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Welcome To Larryn's Joke Section


Joke: A very sad family waited in the waiting room of the hospital, hoping to hear some good news about their loved one. Finally the docter comes in and says "I am very sorry to say that the only hope for your loved one is a brain transplant. It is very risky but if we don't do it they will die. Insurance will cover operating costs but you will have to supply the brain." There is silence for a while until someone asks "How much does it cost for a brain?" "3,000 for a male brain and 500 for a female brain." says the doc. There is an akward silence as all the males in the room try to conceal their smiles but some smirk openly. After what seemed to be an eternity, somebody asks the long awaited question...."Why is the price difference so enormous??"To that the doctor replies, "Well, isnt it obvious? We have to knock down the prices of the female brain because they've actually been used!"

Joke: There were these 3 fleas. Well, they were all on this naked lady and needed a place to sleep. So, the frist flea said well I'll sleep in the valley (in between her boobs). The second says well I'll sleep in the cave (belly-button). The third flea says well I'll sleep the forest (her you know) so the next day they all met just alittle bit above her belly button. The first flea says well I sleep really well. The second flea says well I sleep really well too. The third flea says well i slept really well until this bald guy came in and spit on me.

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