Buffy Stuff

Stuff For You
Fun Stuff

Site Stuff

My humble sort-of Buffy Stuff site store. Well, actually, links to direct you to where you can see more product details and buy. Thank God for amazon.com.

On a completely different note: I'm aware that the store navigation backgrounds are slightly off color from the background of the page. This is me... O_o ...being too lazy to fix it.

Another note: Hee-hee. I like to roll my mouse over the "posters" icon and make Dawn "talk"...yes, Virginia, there is a pathetic person with no life running this website.

Webmistress Pick

Though I won't be adding it to my list of favorite Buffy books, Immortal is nothing to sneeze at. I picked up a copy at the bookstore about a week ago and I finished it in about five days, longer than it would usually take me, because the book failed to really grab my attention at first. It could have done with, in my opinion, more Scooby interaction and less flashbacks to the villain's past, as well as more focus on the Scoobies rather than Veronique (the main villain)'s schemes and plots. But this book most definitely wasn't the worst I've read, and though the plot moved a bit more slowly than I'd like, it did have its shining moments and (for me) clever misleads. Despite the fact that I had to take out my read pen because of the not-so-great editing, it was a good read. Three and a half stars out of five. Get it!

Layout by Alana of Silver Oracle, along with mistymidnight and Kitty. Header Image by mistymidnight