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Take Me To The Hellmouth?

By blackbeltchic

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She came dancing through the villa where they were currently staying, her gauzy white gown flowing around her, giving her a spectral air. She danced to her own tune, as he watched her. She hadn't been feeling well since that blood mob in Prague, and to see her dancing eased his mind.

"Guess what, my pet?" She picked up one of the porcelain dolls he had gotten for her awhile ago, just another of her fancies. "The Master has awoken. And he's in a foul temper!" She cried gleefully, her cockney accent drove him wild. She threw the doll onto the bed, dancing once more about the room.

"What's this, luv?"

"The king has awoken! And he shall teach that bad girl to mind her manners." She gazed at him through slitted eyes, before biting the air and dancing off.

"Where, pet? What do you see?" He sidled up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Oh!" Her voice was now of a frightened child's. "oh! It has teeth, Spike!" She spun to face him. "The ground has teeth and it will swallow her whole!" She grinned evilly. She then threw her head back, and if he hadn't been holding onto her, she would have fallen. She touched the floor languidly, before righting herself, where she kissed him roughly, broke away from his grasp, and continued dancing.

He shook his head at her antics. "The hell mouth, eh? We might just have to pay our respects, now, won't we, Dru?"

She turned to him, her eyes closed. She could feel her strength waning away, but one more picture filler her mind as it slipped away. Ecstasy showed on her face as she collapsed to the floor.

She took one last look at her lover, her daddy, her sire, her Angel, before opening her eyes to look into the worried green ones of her child, also her lover.

"Angel." She murmured. "You're there."

"What's that, luv? Are you alright?"

"Take me to the Hell Mouth, Spike? Please?"
Layout by Alana of Silver Oracle, along with mistymidnight and Kitty. Header Image by mistymidnight