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Gellar Not Pumped To Return To 'Buffy'

...But Never Say Never

From SyFy Portal

By Jeremy Van Cise
Date: 10-13-04
Source: Moviehole

Waiting breathlessly like a vampire for a "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" movie? Well, keeping holding your breath.

Sarah Michelle Gellar, star of the cult favorite about a valley girl turned vampire slayer, says her reprising the role for a movie isn't very likely. In an interview with Moviehole for her upcoming film, "The Grudge," she was asked about the chances of her returning to her slayer roots.

"I have a lot of hesitation about it, since it was a movie, and I spent the first year of the show constantly explaining to people, 'No no, it's not like the movie,' because there was such a bias to the movie, because it didn't work as a film, and that's my initial hesitation and the other is that clearly you're going to disappoint people."

Gellar said she had some problems with the way Joss Whedon ended the series on UPN, which was an hour episode.

"I mean, I was very happy with the finale, but I still believe that it should have been two hours," Gellar said. "I believe there wasn't enough Xander (Nicholas Brendon), that certain things get left out, and when you make a film you're setting your self up to disappoint people. Part of the reason I believe the show worked was because the story's an arc and you felt for this character's experience, and it wasn't a beginning, middle and end and I don't believe she worked like that. I say that now, and if in a year they could send me the script, I could think it's great and we could be at the junket a year and a half from now, but I will say that I have a lot of hesitations about it and it is not something I particularly want to do at this time."

Gellar's most recent movie, "The Grudge," opens this weekend.