Kiss Wall of Love
Kiss Wall of Love

Bunni Girl on Mushi-azn

^^ The one with the bunny ears is me (obviously) and the one with the monkey tail who's after Vegeta is Mushi-azn, or how I call her, Mushi or Sushi-chan.

I love Mushi with all my heart. She is one of my dearest and closest friends for years now. She's been with me through thick and thin ever since..well..I put my story KTAT on Even though KTAT is gone, Mushi is still there ready to love and be my friend always. And that's why she deserves to be on this wall. Not because she's my friend, but because she's one of my best friends.

Throughout the years, no one's been there for me quite like Mushi has. She's adorable and I always beg her to draw me pictures because even though she denies it with all her heart, she's a fantastic cartoonist with an superb sense of humor that always gives me broken ribs whenever she shoots it at me. She's one of the best things to happen to me because she reminds me that innocence is pure and not always spoken through a conventional way. As big, or perhaps slightly less of a pervert than I am, she accepts me for who I am and that deserves more than a gold medal or a place on this site/page. That deserves a hug.

Even though she's somewhere in Canada and I'm in California, I've got plans to see her one day and give her that hug, hang out with her because I couldn't think of a cooler person to hang out with.

And that's just my view on Mushi. I love you, girl. Friends for life.

Bunni Girl on Mushi-azn

Camaro on Laura

The first to go on our Wall of Love? My good and loyal friend through many trials, Laura (aka Syndel). Through good times and bad times, this reviewer turned companion, proved herself, sticking with me through the hardest of situations, and there to laugh with me in the best. I look back to the good old days and realize that many of those times were good BECAUSE of Laura. I met her over a year ago, flattered and inspired by her praise of Dark Angel. What impressed me most was her compassion for others and the fact that I dont think one convesation ever went by when she didn't ask how I was doing.

The more I got to know Laura, the more I realized the qualities in her that I wanted to have. And dont think I loved her JUST because she was sweet. I adored her for that, but I respected her because she was so strong. Drama with her boyfriends, let down from the male gender that we all eventually suffer, she prevailed unlike anyone I've ever known. And not because she was rock hard and cold. But because she cried WITH me, admitted the pain rather than buried it.

I dont think being strong means that you dont break down. I think being strong is realizing that its OK to break down once and a while, just as long as you believe you'll get back up. And time and again, Laura has. She's shown me what it means to be a powerful, proud woman and yet keep your dignity and your class along the way. For that and many other things, she's the first on the Wall of Love.

Camaro on Lilly And Teesh

For the next entry on the Wall of Love, I cant think of a better pair than Lilly and Teesh to take the place. Introducing them seperately would have been a catastrophy as these two work as an unbreakable team. My companions through Dark Angel, Teesh and Lilly have proved their worth to me countless times as they stood by my side and supported me against flamers. Often taking things into their own hands, they have numerously sent emails and nasty reviews to ANY who dare to fuck with me.

While some might not view this as important enough to gain a place on this wall, I'd like to send a great FUCK YOU shout out to that person. If I ever needed someone to count on, guess what? I got two. When other people turned to chicken shit, Teesh and Lilly stood up tall, spitting swears and phrases that even sent a blush to MY cheeks.

And I know, to this day and many after it, Teesh and Lilly will be there for me, thick through thin, hard through easy, good through bad. If I need them, like my guardian angels, I know they'll be there for me. And if I'm ever in battle, guess who'll be there by my side, winning that war with me?

Thats why I love them. Because with those two, I will NEVER be alone. The unbendable, the unbreakable, the undefeatable duo...... Teesh and Lilly.

Camaro on Tim

Third, but certainly in no order, comes my friend Tim. I met him December 2, 2002 and as he says, despite the distance, our friendship has only continued to grow. Known to ffnet fans as AbyssmalDragon, Tim has repeatedly surprised me with his unique talent for creating original characters, a feat that few in the game of fanfiction can achieve with such flying colors.

Attractive to the extremities that ought to be unachievable for a man equipped with a brain and ::cough cough:: I’m assuming OTHER talented body members, Tim is quite the lusty package. But hold onto your panties ladies, THIS handsome hunk is OFF limits.

If women ever fail to believe that there ARE still good men out there, Tim is living proof of it. One of the smartest people I’ve ever met, he never fails to impress me with kind words and thoughtful advice, proving to be an intellectually stimulating man, complimented by his charismatic personality and ahem*, well…… we’ll just refer to the picture, ok ladies?

Lastly, for all of his amazing attributes, I want to bring out the strongest quality, the reason I fell in love with Tim’s personality. He is a good man. Never one to be demoralized by the opinions and views of the other men his age, he holds high standards for himself and others, values that other’s might overlook. Dating his beautiful “angel” Katherine for two years and three months, to my knowledge, he has no regrets in the choices he has made. A solid reminder that if there are anymore men like Tim, maybe I will find love someday.
