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Top Ten Fifteen Episodes

Okay, I know I said ten, but I couldn't pick just ten. I had to go with fifteen.

15. Never Kill A Boy On The First Date (Season One)
I don't really know why I love this episode so much. My favorite moment is when Angel meets Owen. Jealous much?

14. Becoming, parts 1 & 2 (Season Two)
Never fail to get me teary-eyed.

13. Conversations With Dead People (Season Seven)
This episode made me laugh, cry, and scared me out of my mind. How could I not put it on the list?

12. Life Serial (Season Six)
I love it, I love it, I love it! The episode was hilarious, but frustrating at the same time. And the interaction between the characters was priceless. Spongebob Squarepants and evil lint, anyone?

11. Hush (Season Four)
The Emmy-nominated silent episode. It should have won the Emmy. Hmmph.

10. Restless (Season Four)
I actually haven't seen the entire episode yet. but I loved what I did see. Joyce lives in a wall, Harmony as a milkmaid, Anya as a stand-up comedian and Spike as a side-show attraction--that's a gold mine of pshycological humor, people!

9. Chosen (Season Seven)
I feel almost guilty no having this be #1. I loved Chosen. I felt on top of the world when it was over. It had a great message and the way the episode played out was awesome. But it just didn't pack the emotional wallop some of the other episodes did.

8. The Weight of the World (Season Five)
Again with the psychology. Just awesome all around. "You've been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. So you gave up for one second! It doesn't mean you killed your sister."

7. Graduation Day, Parts 1 & 2 (Season Three)
It makes me feel like I'm graduating with the Scoobies. The yearboooks, the caps and gowns, the feeling of dread and finality...and I always get chills when the Class of '99 rips off their robes and battles the Mayor. The moment of silence just before Giles and Buffy blow up the school is was the longest second in the entire series. And when all the graduates watch the school burn...more chills. And watching Angel walk away from Buffy was heartbreaking.

6. Grave (Season Six)
"The Prayer of Saint Francis" at the end always gets me crying, as do all the scenes leading up to it: the Buffy/Giles interaction, the scene where Buffy breaks down and apologizes to Dawn, the scenes with Anya and a dying Giles, and, of course, the yellow crayon scene. I always fast forward through the Spike parts, though, incliuding the final moment where he gets his soul. I don't really like Spike. Sorry.

5. Once More, With Feeling (Season Six)
I have every song and a lot of the dialogue memorized. I know the harmonies. I attempt to dance the choreography. I own the soundtrack. I love the entire episode. I've choreographed my own dance (along with friends) to "What You Feel" (I'm the demon...lucky me.) Must I say that I'm obsessed?

4. Surprise (Season Two)

Birthday jokes and Giles-mocking. I laugh. Angel gives Buffy a Claddaugh ring. I get teary. Angel tells Buffy he loves her. I bawl my eyes out and my stomach jumps. A great emotional episode. The Judge? Spike and Dru? Who cares?! My favorite couple finally stopped being stubborn and realized they were in love! Yay!

3. Afterlife (Season Six)
After I got the S6 DVD, I started watching an episode of Buffy every night beofre I went to bed. One such night at about midnight when the house was dark, I was watching Afterlife. When Demon-Buffy threw glass at Tara and Willow, I jumped. When Anya carved up her face, I think I actually screamed. (And jumped about three feet off my bed). And I laughed, too--at Xander's anti-demon secret code (Pig Latin). Didn't really like the corporealized demon at the end, though. It fell short for me for some reason. But when Buffy saw the photos change to corpses--I got pretty freaked. (Note: It's fun to pause the DVD and look at the photos. I think they're of the cast rather than the characters, because, if I remember correctly, there's one of Alyson Hannigan and Emma Caulfield all buddy-buddy. And I don't remember Anya and Willow being that close.)

2. The Gift (Season Five)
An inspirational episode, to say the least. The score at the end ("Sacrifice") was a tear-jerker all on its own. Buffy's speech makes me cry, but when Spike cries I bawl my eyes out. Why? I have no idea. Maybe because watching the most emotionally callous character break down into tears...I dunno.


1. The Body (Season Five)
This has to be the most disturbing and emotional piece of drama to ever grace television. As I watched it, I was holding it together pretty well--until Willow says, "Why can't I dress like a grown-up?" Hello, waterworks. The overall emptiness and feeling of finality is overwhelming, and I cried straight through to the very last line.

Note: The order of these episodes is subject to change depending on my mood. =)