The sound echoed through the quiet room, the rythm steady; slow. The swish of the doctor's lab coats sounded occasionally as they moved about the table, staring down in disgust at the item of their scrutiny.
“How could this…. thing still be alive?" One asked. "There’s nothing left.”
“Studies show there’s brain activity." The other doctor spoke. "Something about this guy doesn’t want to go yet.”
“Shut the curtain. This thing gives me the creeps." The younger doctor shivered. "Something about that face! It’s just too……. immaculate or something. What did you say his name was?”?”
“According to the chart, the only piece of identity we could find was this.”
He handed over an old, false driver's license, letting the other read it aloud, back turned towards the body that lay, rotting on the table.
“His name is…..”
A cold chill went through the still air. The corpse' eyes opened and what was left of the lips created a horrific smirk.