Buffy Stuff

Stuff For You
Fun Stuff

Site Stuff

JUNE 2004

Another update.
Some notes...
Note #1: To anyone who clicked the image link for the COA below, my apologies. I linked it to the wrong site. Apparently, as many of you probably know, especially webmasters, awn s in your URL makes a big difference whether you get where you want to go or not.
As of JULY 5, 2004, this site will be CLOSED FOR REMODELING. I'm planning to have the site up and running again by JULY 9, 2004. Maybe all the pages won't be back up, but I'll try very, very hard. I'll be posting a calendar to let you know what's going on. View Calendar

Well. No updates for two days. I'm getting sloppy. =)
I won the Potential Award from See Ya Sunnydale.
I'm also nominated at the CrossOver Awards.

I'm back and I'm slump-free! Yay!
I'm going to work on "Anya's Magic Box". Then I'm gonna update the links page and the "About Me" page. I'm gonna post the latest chapters of "Nonsense". Normally I'm not in a rush to do this, since I could just direct you over to ff.net, but I nominated "Nonsense" for the Shadows and Dust Fanfiction Awards (SDFA) and gave the URL as the one on the site. So, updates.
Nominated my site at the Vamped Awards (TVA) and Nonsense at the Shades of Grey Awards (SOGA), where Breakfast At Dawn, Monkey Brains, and Staking My Sister are already in the running for Best Series (carried over from the last round).
I'm also being added to SOGA as an affiliate. Hopefully this means more hits for me.
Off to update. Happy surfing!

I started working on "Anya's Magic Box", but frankly, I just don't feel like it. I'm in a slump. Y'know how you just have those days sometimes? It's been one of those days all week. All that appeals to me is watching a Buffy DVD while eating M&Ms and Reisin in my room. And ice cream, 'cept there's none in the house I can eat.
I want to write a new fanfic chapter for Nonsense, but I'm in too much of a slump to even do that. And usually writing makes me feel better. This is so not good.
Also making me feel depressed is the fact that while my monitor/video card make everything on my computer ridiculously dark, this is not so from other computers. So it turns out that my colors don't match as well as I thought they did and many of my graphics are absurdly lightened. Sorry about that, but I'm too lazy to fix 'em. Slump, remember?
I'm off to surf the web while frowning at my computer as if it's all its fault that I feel crappy. Later.

Got another award! Yay! i posted it on the Awards Won page for all you curious folk. Or, if you're like me, you go over there to click the awards to see if you can win an award for your site from the same place.
There's not much else to say. "Anya's Magic Box" and "The Hellmouth Petting Zoo" are in the works...AMB more so than HPZ. Oh well.
Kitty's gonna help with an animated graphic for the entrance page. Yay again!

I've been busy lately. Ha. Yesterday I went and saw Garfield at the movies with my buddy Eri. Then we went shopping and nearly had a handbag crisis. (Actually, the handbag crisis was before the movie.) I went to the bookstore and bought two new Buffy books: Tempted Champions and The Darkening. The latter has an almost fanfic-y quality to it; it's about Evil Willow and its catchline is: What if Dark Willow was never stopped? I just had to buy it...because it's the first "what-if?" Buffy book I've ever seen out there. So I've been reading those.
And, of course, watching my Buffy DVDs in my room and Monty Python's Flying Circus OnDemand on the downstairs TV (the one with 900 odd channels...though only about 200 work, and 100 of those just play music 24/7. Not music videos, mind you, just music. Not that I'm complaining.)
I updated Nonsense and got a few more reviews. I read the chapter describing the house to my friend Taylor, the one who actually lives in said house, and she gave me an awesome compliment: "I love the way you write, Renée. It's like I'm actually there." So that gave me a definite yay-factor.
I nominated the site for two awards:

The Sunnydale Slayer


Class Of 2004.

So. That's about it.

Wow, it's been awhile since I last updated. Well, awhile by my standards, anyway.
I'm in a great mood, despite the fact that I was up until two in the morning working on the site. Not to mention the fact that I was woken up with a call from my sister at EIGHT IN THE MORNING!!!
But my great mood is mostly credited to the fact that when I opened my inbox, I had FIFTEEN new messages! And none were SPAM! Fourteen were reviews and one was an award from Shivering Buffy. If that's not enough to make a girl grin, then I don't know what is.
Two new pages I'm working on: The Hellmouth Petting Zoo and Anya's Magic Box. Of course, the latter is the Magic Box Online, run by none other than Anya herself (with help from yours truly, of course). The first is a sort of gallery of Hellmouth Beasts. The name is taken from the episode "Dead Man's Party" when Buffy says to Giles (in regards to the zombie cat): "Welcome to the Hellmouth Petting Zoo."
I'm gonna add "What the Critics Say" to my fanfic page, just to give folks an idea of what people say about my stories.
And last but not least, all you fanfic readers of mine rejoice. I'm posting the latest chapters of "Nonsense", as well as the floor plan to Tara and Mommy's summerhouse, for all you curious souls. Enjoy!

Ya know how last time I updated I mentioned my new TV? Yeah, well, there was relevance there. Now that I have an actual DVD player in my room, I'll watch my Buffy DVDs more often (heh, heh...three and a half episodes and one Angel episode since Thursday, 6/17 at 7 pm. It's 12:23 now, so that's quite the accomplishment), which means more episode guides, and faster, too! Yipiee! (sp?)
Now, if you will so kindly tick your gaze over to the lower half of the Navbar, you will see my new "Win an Award" section! This is for websites only, sorry, no fanart or fanfic, though there is a category for a fanfic site, and your site can have fanart on it. Oh well, nominate and have yourself some fun! (Chances are everyone who nominates will win an award, unless they're in total violation of the rules. Just 'cause I'm an old softy.)

I am officially on summer holiday!! Yay for me!
On a more depressing note...
Sing! "No-oooo body kno-oooo-ows the trouble I've seen...No-oooo body kno-oooo-ows myyy sonnnnng..." I can't get my Microsoft Word to work. This wouldn't be a problem if I DIDN'T WRITE FANFIC!!! Now I have to figure out a different way to write and upload stories. I could use Wordpad or Notepad, I suppose, but then the formatting would probably be all screwy.
On two more happy notes: I'm officially registered at Slayers Online. Rate my site, please!
Happy note number two: I just today got a 13" TV for my bedroom! Cable and a built-in DVD player, baby! Joy to the world!
All you web surfers can rejoice, seeing as the combination of summer holidays and lack of a word prcessing program means more updates, most likely. Enjoy!

Got myself a new Proboard! Head on over by clicking on the message board selection on the side bar.
  • Start Character Bios
  • Get a message board
  • Check email
  • Become some kind of reigning monarch

No word on that last one.
I'm off. Buh-bye! Join the Proboard!

Heard back from Dawn Til Dusk. Apparently, my site didn't show up, only the html code did. How much does that stink??? I'm working on it.
As you probably noticed on your way in, there's a new entrance graphic! Yay Bangel! B/A 4eva!!!

Asked Kitty about animated entrace graphics. She said possibly a stick figure version of Buffy staking a stick figure version of a vampire. I say, cool.
As awesome as it sound, I'm not one to patient and I started on my own new entrace grapihc, featuring Buffy and Angel. I'm a big B/A shipper. I'm just more subtle than many people are.
But, with a stroke of bad luck that could only happen to me, Free Image Solutions, my image hoster, has gone AWOL and is nowhere to be found. This means that none, and I repeat NONE of my images are displaying correctly...or at all. I was like, "You've got to be kidding me!" Does this mean that I have to go and reload every single one of the easily 50+ images I had hosted there? @%*# image hoster! Apparently my "reality show" pitch, "You've Been Scammed!...by your Image Hosting Service!" has been picked up for a second season. Joy. If an enployee of Free Image Solutions happens to be reading this, just know that I am extremely dissatisfied, enough so that I could end up taking my photos to PhotoBucket. Just a warning. =)
I guess this means I can work on the episode guide. Believe me when I say that 100+ episodes of Buffy is pretty daunting. Please help me out!
Oh, well. Tomorrow's another day.

I'm wearing shorts and my legs are sticking to my computer chair, which is quite an accomplishment seeing as it's fabric covered.
I went about curing my major case of the sweaty-complain-ys by nominating my site for the awards at Dawn Til Dusk and at The Slayer's Handbook. Go me! I'm accomplishing things!
And in the spirit of accomplishment, I am going to ask Kitty about an animated entrace graphic...again. Gosh, I probably bug the poor girl out of her gourd. But that's okay, I'm the best friend. It's my job.
And John! (notice that I always spell his name with an exclamation point...this is 'cause he's my online savior! Who else knows so much about anchor links and JavaScript? Well, anyways...) lent me this book, "Teach Yourself Java In 21 Days". So guess what I'll be doing the next three weeks?

I am officially a staff member of Buffy the Virtual Slayer!
I added more links to the links page. Go have some fun.

I added the greeting cards page. As of now, I'm having my doubts as to whether they really send or not, but I'm too easily frustrated to try to fix it. Also, I don't have time...I'm off to the movies with some friends. Ta-ta!

I am working on a greeting card page for the site. I dunno how often it's gonna be updated now..certainly still frequently, but maybe not every day. I'm gonna be writing for Buffy the Virtual Slayer, plus I have my fanfic, as well as a semi-life. Oh well. Soon there will be fun e-card-y goodness!

I added a new page, Instant Messages. This page features the instant messages (IMs) of the Scoobies. I haven't added it to the NavBar yet. See it first here.

Added a new story at ff.net.

Well, gotta go. I still have to take a shower and it's already 10 pm. I have to wake up at ten of six tomorrow. Uh-oh.

Fanfic News: Shades of Grey announced their winners. I was not among them. :-(

I nominated Interrogation for the Bedtime Stories Awards.

Layout by Alana of Silver Oracle, along with mistymidnight and Kitty. Header Image by mistymidnight