Browse through our merchandise!

Please note that most of our items are of a more delicate nature and may only be purchased in the store. Serious spellcaster will find that it is easier to do their shopping at the store rather than on the internet.
Gellar Gems
For use in: Glamour spells, simple charms

10 for $5.00
For use in: Restoration spells

$2.50 a handful
Eye of Noxon
For use in: Enlightenment spells

2 for $1.50
Salamander Cataracts
For use in: Various spells, sub. for newt eyes

$1.75 per eye

Gellar Gems

Browse Store Online
© Anya Jenkins and mistymidnight. Don't steal, because that undermines the capitalistic system.

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a real website for a real business. This site is for entertainment purposes only, and its premise, merchandise, etc. are fictional. This site is in no way affiliated with Joss Whedon, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Mutant Enemy, Inc.