Buffy Stuff

Stuff For You
Fun Stuff

Site Stuff

The past updates page, for all those who want to spend their time here.

MAY 2004

Again. Got some more javascript.

Free JavaScripts provided
by The JavaScript Source

Happy Memorial Day to all those of you in the States!


I nominated myself at The Magick Awards.

I WON THE GREAT SITE AWARD!!!! I am thrilled! Check out the new "Awards Won" to see it.


Sufficiently later in the day (9:11 pm). I just nominated myself for the All I Want is You Awards, a great site to which I am linking. (Yes, I am sucking up--not like it matters in the end anyway.) So now I'm trying to beef up all my pages. Updates! Viewers rejoice!

Well, it's (checks clock) 1:22 in the morning and I am beat. I spent a long time trying to make a game, only to have the revelation that it wouldn't work just before I uploaded it.
I did add a sucessful game, though--The Training Game. Check it out under fun stuff. (Too tired to make that an easy link.)
My new online javascript Bible is http://www.dynamicdrive.com/. That's where I got the game, the clcik-and-drag images, and the bookmark my site doohickie.
I added Xander's bio and Willow's, though neither of the default ones have been posted yet. Well, I'm tired. Bye.

Added two character bios: Tara and Dawn. I had so much fun with them that I think I might make a scrapbook of the show and stick it under "Fun Stuff". Yeah. Fun.
Maybe not, though, seeing as the bio pages take up tons of room on my image hosting account. Oh well. We shall see.
Please sign the guestbook! Pretty please?
If you have fanfic, fan art, or anything like that, send it along to me. Fanfic can be rated up to PG-13. Absolutely NO rated R or NC-17. NO EXCEPTIONS. I'm thinking of starting an awards contest for fanfic and I always love to read some. Fan art must be appropriate for all viewers.
If you have a Buffy site, be it general, fanfic, shipper, or devoted to one actor or character, send it along as well. If it's appropriate, I'll add it to my links page.
Well, it's nearly eleven and tomorrow I have to wake up at quarter of six. Watching me function without caffiene? Not pretty. I'm outta here.

I'm working on some new stuff: "A Brief History of the Claddagh Ring" for "Fun Stuff", some possible games (if I can figure out the codes for them), character bio's told from the character's point of view (each will get their own "home page") and on top of all that, new fanfic and updates to the existing ones. Plus button-link making. It stinks to be me. Just kidding.
I made my own graphic for the guestbook (Willow and Tara, one of my favorite Buffyverse couples) and moved it to the navbar so it's more in the line of vision. The guestbook link is still at the bottom of this page as well, I just haven't gotten around to changing the graphic to the Willow/Tara one. Don't let it confuse you. Sign it! Sign it!

I added a new page, "Andrew's HTmL Help", which is an html guide "taught" by none other than Buffy's Andrew Wells, nerd extraordinaire. So far, it's only accessable from the main page, but I'll get to work on the other pages soon.

Once again with the updates. I fixed the navbar on all the pages, except for the fafic page "Date", which remains in its unformatted form. Boo-hoo.
I updated the credits page (ha! Like anyone reads it anyway) to include the quotes sources.
Okay, I'm tired. Good night.

Added a Buffy Trivia Quiz to the "Fun Stuff" page and a "Quotes" page. I'm actually getting to like this site a lot. Maybe I'll nominate it for awards in the future. (???)
The Quiz was originally supposed to be twenty questions long, but the big long quiz form didn't work out and I didn't want to make twenty seperate quiz pages. (You'll see what I mean if you take the quiz.)
I also added a credits page, mostly out of guilt. :-P
I started seriously thinking about making an html help page on this site, and have it be presented by Willow or Andrew. Tell me what you think.
Ooh! And Kitty (my web guru and best buddy) mentioned the possiblity of an animated entrance image. I say, cool!
Gotta go update the nav bar for the new pages. See ya.

Go me! It's one in the morning and I finally finished a quiz for Fun Stuff: "Which Buffy Girl Are You?" Yay! **Dances like there's no such thing as the Easter bunny** (Ha. Phrase I stole off my friend Kitty.)
My sleep patterns are gonna be so messed up. You people better appreciate this.

Added a new page, "Fun Stuff". So far there's not a lot of "stuff" and therefore not a lot of "fun", but hey, I'm working on it.

I-I-I-I-I-I'm ba-a-a-a-a-ck!
Things are going much better for me than when I last updated. MY fanfic page for "Date" is still doing that weird thing where the navbar resizes itself, so that update has been postponed. However, all my images are moved to freeimagesolutions.com and I've already fixed all the images on the "Stuff For You" page, as well as the individual story pages. Go me!
I posted a new story at ff.net that takes place right after the series finale, "Not Fade Away". Here's a little excerpt:
“I don’t know about you,” he said, trying to be brave for his friends, “but I wanna slay the dragon.”
“Awww,” a voice behind him said. “How come you always get the fun ones?”
Angel whirled around and found himself staring at a rain-drenched Buffy...

Read the whole story here.

Nothing is updating right! (and for once, it's not my fault.)
For starters, my so called, "Free Image Account!" at myimgs.com is not so free after all. All over my site, where image used to be, are little orange thingies that say "Your Five Day Free Trial Has Expired". If one good thing has come out of all of this, though, I'd have to say that I have a new idea for a reality TV series: "You've Been Scammed!...by your image hosting service."
Second, My new image account at freeimagesolutions.com is taking forever to load three stinkin' pictures! (I've been waiting for about half an hour, no lie.) I mean, c'mon! How hard is it to load two little JPEGs and one GIF? Now I have to load twenty odd images onto Free Image Solutions--but at the rate I'm going, I might as well draw them on leaflets and hand them out to passerby, it would probably get the pictures around a lot quicker.
And, to top it all off, my sidebar on one of the fanfic pages I was trying to update keeps shrinking down to less than an inch in width. It's ever so frustrating! (I tried to fix it multiple times, but no change.)
Well, I'm off to watch Angel's series finale. Maybe that will cheer me up. Ha. Unless at least one grisly character death and one turn to the dark side, plus the end of such a great series, is cheerful, I'll probably come away more frustrated than ever. But still, I'm a fan, and a fan watches every episode she can...mostly...bye.

Again, with the updates. I applied the layout to "Breakfast At Dawn" (click "fanfic" and then select from the drop down doohickey to read it, or just click here.
You'll also notice that I've added two new things to the sidebar: an "About Me" page and an "Email Me!" link. I'm trying hard to apply the layout to the old pages, but it's rather difficult, not to mention boring; bear with me.
Well, that's all for now. Remeber, tonight thewatcherscouncil.net posts the first season finale of Watchers, a virtual Buffy spinoff. Yay!

Put the new layout on the links page (which took my nearly 40 minutes, might I add, because I had to transfer all the links to the text box instead of the handy Angelfire link boxes.) Oh, well, I'm happy with the way the site is coming out. Once I get the layout applied to all the pages, I may even start with some new ones, possibly...
· Character Bios
· Site FAQ's
· About Me
· Games, if I can ever puzzle out how to make them
· And more!
Aloha! (which means hello and goodbye, in case it slipped your memory)

Okay, so far the new layout has been applied to the episode guide main page and the fanfic main page. I've got lots of ideas on what I'm gonna be doing, but many involve time, a resource I have very little of right now. So don't hold your breath.
On top of this, my account at myimgs.com isn't working tonight. Ah, well, such is life.
I'm getting ready to post the "Welcome to the Hellmouth" episode guide in its entirity. Anyone willing to submit an episode guide (therefore making me work on that less and other pages more) email me!
Another thing, hey, please sign the guestbook? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
And by the way, the characters in the image at the top of this page...well, the fact that only Buffy, Willow, Xander, and Anya are up there doesn't mean I like them any more than the other characters. I tried to get Tara, Giles, and Dawn to fit, using vaious images and positions, but, in the end, the original four just looked best.
Well, must run. Ciao!
Wee-ooh! New layout! (One that is not crappy!) Big thanks to Kitty and the folks at Silver Oracle, especially Alanna, who designed this layout and so kindly made it available to download. (Credits at page footer)
For the next few days, I will be hard at work trying to apply the new layout to all the pages. (Ha ha. Don't expect it to come to fast, I have other obligations, and this page alone took me from 2 pm until quarter of nine pm to put up. Just a warning.)
I'll also be adding new links, because in the period of time that I wasn't updating, I was surfing the web like a bum! And happened to stumble across some pretty darn cool stuff. Nothing illegal, might I add.
Well, sitting in front of the computer, immobile, all day has really taken it out of me. I'm going to bed!

I know, I know, there's broken links on the site and the layout is currently crappy. But my buddy John! (claps--lol) is coming over (hopefully)next weekend to halp me out, seeing as John! knows more about computers and HTML than I can ever hope to know. Hey, maybe Kitty can help me...I'll give her a call...later.

It's me again. Duh. Who were you expecting?
Well, I spent all my evening on the Internet working on this site, and sadly, I don't have much to show for it. Oh well. At least I'm trying!
I'm sick of updating, though, so ta-ta for now. I'll be back later!

I'm working really hard to get this site running properly, but I keep...getting...sidetracked...hey, look, there's a truck outside!
Seriously, though, it's fairly difficult to churn out stories for ff.net, co-operate a website with your friend, work on this website, and deal with the various other responsibilities of life. On the weekend, when I have time to re-watch my Buffy DVDs, I'll get started up on the buffy episode guide. Then again, though, knowing me, I'll get sidetracked.
I'll get the links page up next, so you'll all have something to do as you sit and wait in giddy suspense for my site updates. (Sarcasm.)
Well, that's about it for the updates. I'm off to update some stuff on the site besides this! Toodles!

If you are reading this and I haven't taken the huge "UNDER CONSTRUCTION!" marquee off the main page, then you are obviously a curious person (not to mention a very, very brave soul). Not always bad, but still...I'm still trying to update the site. I couldn't find an image hosting service that would display my images properly. So... There will be less pages than there originally was, but only until I update all the pages so the images actually show up as images and not these things:

Consequently, the pages with the most images will take the longest amount of time to be up and running again, but once they are, hopefully we'll have no problems. Hopefully. (Fingers crossed.)

APRIL 2004

I'm working on fixing up the pages that don't end in .html, because it turns out that certain servers don't support my pictures if the page they're on doesn't end in .html, and that makes my site veeerry boring. Bear with me, once again.
Layout by Alana of Silver Oracle, along with mistymidnight and Kitty. Header Image by mistymidnight