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Illnesses and Ailments

In the Shakespearean / Elizabethan times, no one knew of the importance of sanitation due to microscopic organisms called germs. Because of this unsanitary behavior, people in England at this time were subject to many illnesses, the most popular being the plague. The plague was carried in infected fleas. These fleas would then jump onto rodents and other animals. These animals would come into people's houses and the fleas would eventually jump onto the humans, thus spreading a plague epidemic, which killed over 30,000 people in the year 1603.

There were many other ailments besides the plague, of course. Most are still around in modern times. Below, I have constructed a list of some of the many different illnesses prevalent to the Elizabethan time period.

Source:The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in Renaissance England. By: Kathy Lynn Emerson.