Contest of the Grotesque

Welcome welcome! I'm thrilled to actually be holding a contest for the first time and hopefully, all will run fairly smooth. Basically, the rules are this....

1.) There are no rules. I feel that this is the one area where alot of hosts--wanting people to take part in their contests-- fall short. Writing should NEVER be limited to rules or boundaries. Would it truly be unleashing your imagination and soul if it was constricted by "oh, and by the way, no swearing, no grammar flaws, no mispelled words, no personality of any kind, no out of character people, no fun, no creativity. In fact, why don't you just pop in the video and write down the words, mkay?"

That's bullshit. So the first rule is, I want all entries to be just how YOU want to write.

Creativity and originality are things I DO encourage though (again) there are no rules. I'm just saying, if you're serious about winning, you'd better not waste my time with "wow! The mystery of the three years!"

Yeah. You get my point.

2.) All pairings are acceptable.

3.) Swearing, foul language, extreme sexual content, gross humor, perverse innuendo and all over violence or gore are always accepted and--in fact--encouraged!

4.) Though it is not a rule, I would ask that all entries follow one theme. Violence and the grotesque. I don't want love stories is what I'm saying. Believe me, I've read them all and they get more cliche and tedious every time I bore my way through one. So if you're looking for someone to appreciate your "Bulma as Vegeta's sex slave" fics, you're just not going to find them here.

Anyone who has ever read Monster knows that I thrive on creativity, originality and shock-effect. If you want to win, I'd suggest using all three. I'd like to see alot of violence, gore, horror (especially horror) and sex in these stories so please, UNLEASH the darker part of yourself and send away.

5.) Size does not count (heh, suuuure jk) There is no limit on how big your story is or how small. Could be 100 chapters or even a paragraph, though I don't recommend either one. All I'm saying is, send me whatever and I'll pick a winner.

6.) I will be accepting entries until March 1st, (*Unless I get requests for an extention due to difficulty in creating in such a short period) at which time I will reveal the winner.

7.) I do NOT play favorites. I don't care if I know you: if I hate you: if I love you: I don't care about you when it comes to writing. Also, I am the queen of suck-up so don't try it with me.

8.) Finished or unfinished does not matter.

9.) All entries MUST be DBZ (the one thing I'm very serious about) I apologize to all you Harry Potter fans with your delightful, crack induced storylines but unfortunately, DBZ is the only one I give a shit about.

10.) All entries will be read and decided upon by myself and a select group of other close friends who will, in the end, decide the ultimate winner.

What's the reward?

Well, a few things actually. Whoever wins is given a permanent spot on my fanfiction page, which--to say the least--is one huge fucking honor when you consider that the only stories worth being up there presently, are mine.

Also! You get a banner, (or medal whatever you want to call them) basically advertising that YOU have won Camaro's Contest of the Grotesque! These can be pasted on Webpages/sites/profiles. Whatever you want them for.

As well as these fine prizes, a banner will ALSO be made to celebrate your victory on the Kiss of Hell. Sound alright? Good.

Lastly, your story will be thoroughly read and reviewed by myself, regardless of whether or not you win. So if you're looking for honesty, you would be coming to the right place.

For all other questions, comments or to enter, please click Here

Again, creativity is encouraged. All entries can either be submitted as a paste in an email or as a link.


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