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[with Namo Web Editor Six]
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Freeze Frame Network

Kinda like a LiveJournal, 'cept I didn't feel like signing up for it.

April 24, 2005


Borderline - stress and relaxed (I have weird emotions...)
Music: "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" - Pat Benatar
Weather: Growing sunshine
Obsession: My Friends season 7 DVD set (*chants* Monica and Chandler! Monica and Chander!)

Well, this portion of the site went NOWHERE.

Then again, when one opens up one's own personal site where one can rant and ramble and people will actually come to the site for that specific purpose, one has less need to complain on one's BtVS fansite.

But today's the anniversary! I worked like a madwoman for a week, added everything to the site, sat back, and went, "Wow, that's nowhere near the super-special anniversary amount I meant to put up." Oh, well...I'll just have to s-s-s-s-t-t-t-r-r-r-e-e-e-c-c-c-t-t-t-t-h-h-h the fun out longer! :P *giddy grin*

July 29, 2004


Music: Fur Elise
Weather: Cloudy. Oh, wait, now it's sunny. Okay, now it's sort of half and half...and now it's cloudy again. Never mind, the sun's back.
Obsession: AU Buffy/Angel fanfiction. And also checking my email, as per usual. And my brown eyeliner, which I recently found after missing it for months.

*looks around dusty webpage* Wow, I haven't been here for awhile. *takes deep breath, coughs on dust* Uhh, well...*reconsiders breath-taking action and instead uses hand to brush dust away*.
Today I went a-searching on Google for myself. I do this every so often to make sure no one is publishing my diary, etc. on the Internet. And also to make sure no one's stealing my identity. (I don't know why they want to, I don't have much of an identity to steal...=P) Well, when I searched for "mistymidnight" I discovered that someone on a website called "Teen Online Diary" or something like that is also named mistymidnight! It's a small, small, world. =) Just for the record, I'm not them, and they're not me. At least, I don't think they are. Unless they're stealing my identity...=)
When I put a space between 'misty' and 'midnight', I got a poetry site, lots of online clothing catalogs, and an alpaca farm. In addition to being small, the world is also weird.
But I can deal with the world being weird and what have you, because I'm about to go on holiday! On Tuesday I leave for a little no-name mountain town to visit a good friend (best friend) of mine. In fact, I'm going to be staying in the house that Tara and Mommy's house in "Nonsense" was based on. I look forward to a week of relaxation, water sports, and junk food. 'Cause other people's junk food is always better than my junk food.
John! is helping me with my image-storing problem. I've used up 5.59 MB of storage out of my alotted 20 MB on Angelfire, and John! being the computer genius that he is, is gonna help me with it.
Free Image Solutions is quitting on me again. It's been gone for about a week. Sad to say, I'm so used to it that I just complain about it to my friends instead of getting "rip-roaring" mad. That's it. I'm moving to PhotoBucket.
All this service disappearing though, begs the question: Just why do they shut down all the time? Are they going underground because they're getting sued or something? Ahh, just my musings.
I'm having a laid-back kind of day. It's chilly here. It feels more like October than August. I'm wearing jeans and a white tee-shirt and...*runs off to get sweater*...a gray hoodie zip-up sweatshirt. I didn't even bother putting my contact lenses in today. So I'm just hanging around with my glasses on. I like it. It's old school. Plus my eyes need a break from all the contact-wearing they've been doing lately. I broke the cardinal rule of contacts all week: If you're home, DO NOT WEAR THEM FOR MORE THAN EIGHT HOURS. Way to go, misty. Depriving your eyes of oxygen.
Well, I'm getting hungry. Gonna go cook me a gourmet lunch: mac 'n' cheese with peas! (I've eaten it that way as long as I can remember. It's delish.) I actually refereced this eating habit of mine in my Little Dawn fic, Babysitting and the ASOS. Go read, I'm leaving.

July 19, 2004


Mood: Ticked off [at my image hoster, yet again]
Music: "I'll Be Watching You", by the Police (it's stuck in my head and I want it out, out, out!)
Weather: Cloudy and humid
Obsession: Working on the site

Free Image Solutions disappeared. Again. Guess I should be used to it by now.
I got home from Texas yesterday evening. The flight home wasn't as great as the one out...there was a little bit of turbulence and the flight was just too long. There was a movie, though, 50 First Dates, which is one of my favorites, so it wasn't all horrible.
I'm broke and exhausted from the trip, but I got some great photographs. I'll post them up, maybe, as soon as they get uploaded onto the computer and developed. (I used two different cameras.)
Not much else to report. Over and out. 10-4.

July 10, 2004


Mellow. Ehh.
Music: Thunder and the laptop humming.
Weather: Gray. We just had a thunderstorm. Before that, though, it was gorgeous. 86 degrees Fahrenheit. (Very hot.)
Obsession: Water Wall, downtown Houston

My back hurts, my jaw is clenched, and I had to take an Ibuprofin for my neck.
But I'm happy as a clam!
The city is gorgeous. So far I've seen three chapels and the Wall of Water. I didn't have my camera, though, so I'm going back later this week. There was a Quincinera (I hoped I spelled that right) going on there at the time...or at least pictures were being taken because of the Quincinera.
I saw three chapels in downtown Houston, none of whose names I can recall. That's pathetic. I just went this afternoon.
The flight in was very nice. It was clear and there were these white puffy clouds below the plane. It was one of those days when you're really amazed at the view. I tried doing a pastel chalk of when the plane was in a solid layer of clouds on the way up, but I just don't have that kind of talent. Darn.
I spent most of the flight looking out the window and looking at catalogs. Breakfast was served on the plane, a rare occurance these days, I suppose. It wasn't half bad.
I could go on, but you're probably bored and so I'll just go now. =)

July 9, 2004


Kinda stressed
Music: None except the TV ad jingle I just heard
Weather: Hazy but sunny as well
Obsession: Cheese and mustard sandwiches on toasted Coney Island rolls.

Well, there's not a lot to say here...I'm trying to do a bazillion things at once...pack for my vacation, finish the site within the hour (Uh-oh...I forgot to make an entrance banner! Shoot!), etc. etc. Anyway, this will be where I write all my more personal musings, rather than the actual updates to the site.
I had a really weird dream last night. I dreamt that I applied for a site award and whoever's award I applied for sent me an email telling me that my site was awful, how could I even think of putting it on the Internet, much less applying for awards for it...blah blah blah. And then there was an attachment image, and it was my "award"...a "this site stinks!" award. Oh joy. I think I have to get out more often. The site is taking over my dreams!
Anyhow, I hope the site isn't as bad as my subconcious made it out to be. If it is, tell me. Nicely. Thanks.