Cinema and the Espresso Pump. Come visit us Monday thru Thursday from 10 am - 7 pm, Fridays from 11 am - 10 pm, and Saturdays from 9 am - 6 pm. Be aware, however, of any early closures; they are fairly common and unavoidable.


Gellar Gems

Browse Store Online
© Anya Jenkins and mistymidnight. Don't steal, because that undermines the capitalistic system.

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a real website for a real business. This site is for entertainment purposes only, and its premise, merchandise, etc. are fictional. This site is in no way affiliated with Joss Whedon, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Mutant Enemy, Inc.