Updated Columnes
Updated Columns

Welcome to Updated Columns, an idea given to us by a very observant reviewer. In this section, we will obviously be posting all of the updates published on the Kiss of Hell, starting with the most recent AND future updates that will be up for debate regarding the opinions of visitors.

September 26, 2004

Newest updates can be found in the Forum, Journal, as well as extra chapters added onto the popular story Monster.

Thats all for now, keep an eye open for new updates.

August 21st, 2004

Bunni FINALLY updated that long awaited In Bed With Bunni thing. What's it about? Aside from the title (which says it all), you'll have to click to find out!

Also, Camaro is moving to South Dakota. That is all.

July 4th, 2004

Hello all. The updates today include a nice fight in the Forum and Camaro's Journal.

July 2, 2004

Bunni Girl recently cracked her radius because the school did not cut down a fucking root which caused her to trip.
While alive, she suffers from constant pain and now cannot sleep properly. She hates everything now. ^_^ And has to type with one fucking hand. Hope for a speedy recovery.

In other news, Bunni Girl and Camaro made a review! On a sidenote, Camaro's is fucking HILARIOUS. Night all!

June 18, 2004

The Link Us page has been set up with banners and a proposition for those curious enough to see. We know you're all DYING to.

In other news, nothing much has happened. We're still waiting for you worthless fucks to start up nonsense in the forum.

In rumor control, there's going to be a possible chat set up later this month (nothing specific, we're not going to give promises...what the hell, we will. We want to break hearts. How's June 25 sound to you?) We'll be BOTH be at the chat to speak to our ADORING fans (big laugh, both sarcastic and vain) perhaps all night long because we feel we should be there for EVERYONE.

Ha. How's that for rumor controlling? Have a nice night, guys.

June 18, 2004

Bunni's Baaaaack. Heh! You actually thought she left, didn't you?
Well, she didn't fuckers! She's back!
Bunni: *pokes head out of kitchen* What's that, love?
Camaro: Uhh.. I also got a new section called "Ghost," which features SCARY stuff. Mwa ha ha ha!
Bunni: *yells again from kitchen* Camaro, what was that evil laugh for?
Camaro: Nothing! *makes quiet chuckle*
Bunni: I heard that.
Camaro: o.O;

Also to come in the future, look forward to a whole section where Camaro talks about sex! So if you're willing, young, and eager (or just about everything else) keep your schedule clear because you'll be up all night looking at the stuff she posts up.
Camaro: YEAH! *goes to devirginize young minds*

Bunni Girl has updated Mirai Trunks Complex (Chapter Two is finally UP!) and has posted a Lover on the Love Wall.

June 6, 2004

Camaro has updated a new review to FireOcean's story, Go here.

In other news, Bunni Girl would like to announce that she is no longer part-owner of the site. She is very sorry for what she has done and feels she doesn't deserve the position at this time. From now on, all emails and such shall be directed to Camaro. Most of content involving her on the site have been erased. Thank you, and have a nice day.

May 31, 2004

The reviews page is up with a mixture of funny and stinging flame/review for a one Veema of FF.net. If you guys want to check it out, do so before we find another victim and this review is stacked back with the others; speaking of reviews, made a lengthier history of it, so now it's not as long for every page (reviews2, reviews3). Enjoy!

May 30, 2004

For all those that had the silent, perhaps repressed anger at the broken links in the fanfiction section, guess what? It's all been fixed. Monster (you actually can read it now), Fathoming Love, and the long-favorite: Dark Angel.

Enjoy, y'all! Future updates in store tomorrow!

May 28, 2004

Guess what?? We recently put up a new forum for you all! To talk shit and stuff! Wahooo!! Go to Hell's Kiss Forum and just go crazy, ya escaped mental patients.

May 25, 2004

Camaro has been submitted into a hospital..

May 22, 2004

Updates today include a new Journal Entry.

May 21, 2004

For those interested, my Journal has been updated. Very fun, very depressing. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.


We have a new loser to laugh at on the Wall of Hate. Make sure to take a moment to laugh with us all.

May 19, 2004

Today, Flame Insurance has been updated with short profiles of all the member names and attributes that add to the group. The offer for admittance still stands to those interested.

Future updates include posting of another chapter of Fathoming Love; an up-to-date Journal entry; a new review for the story Trial of Fire; uploading of a new Kiss of Hell song.
