Kiss of Hell Wall of Hate

"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty and well preserved piece, but to skid in broadside thoroughly used up, worn out and defiantly shouting "Geronimo."

January 1st , 2004

Well! A new addition to my lovely Wall of Mockery! AIM'S TearfulAngel ... Or as I prefer, homophobic closet dyke! I'm not kidding.. this bitch is obviously some brain dead, mutant Bohemian who spent her entire life swimming in a pond behind the nuclear waste dump and who forced her own parents to chain her in the basement for fear of the villagers adding a new star to their traveling circus show. This bitch, is pathetic. But don't let ME be the one to tell you, just take a look at this riveting little spout we had.

Since I had already pegged this loser as the type to make a complete ass of herself anyways, I decided to go along when she began describing yaoi as both "sick" and the fangirls as "sluts". Sounds like a regular Bill Gates don't she folks? Let's all point and laugh at her for a good while.

So, when I asked her her age, and trust me folk, this asscrack is at the most 14, she of course told me 19. Hahahah! A laugh to be sure since her grammar and punctuation was as laughable as her debates and topics for conversation, not to mention her point of view was as shallow and one sided as a Catholic School girl's can be expected. So naturally, I knew that she wasn't the age she said she was and commented in a very congenial, calm way

"But since we're playing that game... Let me clue you into something cupcake... I write yaoi.. and I don't just do it to "get off". Therefore, IF YOU have a problem with that, you can go stick it in your pathetic, virginal twat, and give it a nice little turn just for me. K sweets? Until then, watch what the fuck you say asshole"

Freaking out, our favorite little carpet muncher spat out a few lines of "you're a slut" before blocking me. Anyone else impressed?

::Crickets chirp::

My point exactly. What a fucking coward. So in asking my friend Maiyette to address this situation, our hermaphrodite butch dyke returned only to have THIS conversation with me.

" TheVegasQueen: ohhh so we aren't scared anymore?
TheVegasQueen:: what honey.. you're mom turn on the night light?
Tearfulangel : and just because i block doesn't mean i'm afraid. i'm just not a sick pervert. and that i respect the character which you do not
TheVegasQueen : lol.. you're a fucking scardy cat
TheVegasQueen: I'm surprised you can even go out of the house
TheVegasQueen: you're a god damn pathetic coward
TheVegasQueen : and you cant spell either
Tearfulangel : you wouldn't say that to my face cunt. cuz i would beat your fuckn ass
TheVegasQueen: hahahahaha
TheVegasQueen: ohhhh I'm so afraid
TheVegasQueen: that's probably because you're a fucking 300 pound hermaphrodite born in some third world country and grew up under power lines
Tearfulangel : feh shows how much you know.
TheVegasQueen: Aww.. what's the matter sweets?... too many swims in the old pond behind the nuclear power plant?
TheVegasQueen: ::pet pet::
TheVegasQueen: awww... so sad
TheVegasQueen: good comeback though hahaha I'm so impressed
TheVegasQueen : hahahahhahahahahah!
TheVegasQueen: Its ok though, ugly, shallow minded losers always hate me.. I understand
TheVegasQueen: nothing to say? Good
Tearfulangel: you yaoi girls are sad. that's probably why they run FF.NET
TheVegasQueen: No.. people like you who refuse to open their minds to a different aspect of life are pathetic... You're nothing more than homophobic closet dykes.. At least when I lick a pussy, I know why I'm doing it precious
Tearfulangel: IF i saw you in real life I would gut you and chew on your insides like sabretooth. goodbye. i don't talk to sluts. call me a coward. it is your opinion, no one else's
Tearfulangel signed off at 5:54 PM

::falls on the floor laughing::

Queen of Comebacks, I bow before you! Hahahaha.. A sabretooth? Oh my God... I swear, the Internet should really start screening its members before letting just any retard drool over a mousepad and scare people! hahaha

So there you have it folks, a great moron to poke fun of and if you see her online, don't be shy, drop her a line! I'm sure she'd be happy to explain to you the evils of homosexuality and why the Devil should be pitied. God, is it just me or is the world getting weirder?

November 15, 2004

Further news regarding SissyGirl (ahem* I mean SessyGirl) is that we're now all referring to her as "FC". What does that stand for you ask?


Hahaha! Stupid scaredy little pussy faced bitch is too fucking afraid to even reply to my emails. Figured. So FC, for future reference... dont start the shit you cant handle. Because bitch, I may not start it but I sure as fuck can finish it.

Have a nice day!

November 12, 2004

I swear, we should start calling this the Kiss Wall of Assholes and Morons. Get a load of the latest embarrassment, Sessygirl or in my mind, SissyGirl. Is it just me, or does that name on its own spurn your incessant need to clobber an annoying cheerleader? haha What a loser.

So lets see just what this dork has to say about my story, Dark Angel.

"I have a few questions.
Have you ever bothered to watch Dbz
Why in the world does vegeta have bat
wings And are you satanic"

HAHAHA! Get a load of this bitch! Are you for real? Oh my God, this is the type of fanfiction reader I truly despise as most likely, she's never read anything other than those "three original years!" My ass crack. Lets see MY response.

"Ok sweetheart, I have a few questions for you.

Have you ever bothered to READ fanfiction?


Are you fucking retarded?

hahaha! Get a grip, why the FUCK do you think you can email ME with some bullshit like that? I've watched every fucking episode out there and thats the beauty of fanfiction honey. Its(oh my God wow, what a surprise!) FICTION. If you're creative enough, you can just shape it however you want and create something fucking beautiful, and unique, despite the use of certain characters.

And satanic? Are you mentally deficient?

Hahaha shit girl, if you're going to email me, at least THINK before you do and stop making a fucking idiot of yourself.


Her response. (and hold your breath kiddies, its a good one! hahaha not)

"Ok sweetheart heres my reply to you one I DO NOT CARE IF IT IS "ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE" you are just plain sick. Vegeta is not a blood hungry rapist like you seem to be describing him. SO DO NOT FUCKING WRITE ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT!!! got it? chow!"

Oh yes, you impotent, unamusing, foul, cousin kissing piece of dried cow shit! I shall stop writing my FUCKING MASTERPIECE because a mentally challenged, DROOLING INTO A STYRO-FOAM CUP while sitting in your wheelchair ASS CLOWN like you, told me to! hahaha! lets all point and laugh!

My response.

"hahahah ok psycho bitch, here's my reply. FUCK YOU. I'll write about him all I want like that. In fact, just for you, I'm going to write ALOT more about him like that. And I'm also going to make him gay, and FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF OTHER GUYS, just for you. You fucking pussy ass coward, get a fucking life. We can't all be unoriginal bores like you who write about the same stupid three years. Its called creativity cunt, get used to it from me.

hahahah go get laid you boring, illiterate bitch and stop making me laugh.



:::Bows::: I swear there's no challenge with these kids anymore. They're all too God damn simple to even fight with. Sigh* maybe someday I'll find someone worth it, until then, I'm stuck with these butt monkeys.

::Points to Sissygirl:: "Dance monkey! Dance!"

Sigh* Just another reason 12 year olds have no place in fanfiction. To fuck with this loser, just click her underlined name anywhere (SissyGirl) and HAVE FUN! make sure to email me with her responses!

October 7, 2004

My worst enemy will always be jealousy. Because if you aren't grateful for being beautiful, then you're wasting it. And if you're accepting of it, then you're conceited. And regardless how much someone may love you as a friend, as much as they realize its a fucking priveledge to even know you, jealousy will always be there to weaken them and make them petty.

I swear, humans will always strive for more beauty, for more of that special thing that society ranks your worth by. But when you have it, even a little, you realize quite abruptly that everything is a two edge sword. That like love, beauty can bring you to heights you never anticipated, and plunge those left behind into a wallowing pit of animosity towards what they cant possess.

I've lost so many friends, disappointed so many men who wanted special, one-on-one relationships that I couldn't commite to. And sometimes, I blame the idiotic losers (friends and former partners) for their own petty envy. And then other times, most times, I pity them. Because they're slaves to it. And like me, jealousy will always be their enemy.

August 23, 2004

blIndEdbYUrfAcE2 (AIM) along with xZildjian07x (AIM). Same guy, calls me a whore, among other things, like no-talented slut and "You suck at HTML ha ha ha" *rolls eyes* Ladies and Bitches, it'd be nice if you went after this fuck when you're bored. With lots of time. And a list of cusswords by your side. Also, warn the fucker a couple of times for me.

-Bunni Girl

May 23, 2004

Lesson of the day: Jealousy sucks.

May 21, 2004

“You want to FUCK with me little girl? Let me tell you that one day your stupid little comments are going to come back and bite you in the arse. You have no concept of reality or even true talent to back your pathetic arguments. Fuck with me, I dare you. I'm not afraid of you and if you piss me off again, maybe I'll be nice and leave my email address, bitch.”

Hmmm, is it just me or does anyone else sense a little animosity here? haha my reviewer! Ain't she cute guys? Lets all take a moment to laugh at her.

To little precious “oh god”, I have something I want to say. You call me a little girl, and yet, you’re immature enough to go back to a story you DON’T like simply for the soul purpose of ensuring that you pissed off the author. My God, but that seems VERY sad don’t you agree?

And little girl? I think not. I’m older than you sweety with an OBVIOUSLY wider vocabulary and an army of very loyal, very honest reviewers on my side. What do you have but a pitiful excuse for a flame, sentance fragments, childish swears, no email address, empty threats, and no log in name?

Fuck with you? Fuck with WHAT? You’re nothing to me.

And what are you precious but a little thing…… I like to laugh at? A cute, constant reminder of how much better I am than sad, pathetic little failures like you.

You want to talk “reality”, alright, since its temporarily escaped you, I’ll be nice enough to be your tour guide. Hi! I’m Camaro. I’m brave enough to leave my email address, my name, my stories, my everything for little pathetic shits like you to attempt to tear apart. Hm. Why, my God, isn’t that quaint that you’ve done none of the above?! Hmm.. poor little precious, my goodness but WHAT would that imply?

Hahaha, man, sometimes you just have to thank God Himself that He gave the world people like you. Makes me feel good…. Really Good.

Pfft.. You want a war? You aren’t worth a war. What’s an army against one loud mouth failure too afraid of me to leave an email address and instead, threatening to do so. Geez, why am I wasting my time except to amuse myself?

But you are kind of funny actually. Me and my friends had a great time laughing at you, I just thought you’d like to know. Haha, better luck next time sweety. Maybe this will give you the incentive to leave that oh-so-desired email address.


Till the next sad attempt, its your move. I’m waiting to be amused and I don’t like to wait.


And bitch? Come on baby! Hahaha I think the world was aware of that a while ago! Haha! Sounds like someone’s taken a step out of reality herself! Left behind? So sad. I might actually be upset if I could stop laughing.

And why would I need words biting my "arse" when I have little SHITS like you kissing it?!?! LOL!

April 25, 2004

Camaro: Well hello everyone! Having a nice FUCKING day?! Good, cuz I certainly am. You'd think being in a car accident might be excuse enough to be free from all bitchfests and gossiping that little old wannabes have about you, but no. No fucking vacation over here.

The topic at hand? Oh, I'm not sure. Maybe a certain little Yahoo group might know. Since, after all..... Apparently I am QUITE the interesting topic of conversation, aren't I Ladies?

So guess what everybody?! Camaro is a bitch! Oohhhh! And you know what else? She's overconfident! Uhhh, no mother fuckers. I'm not overconfident. Overlyconfident means you are blind to that ACTUAL extent of your talent. It is an excess in confidence, to the point of arrogance and conciete. While I make no attempt to deny my arrogance, I'm not conceited. I just know I'm good and I'm not going to pretend otherwise. Jealous are we? Its ok. If I were you, I'd hate me too.

Is it a threat to you that I kick ass and you're all washed up, dried up, forgotten house wives? I'm sure it sucks sweeties, here, I'll give you a hug. Better now?

Man, its bad enough I'm sitting around the house, typing with one fucking hand, barely able to walk, my body looking like a fucking truck ran over it, but no, I gotta fucking defend myself against insecure assholes with nothing better to do than start shit. Well why dont you fucking start it with me huh? You got something to say, fucking say you to me, you fucking dirty ass cunts! Ain't no fucking car in this world that could keep me from bringing it if you wanna start something. So give me your best. I did not start this shit.....

But I will finish it.

Bunni Girl: Hmmm.. you see ladies, you've got the wrong culprit to be gossiping about. Her review, both times in fact for your members, were very sweet. In fact, they were simply critical and soft (if there can ever be such a thing to be at the same time.) The real mother****er here is me. I'm the one that dissed AM's fanfic, gave her low scores (if it weren't for Camaro's influence, AM WOULD have gotten a 38 or lower..), and was the real bitch. I'm afraid when you think about it, Camaro's the nice one of the bunch. Sure, she can be very uncouth and very in your face, but that's just her. I'm afraid the only one here that tops her in the be-the-ultimate-bitch contest for reviews is myself. So next time, even if you get the impression that Camaro is in charge of the site, remember: We're the Nightmare Duo. Heh. There is no I in team and there sure as hell ain't only one gal running this operation. We share the blame together, we share the triumph together. So don't go all "Oh Camaro" and try to remember MY name next time with hers and maybe I'll find it within my heart to think about forgiving you.

Just a thought before you guys decide to talk about us again. *shrug* And by the way, it was your dear FANS that referred your 'awesome' fanfics. Pfft. So much for that, huh? ^_~ Well, good luck practicing how to write on grocery lists. Maybe you'll finally use the word "too" and "your" in the correct context, eh?

But one can only hope. Buh-bye *evil laugh*.

April 14, 2004

Ahhhhh... our Wall of Hate.

Have you ever had anyone, I mean..just about ANYONE that has pissed you off, pushed you to the edge of no return, caused you to have that vein bulge, that eyebrow twitch, that single murderous rage that you swore would never see the light of day...see the light of day?

Don't you wish you could get that person back? Don't you dream late at night that karma would come true and HIT THAT PERSON HARD?..or in the form of a bus? Whichever comes first.

Ah, well, we've got the second best thing. A hate wall.

See, if anyone - ANYONE - ever messes with either of us, we both retailiate on their asses. By gunfire? No. By flaming? No. By manipulation and exploitation? Yes.

We here at Kiss of Hell believe in the best revenge - the kind that other people do for us just because they love us so much. ^^ Now isn't that the best god damn revenge ever? We like to think so.

Now for our first victim.

1. AIM sn: Emptyblackrose (adoraballs and Lilbabybinks2 are others) - Bunni Girl's unfortunate Ex. She played with Bunni Girl's feelings and shattered her feelings of trust (and just when she got over thost damn trust issues too!). Now feel it in your heart for the hate you feel for your Ex and how evil they are. ^_^ Channel that into flames for this girl.

We'll add more as we start to remember the sns and emails of people that we hate.

Til then,

Lesbian Lover Bunni Girl and the Sinfully Sexy Camaro

Fuck With Us
