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Layout © mistymidnight
[with Namo Web Editor Six]
Header image © mistymidnight
Images courtesy of the
Freeze Frame Network

If you have a Buffy or Angel-related site, you can nomnate it for an award here.

A quick note: when I first started this section of the site, I didn't really know what I was doing, honestly. I had categories like 'Best Angel Site' and 'Best Webmaster'. Obviously, this makes no sense, because, in this type of situation, you're not competing against any other sites. So, as of 8/21/05, I've changed the system to one more fitting of a fansite. And also, the awards are prettier. =)

The Bronzing It Award

-The easiest award to win.
-Your site must have a layout and sensible navgiation system (nothing fancy--a few text links will work just fine).
-There must be at least five pages, not counting a splash/enter page. Not all the pages can be link pages.

The Painstakingly Thought Out Puns Award

-A little harder to win than the Bronzing It Award.
-Must have at least 8 pages of actual content (not links or splash).
-Site must be easily navigable and attractive on a basic level--graphics need not be great, but no clashing colors, etc.
-Must show some thought and originality.

The Magic Award

-This award is for sites with great graphics and layouts.
-Your site must have an easy-to-use navigation system and an interesting layout.
-Your graphics must be great. This applies mostly to layout images and the splash, but I'll be looking at other images on the site as well.
-Content is not really important--your site can be all links for all I care. As long as the layout and graphics are nice, you're golden.

The Research Award

-This award focuses on content--images and layout aren't really important. However...
-Your site must have an easy-to-use navigation system. (Text links are fine--nothing fancy).
-The more content, the better. Your site must have at least 20 pages of content (not links)--games, fanfic, episode guides, quizzes...anything!

The Patrol Award

-Harder to win than the other awards.
-Your site must be good-looking as well as offer a lot of content.
-Your site must have at least 20 pages (not counting splash or links).
-Must be updated fairly often.
-Must show thought and originality.

The Kick Butt Award

-Hardest award to win.
-Must have extremely beautiful images/layout, easy navigation, and loads of content.
-Must have at least 25 pages (not counting, as usual, splash or links).
-Your site must make me very jealous, and also make me want to visit again and again.
-Must be updated frequently.
-Needs at least one feature that is highly original.
-Overall, site must show thought, effort, and originality.

Site of the Month Award

-For whatever nominated site I'm obsessing over at any given time.
-Must show effort, originality, and thought.
-Must make me want to visit over and over.

Wanna nominate? First you gotta read the rules.