Buffy Stuff

Stuff For You
Fun Stuff

Site Stuff

I'm well-rested and back, for the moment at least. Updates may be rather sporadic and irregular in the months to come, due to personal demands on my time, but I'm by no means shutting down or going on hiatus (hiatusing?).
I've been adding to the site during my "vacation". "Vacation" holds the same meaning for me as it does for Joss Whedon: "...in my tribe it means 'chance to work really hard on something else.'"
So I did. And it was kind of comforting to know that there was no rush to put things up on the site. During my time off I added a "Coming Soon" page (click here) that I've yet to post on any menu, am in the process of adding an Amazon site shop (here), am working on a New and Innovative Game That No Other Site Thus Far Has As Far As I Know, and I still have to send the winners of Mystery Picture their award banners and post their names on the MP page. (Karen and pyrowolf1117, I haven't forgotten you!)
Well, surf around, have some fun, and await eagerly for articles and fanfic published by those other than me! (Karen and gidgetgirl). Thanks a bunch for sticking with me--you guys are the greatest!

ATTENTION-- As of today (8/21/04) the site will not be updated for an indefinite amount of time. I need a break and I just can't handle the site right now. I'm keeping it up, and hopefully I'll be back soon. Thanks for your understanding.

I really did mean to sign up for PhotoBucket yesterday, but I didn't get over there during their "operating hours". Oh, well. I'll try again later.
This next part of my updates isn't really an update at all, and probably shouldn't be classified as one, but it's important. To me, anyway. Here it is: (I'll even boldify it to show how desperate I am.)
About two years ago I came across a really great piece of fanfic on the Internet. Of course, me being the brain-dead person that I am, I never bookmarked the page. I wrote it down and proceeded to lose the paper I had written it on.
Okay, now fast-forward two years. I'm looking for this fic and cannot find it anywhere. So, I'm desperate enough to post this on my site, asking if any of you know where this fic could possibly be.
1.) The fic was not at ff.net. It was on an Angelfire site.
2.) The fic was B/A, and it revolves around Buffy and Angel discovering they have a daughter (from Buffy's seventeenth birthday.)
3.) The fic takes place during the beginning of season four of Buffy and season one of Angel. Doyle is still around (and he doesn't die in the fic.)
4.) It was a long fic (took me a couple days to get through the whole thing, and I read fast). I can't remember how many parts there were to it.
5.) I think (but I'm not positive) that the daughter's name was Brianna or something along those lines. I think it was spelled diffeently.
6.) At one point in the story, Angel worries that his daughter had vampire traits, but the Oracles (I think it was them, anyway) assure him that she is human.
7.) Said daughter is, I believe, four years old. She lived with a man named Jack until she was returned to Buffy and Angel. She also has some magical qualities about her: when Jack found her as a newborn she grew into a six-month-old in the space of a few minutes. This is why she is four years old after only two years.
8.) After he gives the little girl to Buffy and Angel, Jack dies in a car accident.
9.) There is a sequel, I believe, in which Buffy becomes pregnant again.
Well, that's about all I can remember. If you know where I can find this story, let me know: misty2080@hotmail.com. Even if only one or two of the details above apply to the fic you've read, don't hestitate to let me know of it anyway. I could have my some of my facts wrong.
Oh, and I can't remember what the rating was, so any rating goes. =)

Again. Welcome to the new home page! Notice the difference? No? Good. The only difference is that now the page ends in .html, making it viewable in all browsers (hopefully). My thanks to the webmaster of Buffy Domain for bringing this to my attention:

After reviewing your site at https://www.angelfire.com/vamp/buffy_stuff, it doesn't appear to fall within the guidelines for getting the Buffy Domain award for Excellence. Your site failed to meet the following criteria, as specified on my website: "Viewable in multiple browsers, ie. no Internet Explorer only sites"

Recommendations: There appears to be a broken image on your homepage between where it says 'Nominated...' and 'more...' When clicking on the image to enter the main part of the site, it merely displays the HTML code when I used Mozilla, Konqueror or Opera. I believe this is due to the fact that the page filenames have no extension (eg. .htm or .html)

And I say, "Webmaster of Buffy Domain, you are most likely right."
This past week I tried to use AOL to access my site and the home page never loaded. This was probably because of the lack of a .html ending.
So all pages without .html endings are being fixed. Should I have done this a long time ago? Probably yes, but I'm wicked lazy.
In regards to the broken image...all I have to say is I HATE FREE IMAGE SOLUTIONS!!!

In a better mood! Yay!
Season Two image gallery is up. It only has group/cast photos as of now, though.
Added a (*new!*) 1024x768 wallpaper. I figured I'd better, seeing as 59.32% of my visitors have a 1024x768 screen resolution. Until now, all my wallpapers have been 800x600.

I was in a good mood until about three seconds ago, for reasons I really don't feel like getting into.
-I'm about to go update the image galleries. I'll add some screencaps of significant moments in the first season and begin on the season two galery, possibly. Possibly.
-Working on a reference page for fanfic writers. For fanfic tips, challenges, stories, and general chat, try Chocolate Covered Strawberries.
-Still trying to figure out what to do with the Magic Box. (see previous updates)
-Free Image Solutions is still not working. This is ridiculous. As of this second, I am headed off to PhotoBucket. Screw Free Image Solutions. They are a very crappy host.
-Also, John! and I spent this morning discussing frame layouts as opposed to tables. Changes may be in store for this site. Hopefully good changes. Changes that will make this site more convenient. (Like not having to wait for each new page to load.)
-Coming soon: an mini-archive of gidgetgirl fics.
To submit your own fic, click here. (I gotta get me one of those submitter box thingies.)

Updated Me at the Moment, my sort-of-not live journal. That's all. =\

Sorry about the lack of updates. I've been slacking on everything. The humidity of summer is catching up wth me. =)
Additions to the site:
-Maddy's fic "In The Friday Paper" has been added. Check it out in the fanfiction section.
-AIM Themes/Expressions...there are currently three: Yearbook ("Graduation Day, Pt. II", "The Prom"), Life's A Show ("Once More, With Feeling"), and Buffy: One of Many ("Chosen").
-Nothing else! Like I said, I've been slacking. =)
Layout by Alana of Silver Oracle, along with mistymidnight and Kitty. Header Image by mistymidnight