Buffy Stuff

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Layout © mistymidnig ht
[with Namo Web Editor Six]
Header image © mistymidnig ht
Images courtesy of the
Freeze Frame Network

Everything Scooby!

Episode Guide

The seldom-updated guide to the episodes!


The note-able quote-ables.

Character Bios

Because you need to know every little detail of the Scoobies' lives.

Image Gallery

Sorted by Season

OMWF Lyrics

Lyrics to everyone's favorite musical episode!


News and interviews about and with the people associated with Buffy and Angel and the show itself.


Lists such as "Top Ten Buffy Episodes". More coming soon!


An [unfinished] analysis of the season four finale "Restless". Contains major spoilers for pretty much the whole series. Beware, beware! =P