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Introduction to the Care of the Shorthaired Domestic Cat

I absolutely love this picture of my beautiful pets. This is Fluffy, my tomcat, the love of my life, with his companion, my collie dog Lady Pugsley Anastasia- well, actually she was half collie and half Irish setter. But we just called her Pugs for short. She was born in spring 1989, and died September 13, 2003, at the age of 14 and one half. We had to euthanize her because she was sick and she was full of arthritis and her life was becoming pathetic. So we wouldn't have her suffering. These two are just relaxing in the back yard behind my parents house. This picture was taken in the summer of 1995. I absolutely adored these pets, especially my Fluffy (As you can see, I am a cat lover!) And I miss my two furry friends so much. I am glad though that they are now forevermore free of pain. I decided to make this photo big, dominant, and on the first page of my website. Oh. And did I mention that my two animal friends Fluffy and Pugs are just absolutely ADORABLE?? First of all, I think that is a logical and fitting place in which to create this site, considering that I firmly believe that cats are sweet, purring four legged ANGELS. Hello, everyone. My name is Svetlana Yezhova. I have been a cat guardian since 1987. I got my first cat when I was almost nine, and we had a beautiful sweet relationship for fifteen years. Sadly, in April 2002 Fluffy had to be euthanized due to complications from a heart disease called cardiomyopathy (when the heart muscle thickens greatly or stretches greatly). That year my brother's cat Zoey got pregnant and had three beautiful babies on September 12, 2002. One was a little girl with hair and eye color exactly like my old tomcat Fluffy. So it was that my second cat Princess came into my life. I adopted her on November 25, exactly one month before Christmas Day. I have been a cat lover and cat obssessed for as long as I can remember. Even longer. During my years of being a cat guardian, I have been watching and observing my cats and the cats of my relatives and brother. I've also been reading about cats. So on this website that I started in May 2004 I wish to share and pass on what I have learned about adopting and raising cats to others. Hopefully my knowledge and experience with cats will help other people become more caring, compassionate, and understanding of the beautiful, mysterious and independent-minded being that is a cat. And since mine and my brother's cats are (were) all shorthaired, that's the group I will be talking about on this site. This site is dedicated to six very special cats that I have been very privileged to have in my life. My brother's cat Zoey (born August 2000); her two sons Puss and Gilbert and her daughter Princess; my old cat Fluffy (1987-2002), and one of my aunt's cats, also named Fluffy, who ran away because of abuse. I hope with all of my heart and soul that there will come a time when animals will be given the same status as humans. No longer to be treated as second-class citizens, and no longer will they have to suffer abuse and neglect!

Click here to learn exactly how to go about choosing just the right little furry friend to adopt. Also caring for a pregnant queen.
Click here to learn a little about me. This link takes you to one of my other websites.
Sign my guestbook. I would love to hear from you.
Click here to learn how to care for the little one during the time she spends with her feline family and after you adopt her.
Click here to learn all about spaying and neutering, why it is so important to have this done, and the numerous benefits this surgery offers to both you and your pet.
Click here to learn about how cats communicate with each other and with humans.
Clcik here to learn about declawing, why you should never do it, and some humane alternatives to having declawing done.
