a Buffy Stuff



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Layout © mistymidnight
[with Namo Web Editor Six]
Header image © mistymidnight
Images courtesy of the
Freeze Frame Network

Site Statement

Not to be confused with the disclaimer, this is the part of the site where I tell you my website philosophy...and defend my lack of updates.

Here at Buffy Stuff, I'm dedicated to bringing you the best content I can. I try to put only high-quality, interesting stuff on this site. I could put up the same old javascript games you see on all the other sites--"See how compatible your favorite couple is!" "BtVS Forture Teller!" "Buffy hangman!" Come on--these games are all well and good...for awhile. But when you go to a Buffy site that claims to have this, that, the other thing, "and more!", what do you expect? You expect MORE. Not the same old, generic java games. At Buffy Stuff, I give you MORE. If that means that I update less often, so be it. Quality is better than quantity, in my humble opinion, and I like to concentrate on providing a high-quality site. I hope you enjoy the site, and feel free to contact me with any suggestions at misty2080@hotmail.com or mistymidnight@gmail.com.