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This is the original chapter two of 'Willow Rosenberg, Child Psychologist'. In what exists of this draft (it's incomplete), nothing really canon happens, so if you've read 'Fully Qualified', there are no spoilers. I liked the way this chapter was going, though, so you may see this scene appear in a later chapter.

This was originally written on 11/20/2004.

Title: Willow Rosenberg, Child Psychologist
Author: mistymidnight
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own the plot, as well as Taylor, Maxwell, Carly, Erin, Noah, and Aimee. Gidgetgirl owns Zane, Thayer, Sophie, Lola, as well as the plot to the companion fic to this one, "Fully Qualified". Joss Whedon owns the canon and all the characters not mentioned in this disclaimer. (Excluding Lola's mother, who I also own and haven't bothered to name.)
Spoilers/Timeline: Post-Chosen, after my other fic "Fully Qualified".

Summary: Sequel to "Fully Qualified". Willow's life has quieted down. But do things ever stay quiet when you're a Scooby?

Author's Notes: Hoping and praying my computer won't shut down as I'm writing this. It's been doing that a lot lately.
Thank for the great reviews, guys. And gidgetgirl--helpful as ever. I love the Dawn/Lola bonding idea, and you've come up with some angles on the story I hadn't thought of yet. Hmm...I sense plot twists ahead...

Chapter Title

"Ahh, the song of the klepto. I know it well."

"She's not a klepto, Buffy. She's just acting out for attention. It's not like she's addicted to theft."

Willow heard her best friend snort on the other end of the phone. "She's addicted to the attention, though. She'll keep stealing. It's just as bad."

"I see your point."

"Glad someone does. Dawn argued with me all day about having to help pay this month's rent. She says that since she moved out in the middle of the month, she shouldn't have to."

"She found a new apartment?"

"Yep. Downtown, closer to her work. Never figured Dawn for a workaholic. I think she has a crush on the landlord."

Willow plopped down in a big armchair and watched the rain fall outside. "I'm sure that's it," she said sarcastically.

"It's possible," Buffy said. "The house is actually peaceful again. It's real quiet." She paused. "Maybe I should get a pet."

"Ix-nay on the fish. It's highly possible your best friend's boyfriend-turned-killer will kill them all and leave them hanging around for you to find."

"Okay, that was one time."

"And, hello, gay now."

There was a pause.

"Maybe a puppy."

"Goodnight, Buffy."

Willow woke in the middle of the night to the rumble of thunder. It was still raining. Maxwell was curled up at the foot of her bed, eyes wide open, keeping tabs on the storm. Willow rubbed his head and settled back under the covers. But she couldn't fall back asleep. What time is it? she wondered, glancing at her digital clock. 4:58. Is it even worth going back to sleep? she thought. I'll just have to get up again in a couple hours anyway.

Even though it was Sunday, and Sundays were technically her days off, she had to go do some filing at the office. And then she had to go visit Thayer. Ever since she had been stabbed on the subway, Thayer had been requesting to see Willow. Willow felt a little guilty that she hadn't been to see Thayer yet, but life was busy. But you still have time to call Buffy every few days. And time to watch TV and email Kennedy and Xander and play with Maxwell. She rolled over to smother the little pang of guilt creeping into her stomach. I'm just gonna go back to sleep.

And that's the LOST CHAPTER (the drama!) of 'Willow Rosenberg, Child Psychologist'. Not sure what the "Hello, gay now" line had to do with anything. I must have been real tired when I wrote it. =)