Buffy Stuff



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Layout © mistymidnight
[with Namo Web Editor Six]
Header image © mistymidnight
Images courtesy of the
Freeze Frame Network


Yes, there are rules! You MUST read them, or I'm not gonna judge your site. So there!

1.) NO PORNO OR NC-17 SITES! If your site contains offensive material, please take your nomination elsewhere.

2.) If you have R-Rated or NC-17 fanfic on your site, it must be clearly marked.

3.) Your site MUST involve Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel to be judged. You may have a fansite devoted to, say, Charmed and Angel or Roswell and Buffy...I don't care what other fandoms are there as long as Buffy or Angel is there as well.

4.) Just to let you know, I don't take bribes. Not that any of you good viewers would do that anyway. Plus, trying to bribe me in this contest is pretty fruitless, seeing as you're not competing against anyone, I'm just judging your site all on its own.

5.) NO HATE SITES. This doesn't just mean no "We Hate Riley" sites or other character hate sites. I'm talking no discriminatory or prejucial statements against any person or group. This is defined as, but not limited to ethnic, racial, cultural, social, or economic biases, as well as a bias on a person's gender or sexual orientation.

6.) You MUST put up a link to my site after nominating yourself. No link, no judge, simple as that.

7.) You MUST sign my guestbook. And try to write something, not just, "Hi", or "Can I have my award now?" This is my ploy to get feedback on the site. =)

8.) Don't pester me about awards. If you have a valid question, fine. But don't send me seventeen emails a day asking if I've judged you yet. In fact, the more emails you send, the longer it will take because I'll be reading them instead of judging your site. Please note that if you send me enough emails, your nomination will be deleted. And I will block your email address. Just a warning. Also note that one or two emails is okay, depending on the circumstances. For example, if you nominated two weeks ago and haven't heard from me, just drop me a line. I 'll notify each person whether they win an award or not, so if you don't hear from me, I might not have gotten your nomination. Don't panic. =)

9.) Any graphics or layouts not made by you MUST be credited, either on a credits page or next the graphic in question or in the layout itself. If you claim all the work is yours and I find out otherwise, your nomination will be dropped. If you've won an award before I find out, I will place you in the "Hall of Shame". Please note, however, that if you forget to credit a couple graphics, I won't go crazy. Just don't say they're all yours.

10.) The secret word is 'Amy the rat'. Okay, so that's three words. Oh well. Deal with it.

Go Nominate!