Buffy Stuff

Stuff For You
Fun Stuff

Site Stuff

JULY 2004

Well, I should probably be in bed because I was up until five thirty this morning and only got five hours of sleep. It's eleven now and I have to wake up at seven-thirty tomorrow. But I just had to update because...
My Little Dawn fic Interrogation (which I shall post here shortly...) beat out six other nominees in the Fuzzy Bunny Slipper (Fluff fic) category, including gidgetgirl, who I was certain would be the unbeatable nominee, 'cause I love her writing style and she's just so darn good at it! Okay, those sentences were somewhat incoherent, but, like I said, it's late and I'm tired. I'll try to update tomorrow. EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk!!! (That's my virtual squeal of delight.) *grins like there's no tomorrow...* =)

I think that's the longest I've ever been without updating. Or at least adding to the updates.
I can't say I've been busy, really, 'cause I haven't. Well, I guess I have. If you click on over to the Stuff For You page, you'll see it's had a major upgrade from being just links to me. It now has Live Journal Icons, AIM Buddy Icons, and wallpapers. Check out the Alyson Hannigan one. It's my favorite so far. It used to be on my desktop, but right now I have a Dawn wallpaper that I've yet to post on the site. Soon, soon.
For the Writings section, I'm going to add some fanfic challenges. This way I can get my fix of guilty fanfic pleasure (AU Buffy/Angel...go ahead and laugh, but I'm addicted to them!) without having to write the fanfic myself. That is, if anyone answers. *fingers crossed*

Somebody that was not me (!) nominated me for the Tenebrion's Lair Awards! Yay!
I updated Nonsense at ff.net. Hopefully I'll ghet around to updating it here, but not right this minute, 'cause I'm in the middle of watching my Angel DVD. ("Five by Five" and "Sanctuary", season one).

I'm back. Wish I could say the same for Free Image Solutions. They quit on me again. Sorry for all the stupid red X's in squares.
In other news, The India Chronicles has won the Best Angel Site Award from Buffy Stuff! I'll be posting a Winners page soon.
And pyrowolf1117 won at the Mystery Picture game. Nice job to pyrowolf1117! I'll post your name on the Mystery Picture page, under "Hall of Fame", along with the date that you won the game.
Nothing else I can think of to say. Added a new affiliate, Ever So Humble Awards. Check it out!

Greetings from a Texas laptop! I flew in a few hours ago and I've got an awful crick in my neck from staring out the window at the USA going by underneath me. Flight was great...nice and clear, no turbulence...all good.
So glad I can use the laptop. My workaholic/computer bum self was going to go stir-crazy. (How very pathetic.) A week without checking my email? What if I went over the limit and Hotmail blocked my incoming messages? But I digress. (sp?)
I'm planning to update the OMWF lyrics regularly. I hate leaving stuff unfinished. 'Cept when I'm feeling lazy. =)

Grand reopening! *takes scissors, cuts fancy ribbon tied around site*. The new header image isn't all that great, and I'm not sure if I like the new navigation yet...the sidebar looks so blah! But there's new stuff: an image gallery (season one...the other seasons will be up soon..), my journal-type thing where I sound off about anything and everything, a past layouts pages, a past updates page, a new and improved guestbook, Riley's character bio, and more! Plus, for all you people who couldn't see my images before, yay for me! The image gallery is now viewable for you! (I'm hosting my images directly on Angelfire. Why I didn't think of that before, I don't know. It takes up a TON of memory, though.) And the links page is bigger and more organized! (You can find it under "Interact").
I didn't use the header image I had planned to originally. The colors weren't working for me. It was a nice image though, and I'm sad it didn't work out. =(
Speaking of header images, I anticipate the next one to be even better than the first two. click over to the "Past layouts" page for an idea of what the next few layouts will be.
That's about all I have to say. Happy surfing, and let me know what you think! misty2080@hotmail.com

This is probably gonna be my last update before closing. *sniff* Take a good look at the layout...it's the last time you'll see it in action.
Happy Fourth of July/Independence Day to all you fellow Americans! Yay for parades and pool parties and cookouts! (Which is how I'll be spending the Fourth, thank you very much.)
Some things to look forward to in the new layout:
-Past updates page
-New and improved links page (bigger and tidier)
-Anya's Magic Box (hopefully...)
-Hellmouth Petting Zoo (again with the hopefullness)
-Image Galleries (Because what kind of fansite would it be without these highly-clichéd and overused features?)
-Updated credits page (ooh, like you care...)
-Updated episode guides! (It's about time. Do you realize that I've yet to finish the "Welcome to the Hellmouth" episode guide and I've had this site for almost three months? Very sad.)
-Updated character bios!
-More fanfic!
-Possibly more ecards...let me know if you want.
-Updated quotes.
-The new layout, of course. (Which is actually more of a new theme with the graphics and all. And the way the site's sub-pages are set up will be a bit different.)

Plus more!!!
Here's a little spoiler for the new layout: The colors are black and white. The title is "Love Left Behind". The characters involved are all the characters that were in "The Gift". (Except for Xander and Anya, I believe. I just couldn't get them in. =( ) I'm a little shaky about what this layout is gonna be like. I'm afraid it will be too depressing or too blahh...time will tell, I suppose.
Don't forget...JULY 5 THRU JULY 9--CLOSED!!!

Bliss, bliss, and more bliss!!! I can finally update!
My Internet was down for two days because of "severe weather" (which happened all around me but never actually hit my town) and I was going stir-crazy. If that's not pathetic, I don't know what is. =)
In the meantime, I won the Site Of the Month award from Dream Universe. Yay!!!
Reader/viewer voting has begun at the Shades of Grey Awards. Vote for me! Please!
Hmmm, what else...well, I'm still working on getting the new layout ready. Remember, the site is CLOSED FROM JULY 5 UNTIL JULY 9. Also, I'm going on vacation from JULY 10 UNTIL THE 18TH, SO EXPECT NO UPDATES. :-(
Working on adding a new "past layouts" page for the site. It took me awhile to recreate the layouts on a small scale, because I can't/don't know how to take screenshots on the Internet. Call me very un-'Net-savvy.
A new game, Mystery Picture, will be added along with the new layout. In fact, there will be a lot of content added with the new layout.
As for the Mystery Picture Game, the email form isn't working, so if you want to email in your responses (it's optional), you'll have to do it the long way. Sorry.
I went out yesterday and finally bought myself the Season Six DVD set. Joyfulness!
Well, that's all for now. If you people want all the new pages and layout up and running before the end of July, you'll have to excuse me. I must update.
Layout by Alana of Silver Oracle, along with mistymidnight and Kitty. Header Image by mistymidnight